Listen live 8 to 10 Eastern on Revolution.Radio later archived at First hour: Former MSM journalist Greg Felton discusses his new book SARS-COV2: Contagion, Collusion, Corruption. Greg writes: “Evidence that this virus was made in a laboratory is overwhelming and unimpeachable, yet the standard line is still that it came from nature despite the fact that every nature-based argument has collapsed.” He also questions the safety and efficacy of experimental vaccines. (Are people allowed to say such things?!) Second hour: Dr. Ridgley Abdul-Mumin Muhammad of the Nation of Islam discusses one of the Nation’s most famous members, Muhammad Ali, in light of the…
FULL ARTICLEAuthor: Kevin Barrett
FFWN: The Ministry of Truth Has NOT Approved this Broadcast!
Broadcasts live (barring further censorship) 11 to noon Saturdays at my YouTube channel and below: Guest commentator Cat McGuire PSA 1) Defy the Ministry of Truth! Support FFWN Vaxxed! 2) Did Israeli vaccine kill 40x more elderly than the disease would have killed? To know, we need better debunking 3) Younger Members of the U.S. Military Are Shunning the Vaccine in Droves 4) Fauci says pandemic won’t end till 110% of the population is vaccinated (satire) Religious Objections 5) Cells taken from aborted fetuses for COVID-19 vaccines cause moral dilemma for some Canadian Catholics…
FULL ARTICLEGrandfather arrested, grandchildren expelled for “possession and use of Dr. Seuss”
Dissociated Press A Florida man is in prison, and his grandchildren have been expelled from school, in the wake of the FBI’s first major crackdown on illicit Dr. Seuss books. Benjamin B. Bicklebaum, 73, of Tarpon Springs, Florida was arrested last night after a SWAT team raid uncovered what authorities called “an extremely disturbing collection of extremist literature.” Bicklebaum, who faces seventeen counts of domestic extremism and terrorism charges, was allegedly found in possession of an extremely dangerous arsenal of Dr. Seuss books featuring racist, sexist, anti-Semitic, and transphobic images and tropes. If convicted, Bicklebaum faces up to 140 years…
FULL ARTICLEDid Israeli vaccine kill 40x more elderly than the disease would have killed? To know, we need better debunking
UPDATE FRIDAY MARCH 5: THE PATRICK DELANEY ARTICLE DISCUSSED HERE (SEE SCREENSHOT ABOVE) HAS BEEN REMOVED FROM THE CHILDREN’S HEALTH DEFENSE WEBSITE By Kevin Barrett Did the Pfizer vaccine in Israel kill 40 times more elderly, and 260 times more younger people, than COVID itself would have killed? That is the assertion in the headline of an article by Patrick Delaney, published in Childrens’ Health Defense. How should we go about “fact-checking” this kind of controversial claim? I spent many years teaching critical thinking in colleges and universities, so my way of approaching such questions focuses on logic and evidence. Oddly,…
FULL ARTICLEMark Anderson on COVID & “Global Cities”: Back Door to World Government?
Listen HERE The road to global tyranny runs through national governments relinquishing their sovereignty. Most opponents of the New World Order have assumed the process would be top-down. But now a consortium of oligarchs and their pet politicians are making an end run around national sovereignty from the bottom up, by unplugging the world’s biggest cities from their nations, and plugging them into a bankster-dominated Global Cities network. Who’s behind this? The Council on Foreign Relations and its spin-offs…the Bilderbergs…the Chicago-ruling Pritzker family…the Trilateralists…the Brookings Institution…in other words, the usual suspects. How much power do cities and their mayors really…
FULL ARTICLEFauci says pandemic won’t end till 110% of the population is vaccinated
Dissociated Press In a stern warning to the American public, COVID czar Anthony Fauci said this morning that masking, social distancing, small business shutdowns, job losses, media fearmongering, oligarch profiteering, Orwellian censorship and surveillance, and his own fifteen minutes of fame will continue forever, because the crisis will not end until at least 110% of the population is vaccinated. “Think of it this way,” the avuncular pandemic poobah explained. “The best vaccine, Moderna’s, only has a 90% success rate. So what percent of the population would you have to vaccinate to get to 100% success? You don’t need a calculator…
FULL ARTICLEUS says Bin Salman butchered Khashoggi — and won’t be punished
Trump said “elect me and you’ll find out who really blew up the World Trade Center – hint hint, it was the Saudis!” But once elected, he befriended the same Saudi gangsters he had called 9/11 perps! Will Biden, who campaigned on promises of justice for Khashoggi, likewise change his tune now that he’s president and a tool of the Deep State? Press TV: A declassified US intelligence report has revealed that Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman – known by his initials as MBS – has ordered and directed the gruesome killing of Saudi opposition journalist Jamal Khashoggi.…
FULL ARTICLESterling Harwood on “Paul Is Dead,” “Moon Hoax,” and Other “Outrageous Conspiracy Theories”
Listen HERE Philosophy professor Sterling Harwood, another academician who isn’t afraid of controversial topics, discusses his excellent book The Greatest Mystery of the Beatles: Critical Thinking on Paul is Dead & the Skeptical Sixties. Is there really any evidence suggesting that Paul McCartney died in 1966 and was replaced by a look-alike (of equal or greater talent and able to play left-handed bass while singing Paul-style harmonies?!) The surprising answer is yes, there is actually some interesting prima facie evidence…in fact, a very long list of clues, some of them more interesting than others. So what is the best explanation for…
FULL ARTICLEMichael Rectenwald on “Great Reset Rubric = Dystopia”
Listen HERE Michael Rectenwald stood strong for academic freedom at NYU for several years. Now he’s retired and still making waves! His new article “The Great Reset Rubric: Making Sense of Our Present Dystopia” argues that the oligarchs are using COVID as an excuse to impose “corporate socialism” i.e. neo-feudalism. Woke ideology and cancel culture, he says, are tools of the neo-feudalists: “Wokeness works by habituating the majority to the reduced expectations of the Great Reset. It does so by instilling a belief in the unworthiness of the majority to thrive, prosper, and enjoy their lives.”
FULL ARTICLELIVE RADIO! Michael Rectenwald on “Great Reset Rubric = Dystopia”; Sterling Harwood on “Paul Is Dead,” “Moon Hoax,” and Other “Outrageous Conspiracy Theories”
Listen live 8 to 10 Eastern on Revolution.Radio later archived at First hour: Michael Rectenwald stood strong for academic freedom at NYU for several years. Now he’s retired and still making waves! His new article “The Great Reset Rubric: Making Sense of Our Present Dystopia” argues that the oligarchs are using COVID as an excuse to impose “corporate socialism” i.e. neo-feudalism. Woke ideology and cancel culture, he says, are tools of the neo-feudalists: “Wokeness works by habituating the majority to the reduced expectations of the Great Reset. It does so by instilling a belief in the unworthiness of the majority to…