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FFWN: Trump vs. Biden, Musk vs. Zuckerberg: Cage Fights or Professional Wrestling?

Rumble link Bitchute link Full uncensored FFWN posted above by 1 pm Eastern time Saturdays This week’s guest commentator: Jim Fetzer (who is replacing Mike Rivero on RBN beginning Monday) PSA 1) Help FFWN Expose the Spectacle Ukraine: “Carefully Planned Operation”? 2) Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky Came to Power in Carefully Planned Operation Coordinated by Western Intelligence Services, Says Former U.S. Diplomat (FFWN’s own J. Michael Springmann!) 3) NATO Official Suggests Ukraine Could Cede Territory 4) NATO Official Calls Comments on Ukraine Ceding Territory a ‘Mistake’ Niger 5) AFRICA’S NATO? HOW ECOWAS BECAME A TOOL FOR WESTERN…


John Waters: “Trust the Experts” Is the Virus

Listen HERE Irish journalist John Waters discusses his new article “‘Trust the Experts’ Is the Virus.” In it he cites comedian Jimmy Dore’s bit on COVID-era mass formation psychosis, which in retrospect was hilarious as well as terrifying. But what’s so funny about mass hysteria? Waters: “We come back to the hypothesis of the French philosopher Henri Bergson. In his book, Laughter — An Essay on the Meaning of the Comic, in which he proposes that humour derives fundamentally from rigidity in human behaviours and affairs. We find funny,  he says, anything that breaks away from the natural patterns of human life,…


Jimmy Walter on Self-Exile from Imploding USA (and More)

Listen HERE Philanthropist Jimmy Walter fled the USA in January, 2005 after a series of threats and vandalism attacks related to his 9/11 truth activism—which included funding full-page ads in the New York Times and Washington Post, distributing more than 300,000 copies of his Confronting the Evidence DVD, and sponsoring several conferences and speaking events. Jimmy recently emailed me to recommend Matt Taibbi’s article “Campaign 2024, Officially Chaos“—which, like Ron Unz’s “Donald Trump, Eugene Debs, and AMLO: The American Political System as Laughingstock or Trainwreck,” takes a dim view of the current state of American politics in general, and the 2024…


LIVE RADIO! Jimmy Walter on Self-Exile from Imploding USA; John Waters on “Trust the Experts” Is the Virus

Listen live Fridays noon to 2pm Eastern on Revolution.Radio later archived at Truth Jihad Radio’s live show returns to the Revolution.Radio airwaves in a new seven-hours-earlier slot. I’m now broadcasting live from Morocco! And thanks to the new time zone (GMT +1) I can easily interview guests based in Europe…like Jimmy Walter (Vienna) and John Waters (Dublin). First hour: Philanthropist Jimmy Walter fled the USA in January, 2005 after a series of threats and vandalism attacks related to his 9/11 truth activism—which included funding full-page ads in the New York Times and Washington Post, distributing more than 300,000 copies of his…


FFWN: “The Holocaust” vs. Nuclear Holocaust

Full uncensored FFWN posted above by 1pm Eastern time Saturdays PSA 1) Help FFWN vs. Holocausts Nuke-iversaries 2) The US Nuked Nagasaki 78 Years Ago Today. “Oppenheimer” Barely Mentions It. 3) The Atomic Bombings of Japan Were Based on Lies 4) The Nuclear Plan to Decapitate Russia and China (and the Planet) 5) Addressing “The” Holocaust in an Era of Heightened Danger of Nuclear Holocaust COVID/Vax Holocaust? 6) More young Americans are dying – and it’s not COVID. Why aren’t we searching for answers? 7) Covid was very profitable for hospitals: Turns out that conspiracy…


Economist KV Ramani and Scientist Josh Mitteldorf on AI and Evil Elites

Complete audio, featuring Pt 1 and P2, is at my Substack Truth Jihad AudioVisual returns with a vengeance! Just hours after Maroc Telecom turned on my internet, two of Earth’s most interesting non-mainstream thinkers met visually for the first time (after having collaborated textually for many years). I’m flattered that they chose my first Morocco-based broadcast to do it. Part 1: Generative AI chatbots can very quickly flog you with the mainstream party line on just about anything. But is that intelligence? Or a quantum leap in stupidity? In this interview, retired UN economist KV Ramani discusses his essay “Generative…


Helen Buyniski Skewers the Thought Police

Listen HERE Check out Helen Buyniski‘s latest article “All You Need Is Hate: When Pattern Recognition Is Illegal, Only Outlaws Will Recognize Patterns, You Terrorist You.” Helen observes: “Convincing Congress to suspend the rights of the people has generally required a declaration of war at the very least, and any advances made were often memory-holed if not repealed altogether during the brutal post-war hangovers in which the nation felt shame at having abetted the murder of a few hundred thousand young men for the sake of a few bankers. Only by maintaining a constant state of war, those bankers soon realized,…


Rolf Lindgren Breaks Down Trump’s Legal Issues

Listen HERE All goodthinking people agree: Donald Trump should go to prison. But tonight’s first-hour guest, Rolf Lindgren, prefers crimethink to goodthink. He breaks down the charges against Trump and argues that they range from weak to laughably bogus. But will the courts and juries agree? Or will Trump have to run for president while bouncing from courtroom to courtroom— and if he loses in court but wins the election, will he be furloughed from prison to attend his own inauguration? Rolf Lindgren, a former pillar of Wisconsin’s Libertarian party (and my 2008 congressional campaign manager) is now a card-carrying…


Rolf Lindgren Breaks Down Trump’s Legal Issues; Helen Buyniski Skewers the Thought Police

Listen live Fridays 8 to 10 Eastern on Revolution.Radio later archived at First hour: All goodthinking people agree: Donald Trump should go to prison. But tonight’s first-hour guest, Rolf Lindgren, prefers crimethink to goodthink. He breaks down the charges against Trump and argues that they range from weak to laughably bogus. But will the courts and juries agree? Or will Trump have to run for president while bouncing from courtroom to courtroom— and if he loses in court but wins the election, will he be furloughed from prison to attend his own inauguration? Rolf Lindgren, a former pillar of Wisconsin’s Libertarian…


“Ethnically Targeted” (FFWN with E. Michael Jones)

Full uncensored FFWN posted above by noon Central time Saturdays PSA 1) Help FFWN survive being “ethnically targeted” Election 2024 2) Trump’s Legal Woes Mount as Trial Dates and Campaign Calendar Collide NY Magazine dossier of cases against Trump 3) White House praises cocaine probe after case goes unsolved 4) Don’t Call Him #SnifferJoe !   5) Marjorie Taylor Greene Inflicts Hunter Biden Nudes on Congress 6) Do Democrats still support paper ballots? 7) Biden’s ‘Final’ Order on Kennedy Files Leaves Some Still Wanting More “Ethnically Targeted” 8) RFK Jr.…

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