Broadcast live Friday March 2, 8 to 10 pm Eastern at Revolution.Radio then archived HERE First hour: Joel Skousen of World Affairs Brief is a noted current events commentator and New World Order analyst, as well as an expert on strategic relocation and prepping. (His uncle, Professor Cleon Skousen, was a pioneer of NWO studies, and is cited in Mujahid Kamran’s new article “Terrorism and the United States of America.”) Second hour: Speaking of which, let’s bring on Dr. Kamran himself to comment on that brilliant article—and on the pressures brought to bear on academicians who study and discuss such taboo…
FULL ARTICLEAuthor: Kevin Barrett
Barbara Honegger and Cathleen McGuire continue the conversation on (eco)feminism
Listen HERE Two weeks ago Cathleen McGuire came on my show to discuss #MeToo and advocate ecofeminism—a critique of patriarchy that sees the subjugation and exploitation of women and nature as closely linked, and proposes to treat the disease by balancing female and male, nature and culture, and right and left brain hemisphere consciousness. (On the latter point, check out Leonard Schlain’s The Alphabet vs. the Goddess.) Today, Cat rejoins us alongside Barbara Honegger, who continues the conversation by recounting her efforts to re-frame the abortion issue for Ronald Reagan when Barbara was serving as Presidential Policy Advisor from 1981…
FULL ARTICLEKen Meyercord on “Digital Book-Burning”
Archived HERE Ken Meyercord questions Amazon’s bizarre ban on 68 history books. The books in question are factually-oriented, often highly technical, offering little or nothing that could conceivably be described as “hate” or “bigotry.” But the sober scientific and archeological facts in these books, according to Amazon, must be far more dangerous than Hitler’s Mein Kampf and the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, both of which Amazon happily sells and profits from. Jeff Bezos, please come on my show and explain! Ken Meyercord lives in the Washington, DC area, where he haunts think-tank events to raise iconoclastic questions…
FULL ARTICLEDave Gahary and Jim Fetzer on Charlottesville, Parkland, and other suspected false flags
Broadcast live Friday Feb. 23, 8 to 10 p.m. Eastern on Revolution.Radio, archived the next day HERE First hour: Dave Gahary of American Free Press contributed two articles to Fetzer & Palecek (eds.) new book Political Theater in Charlottesville. (I contributed one myself.) His second article “To Understand Charlottesville, Look to Philadelphia 40 Years Ago” includes a long excerpt from Chapter Five of The Ugly Truth About the ADL explaining how the self-proclaimed “Jewish Masonic organization” has used Cointelpro and terrorist tactics in ways that remind us of what seems to have gone down in Charlottesville. Second hour: Jim Fetzer continues the…
FULL ARTICLEMaisoon Rice: I’m fed up with anti-Islam propaganda!
Listen HERE. Maisoon Rice is a British-Palestinian-Pakistani blogger and activist. She recently contacted me to advise me to stop using the word “Islamist,” which she believes has become a pejorative word for (politically-engaged) Muslims. In this interview we discuss and debate issues related to the propaganda war on Islam. Maisoon also expresses her strong support for traditional family values, and her opposition to various movements that undermine them. Her take on gender issues resonates in some ways, and clashes in others, with the “ecofeminist” views that Cat McGuire expressed recently on this show. Maisoon sends these links to illustrate her…
FULL ARTICLEDick Eastman vs. the Empire of Usury
Listen HERE. Dick Eastman is a leading American advocate of social credit – the idea that money-creation could and should be taken back from the Rothschild Zionist usurers and operated transparently on behalf of the people. Dick thinks everyone needs to know that US dollars are not created by the US government. They are instead lent into existence at interest by a private banking monopoly. That means that every dollar that exists is racking up compound interest for the banksters who created it. As a result, between 30% and 40% of all value created in the real-world economy is siphoned…
FULL ARTICLEDavid Skrbina debates “Jesus Hoax”; Ed Corrigan on crimes of imperialism and Zionism, including the 9/11 false flag
Broadcast live Friday Feb. 16, 8 to 10 pm Eastern at Revolution.Radio then archived HERE First hour: Philosophy professor David Skrbina continues the discussion on his book The Jesus Hoax (which I have now read, and generally disagree with…but also admire as a succinct, well-sourced, no-punches-pulled polemic that is very much worth arguing with). The book argues that St. Paul created Christianity as a Jewish psychological warfare operation against Rome—the exact opposite conclusion from that of Joseph “Caesar’s Messiah” Atwill, who argues that Rome created Christianity as a psychological warfare operation against the Jews! Listen to my interview: “Joseph Atwill:…
FULL ARTICLEJimmy Walter: I tried to reopen 9/11—and got run out of the country
Listen HERE. Note: This is the audio track from a youtube which will be posted at my Patreon page. Philanthropist Jimmy Walter was horrified when the Cheney-Bush regime attacked Iraq. He ran ads in major newspapers against the war. Then he looked into 9/11—and grew even more horrified. In an impressive act of courage and good citizenship, Jimmy spent large sums of money on his ReOpen 9/11 campaign, which featured full-page ads in the NY Times and Washington Post and spearheaded the distribution of over a million “Confronting the Evidence” DVDs. The bad guys pushed back with vilification, vandalism, and…
FULL ARTICLEMarvin Sandnes’s truth-telling run for Congress; Cathleen McGuire offers ecofeminist take on #MeToo
Broadcast live 8 to 10 pm Eastern Friday Feb. 9, then archived HERE First hour: Marvin Sandnes ran for Congress in 2016 (Green Party, Oregon’s 5th District) and is still running! He knows that a win would be highly improbable, given the disparity between the financial resources on his side versus those that could be mustered to keep him out of the House of Representatives. So the real purpose of running for office, for under-financed truth-speakers like Marv, is to amplify his message and broadcast it to a huge audience, including many who have never been exposed to alternative perspectives.…
FULL ARTICLEEric Walberg on Jerusalem/al-Quds, his trip to Tehran, and more
Listen HERE. Eric Walberg joins us to discuss his articles on Jerusalem and Recent Demos in Iran. Eric also explains why he converted to Islam (from Marxism), and why Abraham Lincoln was a war criminal not a hero. We discuss the question of why psychopaths rise to the top of power hierarchies (or why power turns people into psychopaths); the history of incidents that nearly triggered nuclear wars; why many otherwise excellent critics of empire won’t discuss 9/11 or Zionist power (Eric says “most people have been castrated in our society”); whether the rising Chinese hegemon will be kinder and…