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FFWN: Now They’re Seizing Passports. Get Out While You Can! (with J. Michael Springmann)

Rumble link  Bitchute link Watch above Saturdays after 1 pm Eastern. PSAs 1) Support FFWN, your “passport to truth” 2) Remember the Liberty: A Pivotal Moment in the Hostile Takeover of America Occupied USA 3) US seizes Scott Ritter’s passport  Revenge for his support for Palestinian resistance and Oct. 7 raid? 4) WaPo Genocide Propagandists Attack Grayzone (over exposé of Israel not Hamas committing Oct. 7 atrocities?)’ 5) WaPo saw a 50% decline in readership “since the highs of 2020” 6) US House seeks to sanction ICC over Netanyahu warrant and invites Netanyahu to…


Helen Buyniski Skewers the Thought Police

Listen HERE Check out Helen Buyniski‘s latest article “All You Need Is Hate: When Pattern Recognition Is Illegal, Only Outlaws Will Recognize Patterns, You Terrorist You.” Helen observes: “Convincing Congress to suspend the rights of the people has generally required a declaration of war at the very least, and any advances made were often memory-holed if not repealed altogether during the brutal post-war hangovers in which the nation felt shame at having abetted the murder of a few hundred thousand young men for the sake of a few bankers. Only by maintaining a constant state of war, those bankers soon realized,…


Prof. Thaddeus Kozinksi on COVID Tyranny

Listen HERE Philosophy and humanities teacher Thaddeus Kozinski is the author of Modernity as Apocalypse: Sacred Nihilism and the Counterfeits of Logos. In this interview he discusses the historical and religious/spiritual implications of the onrushing tyranny triggered by the coronavirus pandemic. His essay for “Open Up California” is reproduced below. Why Local Government and Police Need to Resist Covid-19 Tyranny By Thaddeus Kozinski, for Reopen California On May 8 I made a call to the SLO County Board of Supervisors meeting regarding agenda item one: “Update on COVID-19 in San Luis Obispo County and direction to staff as necessary. All Districts.”…


DDWN: Putin vs. NWO

Ukraine/Crimea 1) Russia absorbs Crimea 2) Putin reclaims Crimea, denounces the West  3) New Cold War?  4) Putin says US guided by “the rule of the gun” in foreign policy 5) Obama pursuing neo-con plan for Ukraine 6) Ukraine protest leader now heads central bank 7) Ukrainian officer shot by Ukrainian Defense Forces 8) Kiev snipers shooting from bldg controlled by Maidan forces – Ex-Ukraine security chief 9) After Crimea, who is next? 10) 95.7% of Crimeans Give The Finger To The White House Tyrant — Paul Craig Roberts  11)…


DHS: More shoe-bomber boogiemen coming soon!

False Flag News 1) Homeland Security Alerts Airlines to Possible Shoe-Bomb Threat Unlucky 7: Another JP Morgan Banker Leaps to His Death 3) School safety expert threatened for asking about Sandy Hook 4) More Than 200 To Get State Police Awards For Sandy Hook Shooting Response Tyranny 5) Gun grabbers on the move in New Jersey 6) Americans speak out about the Israelification of the USA 7) Allegations Canada gave Israeli spy new identity 8) Wars in Iraq, Afghanistan to cost over $4 trillion 9) Huffington Post urges Israel to launch war on Iran…


DD News: The week’s – and the year’s – top stories Edward Snowden has declared “mission accomplished”, which is clearly well deserved.  Snowden had created world-wide awareness of the NSA’s massive surveillance program, which was initially implemented in February 2001, but where other critics did not have the documentation to back up their allegations.  A federal judge has now issued a preliminary injunction against the program, which “almost certainly” violates the 4th Amendment. Not to be outdone for an excess of zeal or sheer incompetence, the CIA has come in for a lambasting for its failure to maintain an appropriate level of human intelligence (HUMINT), where technology and drones have…


Andre Vltchek’s post-mortems on Egypt & Indonesia disasters

Broadcast Saturday 10/26/13 10-11 a.m. Central (1500 GMT), archived here. Note: subscribers can listen to shows on-demand before they are broadcast – and also get free downloads! If you are a subscriber, just log in to the members area of and go to the “Private Blog” to get early access to the shows. Battleground Egypt: Andre Vltchek photographs street fighting in Cairo Andre Vltchek, co-author with Noam Chomsky of Western Terrorism, discusses the disastrous situations in Egypt and Indonesia. Andre recently spent time in Egypt, where he was horrified to see the country turning into a blood-drenched…


Truth & justice advocate Prof. George Lees, psychedelic scientist Dennis McKenna

Mon.  3/10/13, 3-5 pm Central,  American Freedom Radio  (archived here.) Call-in: 218-339-8525 Prof. Lees is now a fishing coach and guide 1st hour: Prof. George Lees, Ph.D. FRPharmS, left the academy to pursue truth and justice. Sound familiar? He sends a video of a lecture by Mideast expert Peter Eyre, and writes: This chap gives a much better lecture than you or I…..but he has fled from the UK under death threats from the same people that have stolen your funding (and are guilty of violent human suppression all around the globe).The video clip below will bring tears to your…