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LIVE RADIO: Dmitry Orlov on “Wherefore Israel?”, Ken Meyercord Says IDF Killed Civilians on Oct. 7, Sam Husseini on “Israel and the Kennedy Assassinations”

Listen live Fridays noon to 2pm Eastern on Revolution.Radio later archived at First hour: In his new article “Wherefore Israel? Governments of, by, and for the Jews don’t last long” Dmitry Orlov opines that the Zionist entity’s days are numbered, and urges Israelis to flee to the real Jewish homeland: the Jewish Autonomous Region in eastern Russia. Excerpt: “If Israel’s American masters have grown weak, what about the Israeli military itself? Yes, they can still kill tens of thousands of unarmed civilians in Gaza and the West Bank (many people are calling that genocide) but can they win the peace? I…


Dmitry Orlov on “Ukraine: Everything You Know Is Wrong”; Nahed al-Huseini Agrees

Listen HERE First half hour: Dmitry Orlov weighs in on Ukraine. In today’s Orwellian America, “war is peace, freedom is slavery, and ignorance is strength”—or so the mainstream media tell us. But in reality, the truth is usually pretty much the opposite of whatever the MSM says. That seems to be the case with Ukraine, where the people we’re told are good guys are actually bloodthirsty zio-nazis, and the Russian cleanup (of US race-specific biological weapons, among other things) is more than justified, according to Truth Jihad Radio guest Dmitry Orlov. Dmitry Orlov was born in Leningrad, USSR, into an academic…


Dmitry Orlov: Will microchip crisis take down US empire?

Listen HERE Writer, engineer, and collapse expert Dmitry Orlov has been arguing for 25 years that the USA is heading for a disaster worse than the one Russia suffered after the implosion of the USSR. His new article “The Technosphere chokes on a chip” suggests that a shortage of microchips could set off a cascade of disasters that would greatly degrade, if not eliminate, the US empire…and maybe even technological civilization: “When looking around for a first casualty of collapse, the global semiconductor industry makes a strong candidate. It is very energy-hungry and extremely capital-intensive. It relies on a steady,…