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Ken O’Keefe and the Battle for 9/11 Reality

[Editor’s note: Anthony Hall will appear tonight on Truth Jihad Radio to discuss this article and why it is being published here rather than at Veterans Today. -KB]   A Commentary on Ken O’Keefe’s Expanded and Improved Documentary, 911 False Flag: American Traitors and Mossad. by Anthony Hall Ken O’Keefe as a US Marine Before He Renounced His US Citizenship To Serve the Common People of Iraq as a Human Shield. Includes Original Material From Anthony Hall Extending O’Keefe’s Assessment of the Crippling Effect of Jewish Power Over US Institutions to a Similar Dysfunction Plaguing Canada’s Parliamentary Institutions. The Totalitarianism Implicit in This…


Ken O’Keefe, “new Geronimo of the infowar”

Broadcast December 26th, 10-11:00 a.m. Central (1500 GMT) on, archived here. Note: subscribers can listen to shows on-demand before they are broadcast – and also get free downloads! If you are a subscriber, just log in to the members area of and go to the “Private Blog” to get early access to the shows.  Ken O’Keefe, one of the great spirits and activists of our time, recently re-issued his terrific film: 911 False Flag – American Traitors & Mossad – Where are the Oath Keepers? It has a new introduction responding to UK Prime Minister David Cameron’s claim that 9/11 truth seekers are “nonviolent extremists”…


Kollerstrom vs. Myers debate: Should 9/11 truthers avoid holocaust revisionism?

Broadcast December 24th, 10-11:00 a.m. Central (1500 GMT) on, archived here. Note: subscribers can listen to shows on-demand before they are broadcast – and also get free downloads! If you are a subscriber, just log in to the members area of and go to the “Private Blog” to get early access to the shows.  Nick Kollerstrom has exposed the 7/7 inside job Nick Kollerstrom of begs to differ with Peter Myers, who recently argued on my show that 9/11 truth-seekers and other opponents of the New World Order should avoid holocaust revisionism – both because it makes us look bad, and because it isn’t true.…


Obama: “I’m a SOUL Jew!”

According to the Jewish Journal, President Obama says: “I am Jewish in my soul.” They neglected to report the rest of the President’s statement: “…But not in my body – and if you think you’re going to whack off the end of my peepee with one of those rabbinical meat-cleavers, you’ve got another think coming!” But seriously, folks…Imagine what Fox would be if doing Obama had said “I am Muslim in my soul.” Yet a covertly Jew-souled President is OK. How very odd. Naturally, the Presidential coming-out-of-the-closet as a “soul Jew” did not satisfy the neocons, who have been sneaking…


Oy vey! Top ten reasons why Israel shouldn’t be training American cops

Martin Hill just sent me an email entitled: “Oy Vey, Officer! Happy Hanukkah from LAPD: Menorah lighting ceremony at LAPD Headquarters.” It seems that all that Israeli “training” (using American taxpayer money) is turning American police officers into Zionists. Is this really a good idea? Do we really need Israeli-militarized American cops driving star-of-David-decorated tanks down our streets, setting up ethnic-ID checkpoints and dropping white phosphorus and cluster bombs on our neighborhoods?Here are the top ten reasons why Israel shouldn’t be brainwashing (I mean, “training”) American cops. 10. Our cops will switch to coffee and bagels, so all the donut…


FFWN: False flag 9/11 torture, Ebola, ISIS, and more!

The hardest-hitting news show on the planet! Today’s stories in order: False Flag Torture 1) CIA tortured innocents to hide 9/11 false flag 2) Most stunning findings of CIA torture report 3) CIA whistleblower imprisoned, torturers go free 4) Renowned surgeon calls out doctors who “made torture possible” False Flag 9/11 5) “Ash Carter Predicted 9/11″: ESP or foreknowledge? 6)  9/11 Petition introduced in Canadian Parliament 7) A&E911 board member calls for new investigation 8) US legitimacy waning in light of 9/11 hoax False Flag ISIS 9) UN Reports–Israel supporting Syrian rebels 10) Putin Aide Says Israel is Training…


Merlin Miller & Foster Gamble take on the NWO!

Friday 12/5 – Listen live – 8 to 10 pm Eastern on Revolution Radio:  – click on the “Studio B” button. To be rebroadcast Sunday 11 a.m. to 12:45 p.m. Eastern on  and then archived at the usual spot. Tonight’s live broadcast features two heavyweight critics of the bankster-driven New World Order. First hour: Merlin Miller is a US Army veteran who’s tired of seeing our military being sent abroad to kill and die for unjust, un-American causes. And he’s a filmmaker who’s tired of seeing Hollywood wage all-out psychological warfare against family values. Merlin ran for president in 2012 (I…


‘US legitimacy waning over 9/11 hoax’

“The participation of high-level Americans in the 9/11 deception explains the US government’s reluctance to release the explosive 28 pages and risk igniting the greatest scandal in world history.” Full article with links and videos:


Peter Myers: No use denying – Hitler WAS a racist scumbag!

Broadcast November 23rd, 10-11:00 a.m. Central (1500 GMT) on, archived here. Note: subscribers can listen to shows on-demand before they are broadcast – and also get free downloads! If you are a subscriber, just log in to the members area of and go to the “Private Blog” to get early access to the shows.   Everywhere in the Western world, little sheeple are trained to recite: “Jews good, Hitler baaaaaah-aaaaad!” Like the sacrality of the incomparable and ineffable Holocaust, this simple equation cannot be denied. At least not if you ever want to work in this hemisphere again. Yet today, as more and more people take…


Iran nuclear deal a win-win….so the Zionists are trying to kill it

Michael Brenner, a Professor of International Affairs at the University of Pittsburgh, writes in Moment of Truth: Iran and Obama: “The nuclear negotiations with Iran are in their eleventh hour. By Monday we’ll know whether a resolution has been reached or a new crisis of the first order added to the conflagrations in the Middle East – indeed, one that will exacerbate all the others.” CIA vet and Georgetown professor Paul Pillar asks “Will the Iran Deal-Wreckers Prevail?” And I think we all know who those deal-wreckers are. Below is the English version of my remarks quoted in yesterday’s Fars News…

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