Listen live Fridays 8 to 10 Eastern on Revolution.Radio later archived at First hour: Thomas Willcutts, an attorney who specializes in going after banksters, says false flag plots often feature a fallback Plan B. He writes: “Listening to Geert Vanden Bossche, I was struck by his response to the question posed to him in the interview – ‘Did governments really have any choice but to deploy their experimental vaccines – where being seen to do nothing is not a practical alternative for a government?’ Vanden Bossche’s response to that question, invoking the hippocratic oath of ‘do no harm,’ completely ignored curative…
FULL ARTICLEAuthor: Kevin Barrett
FFWN: Whence COVID? Why Is It Hitting Some Countries Harder than Others? (with John Hankey)
Broadcasts live 11 to noon Eastern Saturdays —watch live above or at With John Hankey, director of the documentary COVID-19 Inside Job PSAs 1) Help FFWN stand up for our right to breathe a word of truth…and just plain breathe 2) Newly discovered eyewitness account puts NIST in a corner on WTC 7 explosions Colorado False Flag? 3) Suspect in Colorado grocery store shooting faces 10 counts of murder, police say 4) Boulder Smells Like Another False Flag 5) Newsweek equates QAnon “nobody died” disinfo with term “false flag” 6) Mainstream Media Exposed Coordinating Identical Mass…
FULL ARTICLEKrispy Kreme Now Offering 10 FREE DONUTS PER DAY to Anyone Vaccinated for COVID
Dissociated Press Thanks to a 10 billion dollar grant from the Bill and Melinda Gates Depopulation Fund, Krispy Kreme Donuts is upping the ante and raising its vaccination bribe for people who show their vaccination card. Instead of just one donut per day, Krispy Kreme will now feed you ten donuts per day for the rest of 2021 if you can prove you’ve been vaccinated. “The vaccine hasn’t been killing people fast enough,” Gates explained, “and its anti-fertility effects, alongside those of the virus, haven’t been sufficient to promote the kind of depopulation that Melinda and I would like to…
FULL ARTICLEFootball Is Anti-Semitic. Here’s How to Fix It.
Dissociated Press Guest op-ed by Jonathan Greenbutt, Anti-Defecation League Anti-Semitism in sports is totally out of control. First, NBA power forward Leonard Myers unknowingly used an obsolete slur while playing a video game. Then the Duxbury Durchgangslagers, a Massachussetts high school football team, got caught calling Nazi plays. Fortunately the coach was fired. He’ll never work in this town again. Nor will any of his players, nor the cheerleaders, nor anybody else from that school. Even the janitor will never mop floors again. They’re on our list, and they’ll never get off. Satisfying as such punishments are, they don’t address the…
FULL ARTICLEAlan Sabrosky: American Universities Have Gone Insane!
Listen to the audio HERE Alan “Doc” Sabrosky has been called “the most censored man in America.” I should know. I was the one who called him that. The former Director of Strategic Studies at the US Army War College (and NOT a “retired Marine officer” as Wikipedia still says after being corrected dozens of times) Dr. Sabrosky first gained severe notoriety by arguing that Israel did 9/11 — a story he was kind enough to break on my radio show. Now he’s back on my show causing more trouble. This time his target is politically-correct academia and its phony…
FULL ARTICLENBA Player Will Clean Toilets for 5 Years to Atone for Shouting Anti-Irish Slur
Which Proves There Is No Such Thing as “Irish Power” Dissociated Press Leonard Meyers, 29-year-old power forward for the Alaska Cool, has been traded to Siberia, where he will clean toilets for a new Russian NBA franchise for five years to atone for shouting an anti-Irish slur while playing a video game. Myers found himself embroiled in controversy earlier this month after he repeatedly screamed the anti-Irish expletive “mick” while playing the popular “Stone the Stones” video game. The game involves players throwing rocks at members of a famous rock band, with points awarded for direct hits. The former NBA…
FULL ARTICLERon Unz on “Impact and Origins of COVID-19”
Listen HERE Ron Unz, author of the new “American Pravda: Covid-19 Its Impact and Origins After One Year As We Rapidly Approach a Million American Deaths” offers the best-supported hypothesis about where COVID-19 came from. Though the Establishment doesn’t like the people who downplay or deny the threat of COVID-19, they are still all over social media and get a fair bit of favorable attention in pro-Trump conservative MSM. That same Establishment absolutely loathes and completely blacks out those who, like Ron Unz, point the finger at the most likely culprits. For details on the “Unz Blackout” read Ron’s articles…
FULL ARTICLEFive Who Used Marijuana in Past Exit White House — The Rest Will Keep Using in Present and Future
Dissociated Press Five White House advisors who used marijuana in the past, but have given it up in the present and vowed not to partake in the future, have been ignominiously booted from the Biden Administration. Press Secretary Jen Psaki explained: “The President (cough, cough) wants only fully-qualified stoners—people who are truly high on America, and who are smoking weed right now at this very moment (whushshshshshsh) and who will keep right on toking till doomsday. Ex-users, T-breakers, and others who are not fried, stoned, baked, bouldered, blitzed, blazed, dazed & confused, short-term-memory-impaired, and looking just as clueless and brain-dead…
FULL ARTICLESoren Korsgaard on the COVID “Deadly Deception”
Listen HERE Soren Korsgaard discuses his new edited book Deadly Deception Exposed. Soren felt that last week’s guest Dr. Gideon Polya, a contributor to the book, was unrepresentative of the other contributors, in that Dr. Polya accepts the mainstream view of COVID-19 and supports masks, distancing, and lockdowns. Most of the other co-authors, notably German physician Dr. Reiner Fullmich, do not. And neither does Soren, who offers a critique of COVID panic as an orchestrated deception designed to usher in the Great Reset.
FULL ARTICLELIVE RADIO! Ron Unz and Soren Korsgaard: Two very different views of the COVID catastrophe
Listen live Fridays 8 to 10 Eastern on Revolution.Radio later archived at Mainstream media, including internet oligarch owned social media, has worked overtime to suppress two very different categories of alternative views of COVID-19. The first category consists of those who downplay or in some cases even deny the pandemic. These folks make various sorts of claims including: The COVID death numbers are exaggerated; test results are meaningless; masks are useless or worse; there is no need for social distancing or lockdowns; vaccines will do more harm than good; the whole thing is a hoax designed to get rid of Trump…