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LIVE RADIO: Dmitry Orlov on “Wherefore Israel?”, Ken Meyercord Says IDF Killed Civilians on Oct. 7, Sam Husseini on “Israel and the Kennedy Assassinations”

Listen live Fridays noon to 2pm Eastern on Revolution.Radio later archived at First hour: In his new article “Wherefore Israel? Governments of, by, and for the Jews don’t last long” Dmitry Orlov opines that the Zionist entity’s days are numbered, and urges Israelis to flee to the real Jewish homeland: the Jewish Autonomous Region in eastern Russia. Excerpt: “If Israel’s American masters have grown weak, what about the Israeli military itself? Yes, they can still kill tens of thousands of unarmed civilians in Gaza and the West Bank (many people are calling that genocide) but can they win the peace? I…


LIVE RADIO! Robert Fantina and Sam Husseini on Western Media’s Incitement to Genocide

Listen live Fridays noon to 2pm Eastern on Revolution.Radio later archived at First hour: I have spoken with author, journalist, and human rights activist Robert Fantina often on Press TV—most recently last week.  Today he joins my radio show for the first time. We’ll discuss his new article “Gaza and the Israeli War.” Excerpt: “Major news outlets are treating this as a ‘terrorist’ act, Israel’s ‘9-11’, and not the response of a people who have suffered greatly under the brutal hand of an occupying nation for decades. They decry Palestinian violence, as they ignore that of Israel. Few, if any, journalists…