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LIVE RADIO! Ron Unz on “Gaza and the Antisemitism Hoax”; Peter Koenig on Ukraine-Palestine Wars and Global Totalitarianism

Listen live Fridays noon to 2pm Eastern on Revolution.Radio later archived at First hour: Is animosity against Jews atavistic, irrational, and deplorable? Or can it arise for understandable reasons? In his new article “Gaza and the Antisemitism Hoax” Ron Unz writes: “With perhaps 20,000 Gazan Palestinians having now been slaughtered by Jews, I don’t doubt that the miserable survivors currently feel a great deal of hostility towards the group responsible, but how could we possibility expect anything else? Do we gain any extra insight by labeling this animosity ‘anti-Semitism’?” That’s a very good question. So are the other questions raised in…


LIVE RADIO: Dmitry Orlov on “Wherefore Israel?”, Ken Meyercord Says IDF Killed Civilians on Oct. 7, Sam Husseini on “Israel and the Kennedy Assassinations”

Listen live Fridays noon to 2pm Eastern on Revolution.Radio later archived at First hour: In his new article “Wherefore Israel? Governments of, by, and for the Jews don’t last long” Dmitry Orlov opines that the Zionist entity’s days are numbered, and urges Israelis to flee to the real Jewish homeland: the Jewish Autonomous Region in eastern Russia. Excerpt: “If Israel’s American masters have grown weak, what about the Israeli military itself? Yes, they can still kill tens of thousands of unarmed civilians in Gaza and the West Bank (many people are calling that genocide) but can they win the peace? I…


Laurent Guyénot on Bibi’s Biblical Genocide & JFK Anniversary

Listen HERE Next Wednesday is the 60th anniversary of the JFK coup d’état.  By then we’ll be six weeks into Israel’s genocide of Gaza. Are the two tragedies related? Today’s guest, historian Laurent Guyénot, says yes. Both crimes, he argues, are symptoms of Zionist psychopathy, a malign cultural syndrome whose historical roots go back 3000 years to the dawn of the Yahwist hate cult. Check out his brand-new “Kennedy Assassination: “CIA-Did-It” Theorists Are Covering for Israel,” as well as “The Gospel of Gaza: What we must learn from Netanyahu’s Bible lessons,” “Israel’s Biblical Psychopathy,” and “Kennedy: An Israeli Perspective.” After earning an…


LIVE RADIO! Laurent Guyénot on Bibi’s Biblical Genocide & JFK Anniversary; Maisoon Rice Flays Zionist Shayateen

Listen live Fridays noon to 2pm Eastern on Revolution.Radio later archived at First hour: Next Wednesday is the 60th anniversary of the JFK coup d’état.  By then we’ll be six weeks into Israel’s genocide of Gaza. Are the two tragedies related? Today’s guest, historian Laurent Guyénot, says yes. Both crimes, he argues, are symptoms of Zionist psychopathy, a malign cultural syndrome whose historical roots go back 3000 years to the dawn of the Yahwist hate cult. Check out his latest: “The Gospel of Gaza: What we must learn from Netanyahu’s Bible lessons,” “Israel’s Biblical Psychopathy,” and “Kennedy: An Israeli Perspective.” After…


Jewish Activist Doooovid on Gaza Genocide, Eschatology, and the Blood Sacrifice Temple

Listen HERE Doooovid (check out his X/Twitter feed) is an independent Jewish thinker and interfaith activist. A strongly religious Jew who opposes Zionism, his distaste for Israel may be one reason that our cordial conversation on Jewish identity and anti-Semitism was censored by YouTube. Doooovid says “pray for the peaceful dismantling of the Zionist regime—and the Dome on the Rock.” He wants to convince Muslims to demolish the Dome, the heart of Masjid al-Aqsa, Islam’s greatest architectural and spiritual monument, so Jews can build a blood sacrifice temple and slaughter animals there as instructed in the Book of Leviticus. I like Doooovid…


Joel Simpson: Was Al-Aqsa Storm Another 1916 Easter Uprising?

Listen HERE Joel Simpson has “had careers in college teaching, jazz piano and music software” but is happiest now as a professional photographer. He also has a good eye for truth (as opposed to “public myth.”) When I was censored at the Left Forum in New York, Joel wrote a terrific report. In it, he writes: “Growing up, as I did, in the traumatic shadow of the Holocaust, I embraced Zionism as a young person—it was the dominant ideology of my Jewish education—insensitive to its implicit racism, and only came to realize its truly oppressive dimensions in the early 1980s.” Since…


LIVE RADIO! Alex Krainer on “Life Outside the Western Matrix”, James Perloff Argues for 10/7 False Flag

Listen live Fridays noon to 2pm Eastern on Revolution.Radio later archived at First hour: Back from the Eurasian Economic Forum in Uzbekistan, Alex Krainer says life outside the Western matrix has never been better: “In Samarkand I met three westerners who live in Russia – an American, a German and a Swiss. I asked them how life in Russia was these days in the shadow of the war in Ukraine and under heavy-handed western sanctions. All three said life was great. The American gentleman said, ‘life was never better.’ To someone living the everyday reality of the western asylum, their descriptions…


Debating “Anti-Semitism” with John Kaminski

Listen HERE Guest: John Kaminski, author of the “The New Nakba”. As the mass-murder of Palestinian women and children accelerates, MSM genocide propagandists are protected. But truth-tellers whose only crime is being a bit too excitable, like today’s Truth Jihad Radio guest John Kaminski, face career destruction and sometimes legal jeopardy. Kaminski, a former mainstream journalist exiled from the field for “anti-Semitism,” was my first-ever Truth Jihad Radio guest almost exactly 17 years ago. I kicked him off the show because what he was saying about “the Jews” sounded too extreme. Today, I’m not sure anybody can say anything extreme…


Kevin MacDonald on Israel-Palestine and more

Listen HERE Evolutionary Psychology professor Kevin MacDonald has recently posted about thedoxxing and smearing of Harvard students who support Palestine; an alleged Danish bad experience with Palestinian immigrants; and a politically-incorrect piece on the conflict in Occupied Palestine that will annoy people on both sides. Do Palestine and the USA both have an immigration problem? If so, Palestine’s is obviously orders of magnitude worse. Or so it seems to me. But let’s check with Prof. MacDonald and get his take. Excerpts: “I don’t want Palestinian immigration into this country either. But I’m mainly concerned about the Jewish issue. We had…


LIVE RADIO: Joel Simpson and Doooovid Offer Jewish Secular/Religious Perspectives on the War for Palestine

Listen live Fridays noon to 2pm Eastern on Revolution.Radio later archived at The American Jewish community is in turmoil over the Gaza concentration camp breakout and subsequent genocidal bombing campaign. While a few Americans of Jewish ethnicity side with the Palestinian Resistance (check out my interview with David Rovics) the wealthier and more powerful element—the one that dominates US media and politics—has united behind the genocide, and forced the US to back it. But many American Jews, especially younger ones, are losing their taste for Zionism. I thought this might be an interesting time to check back in with two Jewish…

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