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LIVE RADIO! Zoey O’Toole of Children’s Health Defense on “Turtles All the Way Down”; Sterling Harwood Goes to Mars to “Prove the Bible Is Mistaken”

Listen live Fridays 8 to 10 Eastern on Revolution.Radio later archived at First hour: Zoey O’Toole, editor of the anonymously-authored new book Turtles All the Way Down: Vaccine Science and Myth. Q: Why are “anti-vaxxers” so relentlessly smeared in the media? A: Because ad hominems are the best way to distract people from  scientific facts when those facts prove inconvenient to the powerful financial interests pushing pro-vaccine mythology. (That’s why the author of Turtles has chosen to remain anonymous, forcing critics to engage with the message rather than kill the messenger.) Almost three decades ago, before the emergence of the internet…


Biden Launches WWIII Under Cover of Hurricane Ian

Nordstream Attack Was #4 on Wednesday’s WAPO List of Top News Stories By Kevin Barrett The timing was certainly curious. Just as Hurricane Ian, one of the worst ever to make landfall in the US, was poised to slam into Florida, dominating news headlines, parties (not so) unknown blew up the Nordstream pipelines, sending the biggest ever burst of methane, the most potent climate change gas, into the atmosphere, and condemning Europe to a cold, dark winter of potential mass starvation. The terrorist attack on Nordstream immediately followed the Donbass referendum in which voters in the eastern Russian-speaking regions of…


FFWN: Donbass Joins Russia, Biden Blows Up Nordstream (with Cat McGuire)

Broadcasts live 11 to noon Eastern Saturdays — watch the full uncensored version above live or archived PSAs 1) Help FFWN Repel the Robot Insects Nuke Nuke Who’s There? Nobody 2) 60th Anniversary of Cuban Missile Crisis: Find a “Defuse Nuclear War” Protest Near You! 3) The Able Archer Nuclear Test: “The Greatest Intelligence Failure in U.S. History” Hurricane Washes Nordstream from Headlines 4) Worse Than Katrina? It Appears That We Just Witnessed The Most Costly Natural Disaster In U.S. History By A Wide Margin 5) Biden Launches WWIII Under Cover of Hurricane Ian Terrorists…


Gordon Duff on Aafia Siddiqui, Eric Gajewski on Culture Wars & End Times

Listen HERE First half hour: Scheduled guest Al-Hajj Mauri’ Saalakhan of the Aafia Foundation, named in honor of Aafia Siddiqui, couldn’t make it, so Gordon Duff of Veterans Today and The Intel Drop filled in. Dr. Aafia Siddiqui was the victim of what Ramsey Clark called “the worst case of individual injustice I have ever witnessed.” A brilliant neuroscientist (MIT-Brandeis) and leading Islamic activist, Dr. Aafia Siddiqui was crucified by the 9/11 perp neocons not because of anything she did, but purely to terrorize and intimidate other anti-Zionist Muslims. Obviously innocent of any crime, yet held without charges and tortured and…


LIVE RADIO! Interfaith Special: Gordon Duff on Aafia Siddiqui, Eric Gajewski on Culture Wars, Brian Ruhe and Apollonian on Buddhist Nazis vs. Satanists

Listen live Fridays 8 to 10 Eastern on Revolution.Radio later archived at First half hour: Scheduled guest Al-Hajj Mauri’ Saalakhan of the Aafia Foundation, named in honor of Aafia Siddiqui, couldn’t make it, so Gordon Duff of Veterans Today and The Intel Drop filled in. Dr. Aafia Siddiqui was the victim of what Ramsey Clark called “the worst case of individual injustice I have ever witnessed.” A brilliant neuroscientist (MIT-Brandeis) and leading Islamic activist, Dr. Aafia Siddiqui was crucified by the 9/11 perp neocons not because of anything she did, but purely to terrorize and intimidate other anti-Zionist Muslims. Obviously innocent of…


Riots in Iran: Another CIA Coup Attempt?

By Kevin Barrett, Veterans Today Editor When the CIA overthrew the democratically-elected Mossadegh government in 1953, it brought rent-a-mobs into the streets of Tehran to provide cover for the coup. As I said two years ago reviewing films and books offering new information about the 1953 events: And we learned in the book The Coup that the gangsters of south Tehran—the two leading gangsters were nicknamed Icy Ramadan and Brainless Shaban—these thugs were paid vast amounts of money by the US and British intelligence agencies to organize fake protests to pay gangsters and mobsters to come out into the streets…


FFWN: BREAKING! World War III Hasn’t QUITE Happened Yet

Broadcasts live 11 to noon Eastern Saturdays — watch the full uncensored version above live or archived This week’s guest commentator: J. Michael Springmann PSA 1) Help FFWN Stave off World War III, I Mean Bankruptcy, for at Least One More Week SMO Ends, War Begins? 2) Russia to begin partial mobilization – Putin 3) “This Is Not a Bluff”: Putin Ready to Use Nukes to Defend Russia 4) Text of Putin’s Mobilization Speech 5) “Russia drafts anti-war protesters into military” shrieks CNN 6) Brainwashed for War With Russia (Ray McGovern) 7) Russia will…


Jila Ansari Offers a Different Perspective on Iran, Religion, and Zionism

Listen HERE Jila Ansari of is an Iranian-American long resident in the US. She has appeared on Ken Meyercord’s WorldDocs show to discuss Iran, Abrahamic monotheism, the social and political dimensions of religion, and related topics—offering perspectives that are very different from those ordinarily heard on Truth Jihad Radio. Her take on Zionism, however, is right at home here!


Meryl Nass and Ron Unz on “Lancet Blames US for COVID

Listen HERE On Thursday the Anglo-Zionist Empire’s Mockingbird media assets suddenly started chanting choreographed slurs against Jeffrey Sachs—who suspects COVID originated in a US biowar lab—and The Lancet, the world’s leading medical journal, which just issued a report on COVID origins. (Sachs chaired The Lancet‘s COVID Commission.) Tonight’s first hour guests, bioweapons expert Meryl Nass and COVID origins expert Ron Unz, peel back the layers of media obfuscation to expose the biggest COVID scandal of all. First half-hour: Meryl Nass was one of the first to ask: “Why are some of the US’ top scientists making a specious argument about…


WEF Withdraws “Eat Bugs” Edict

Recommends Synthetic Insects Instead Dissociated Press The World Economic Forum has withdrawn its demand that people start eating bugs. Klaus Schlob, chair of the WEF’s Dietary Dystopias Committee, called a press conference in Davos yesterday to formally repudiate an earlier WEF communiqué headlined “You Will Eat Bugs and Be Happy.” That document had argued that traditional sources of protein such as meat, dairy, eggs, fish, beans, and nuts are unsustainable and should be abandoned in favor of insect-based protein alternatives including MaggotMeat(TM), cockroach chips, spider spaghetti, lice cream, anty pasto, and other tasty bits of “grub.” “The trouble with real…

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