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LIVE RADIO! Alex Krainer on “Life Outside the Western Matrix”, James Perloff Argues for 10/7 False Flag

Listen live Fridays noon to 2pm Eastern on Revolution.Radio later archived at First hour: Back from the Eurasian Economic Forum in Uzbekistan, Alex Krainer says life outside the Western matrix has never been better: “In Samarkand I met three westerners who live in Russia – an American, a German and a Swiss. I asked them how life in Russia was these days in the shadow of the war in Ukraine and under heavy-handed western sanctions. All three said life was great. The American gentleman said, ‘life was never better.’ To someone living the everyday reality of the western asylum, their descriptions…


Dean Henderson sticks it to the Matrix, Alan Hart sticks it to the Zionist lobby

Mon. 1/14/13, 3-5 pm Central,  American Freedom Radio  (archived here.) First hour: Dean Henderson is a national treasure. A journalist who got more and more “alternative” as he pursued truth wherever it led, Dean is currently one of the most eloquent freedom-fighters resisting the illuminati matrix and its backers in big banking and big oil.    Dean has been able to lead a very rich life, and travel like a jet-setter only better, without selling out, and without being enslaved by the money machine. His book Sticking It to the Matrix explains how. Second hour: Alan Hart is the author of…