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FFWN: Exposing Hoax Election—and “Borat’s Holohoax”—with E. Michael Jones

Broadcast live 11 to noon Eastern Saturdays on PSAs 1) Help FFWN (and Trump and Biden?!) Tell the Truth! 2) Take Action: Join CHD in Urging Congress to Investigate the Origins of COVID-19 3) 16 Glaring Parallels Between the 9/11 and COVID Ops SEE ALSO 3A) Another “Glaring Parallel”: Anti-9/11-Truth Commissar Cass Sunstein Hired by WHO to Brainwash Public to Take Covid Vaccine Presidential Follies 4) Does It Really Matter Who Wins the US Presidential Election? 5) MSM: Disregard Hunter Biden Story, It’s All Russia’s Fault! 6) Trump, like Biden, Has $ in China 7) False flag? October surprise? Attorneys for…


FFWN: Ban “Conspiracy Theories that Justify Real-World Violence” – Like the 9/11 Official Conspiracy Theory?

  Broadcast live Fridays 11 to noon Eastern on PSAs  1) Defund the Department of COVIDland Security—Support FFWN Instead! CLICK ON:  2) Will the 2020 Election Be Stolen–Webinar Oct 25th Fix America? 3) Help Red-Pill JFK biographer Fredrik Logevall 4) Fix America by Undoing Decades of Privatization War Is Over if You Want It 5) John Lennon at 80: One Man Against the Deep State ‘Monster’ 6) As War Danger Mounts in the Arctic, Peace Hinges on a Revival of the Wallace Doctrine Conspiracy Theorist in Chief? 7) Trump Retweets “Obama Staged Fake Osama Killing”…


FFWN: Why Choose the Lesser Evil?

Watch live Saturdays 11 to noon Eastern on This episode features author and geopolitics analyst Eric Walberg PSAs 1) Help FFWN Show that the Lesser Evil is Still Evil! 2) Will the 2020 Election Be Stolen–Webinar Oct 25th Crimes of Ibn Saud 3) Palestinian Islamic Jihad slams Arab League 4) Shaikh Sudais Desecrates Masjid al Haram by Kowtowing to Zionists 5) Khashoggi “Murdered to Silence Him” Ahead of Meeting with 9/11 Families Crimes of Zion 6) Palestinians with Jewish Ancestry Welcome in Spain—But Not Occupied Palestine! 7) THE REAL CANCEL CULTURE: PRO-ISRAEL BLACKLISTS 7B) Zionist Puppet Trump Imposes Crushing New Iran…


FFWN: Orchestrated COVID Crisis: Engineering Global Dystopia?

Watch live every Saturday 11 to noon Eastern on Guest host Lucy Morgan Edwards is a journalist, author, election monitor and former political advisor to the European Union ambassador in Kabul, Afghanistan. She is the author of The Afghan Solution: The inside story of Abdul Haq, the CIA and how western hubris lost Afghanistan. PSAs 1) Help FFWN Expose Baal vs. Moloch Election 1A)  Muse the cat says if you folks don’t pay up he will order me to abandon FFWN and make cat videos instead! 2) Will the 2020 Election Be Stolen–Webinar Oct 25th 3) Experts and 9/11 Families…


FFWN: RIP André Vltchek (with co-host Barrie Zwicker)

Read Barrie Zwicker’s article Is Trump a Fascist? It’s Much Worse PSAs 1) Help Unmask Reality—Support FFWN 2) New Thrive Movie! Watch Now, Party Tomorrow (Sat. 4 p.m. Eastern, 1 pm Pacific) 3) RIP Andre Vltchek Continuity of Government 4) Trump: “Get rid of the ballots and there won’t be a transfer of power, there will be a continuation…” 5) Why Trump could possibly end up “behind bars” if he loses 6) Trump supporters try to obstruct early voters at polling site in Virginia 7) Atlantic Magazine: “Lights Are Blinking Red for Demise of Democracy—Just Like Before 9/11!” 8)…


FFWN: 2001 Anthrax Anniversary: BioWar = ZioWar? (with J. Michael Springmann)

Watch live 11 to noon Eastern on PSA 1) Help FFWN Expose Biowar & Ziowar! Biowar 2) A Hacker Said He Had Proof the CIA Caused the Anthrax Attacks. They Had Him Arrested for Child Porn. 3) Twitter bans Chinese virologist claiming that coronavirus was made in a lab 4) Facebook Censors Tucker Carlson, WaPo Lies Claiming “Scientific Consensus” Against Made-in-Lab Hypothesis 5) Biowar Criminals Fabricated Risible “Scientific Consensus” Mad King Trump? 6) Trump suggests he would ‘negotiate’ a 3rd term as president because he is ‘probably entitled’ to it 7) Trump keeps telling people to vote twice,…


FFWN: 9/11 and the Death of the American Dream

 ANNOUNCEMENT! 9/11 ANNIVERSARY EVENT TODAY IN MADISON: 6 pm, Garner Park, 333 S. Rosa Rd., Madison, WI. PSAs 1) Help FFWN Defeat YouTube Censorship 2) Watch 2020 9/11 Truth Film Festival 9/11 Truth Film Festival. 3) Justice Rising Live Stream from AE911truth FREE Sept 11-13 9/11 Wars 4) 9/11 and Death of the American Dream 5) New Costs of War Study: 37 Million Displaced by U.S. Post-9/11 Wars Wisconsin Crackdowns  6) YouTube Disrupts FFWN, Freezes Kevin’s Channel Using Spurious Charge of “Impersonation” 7) More Wisconsin Chaos: Man Faces Year In Prison and $10,000 Fine for ‘Dirty Jew’ Slur Jeffrey…


FFWN: What If We Told You the “News” Is Just a Distraction?

 Watch FFWN live every Saturday 11 to noon Eastern on PSAs  1) “What If I Told You” FFWN Needs Your Support? 2) Justice Rising Live Stream from AE911truth FREE Sept 11-13 3) 9/11 Families and Experts to Appeal Egregious NIST Building 7 Decision 4) Coming Soon! 9/11 Truth Film Festival. 5) If You’re Near Madison WI on 9/11/2020… COVID Unveiled 6) RFK Jr. Speech at Berlin Corona Demonstration 7) “Reichstag Stormed by Corona Deniers”: New Gladio False Flag in Berlin? 8) A top White House coronavirus adviser is reportedly pushing the Trump administration to adopt a controversial ‘herd…


FFWN: “Reproaching Evildoers” with E. Michael Jones

Broadcasts Saturdays live 11 to noon Eastern on PSAs 1) Help FFWN Reproach Evildoers! 2) Limited Webinar tickets–The 9/11 Truth Film Festival will be ONLINE this year on Sept. 10th 3) Madison WI 9/11 Event: “Remembering 9/11, Reproaching Evildoers” 4) Organizers of August 1st Berlin Demonstration (800k people) planning huge Europe-wide demo Aug. 29 Wisconsin Burning 5) Jacob Blake Shooting: What Happened in Kenosha, Wisconsin? 6) Buildings burned, businesses looted amid protests in Kenosha 7) Jacob Blake case: Madison protests turn to looting, unrest in second night following Kenosha police shooting 8) Teenage Vigilante Accused of Shooting 3, 2…


FFWN: MSM’s War on “Conspiracy Theories” vs. Truth Insurgency

Watch live 11 to noon Eastern on This week’s guest commentator: Canadian human rights lawyer Ed Corrigan PSAs 1) Help FFWN Say 2 + 2 = 4 2) Limited Webinar tickets–The 9/11 Truth Film Festival will be ONLINE this year on Sept. 10th 3 )Justice for Geoff: A Conversation with 9/11 Family Member Matt Campbell Beirut Bombing 4) Is Mossad Leaking to Deflect Blame for Israel’s Role in Beirut Disaster? 5) Phil Giraldi: Mainstream Media Is the Enabler of American Dysfunction War on “Conspiracy Theories” 6) ‘Is that such a bad thing?’: Trump willing to help QAnon conspiracy theorists…

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