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David Icke Part 2: “We’re Moving Toward the End Game”

Listen HERE This, the second half of my two-hour interview with David Icke, moves beyond “who really did 9/11” to look at the Death Cult’s long-term game plan…and the metaphysical and spiritual issues in play. (Listen to Part 1, “Who Really Did 9/11 and Why”) David Icke seems unperturbed by the tidal wave of censorship washing over the internet, and over him personally: “We’re moving toward the end game. And as we do, some things are going to become more and more blatant—and left to the free flow of information would be widely exposed.” The discussion turns to spiritual matters:…


David Icke: Who Did 9/11 and Why? Part One of a Two-Part Interview

Listen HERE David Icke’s new book The Trigger really triggers some people…like The Washington Post‘s passive-aggressive book reviewer Ron Charles, who brags, shedding crocodile tears all the while:  “I banned a book. Or at least I helped get it banned, which makes Banned Books Week a little awkward for me this year.”  When Charles saw that Barnes and Noble was displaying The Trigger he went ballistic:  “The Trigger, Icke’s new self-published book, is 900 pages of harebrained word vomit. It claims that the official explanation of the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks is a lie to cover up the ‘massive and central involvement…


Rex Tillerson is Right, Bibi Netanyahu Is a Liar—Like the Other Zionists

Press TV interview with Veterans Today Editor Kevin Barrett Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and other current and former officials in the regime have spread lies about Palestine for decades in order to carry out their Zionist project of creating Israel, an American scholar says. Netanyahu “is an extreme psychopath and one of the most over-the-top liars and manipulators that we’ve ever seen in world politics,” said Kevin Barrett, an author, journalist and radio host with a Ph.D.  in Islamic and Arabic Studies. Netanyahu’s dishonest trait “is characteristic of Zionist and Israeli leadership over the past century,” Barrett told Press TV…


Israel’s aggression against Lebanon: Kevin Barrett vs. Lee Kaplan

Press TV Debate featuring Kevin Barrett, Veterans Today Editor Is Israel, which just attacked three of its neighbors within 24 hours, just a poor put-upon peace-loving nation that everybody hates for no reason at all? That’s the Lee Kaplan version of reality. In his latest Press TV Debate, Lee Kaplan says he can’t hear the questions. But his responses are exactly the same as in the many Debates in which he does hear the questions. He just keeps repeating “poor innocent little Israel, always attacked by big bad neighbors who hate the Jews.” That’s pretty much the whole extent of…


Vladislav Krasnov on Jewish-Gentile Relations..and Ron Unz’s Strategy for Defeating the Monologic Media

Listen HERE Vladislav Krasnov writes: “Dear Kevin, “This is to invite you and your readers/listeners to a debate on Jewish-Gentile relations that my article ‘Ron Unz’s Strategy for the Alt-Media to Defeat the Mainstream Media Is Brilliant’ generated on the pages of Russia-Insider.  “So far there are over 150 comments, and it is good as far as hits are concerned. However, I’ve noticed a negative dynamics because emotional negativism toward Jews seems to predominate. I can understand that the anger toward Jews in general is, at least, partially understandable and perhaps justifiable. However, I am convinced that all Jews are not…


Kevin Barrett asks Doooovid “What Makes a Jew a Jew?” and “What Is Anti-Semitism?”

Listen HERE Doooovid is an independent Jewish thinker and interfaith activist. In this interview Kevin Barrett, who recently lectured on anti-Semitism at the ISTAC institute in Kaula Lumpur, Malaysia (and has occasionally and libelously been called anti-Semitic by Bnai Brith) asks Doovid: “What Makes a Jew a Jew?” and “What Is Anti-Semitism?” Note: The idiots and/or idiotic algorithms at YouTube banned this video as “hate speech.” It will very likely be reinstated when a non-moronic human being (assuming YouTube employs any) considers the appeal.


Greg Felton: “The United States is a Stupid Country Run by Stupid People”

 Listen HERE Canadian ex-MSM journalist Greg Felton says: “The United States is a stupid country run by stupid people who have no respect for reason.” WHAT?! Them’s fightin’ words, pardner! We also argue about religion, sacred violence and sacrifice, and the moon landings…but largely agree about Zionism and the 9/11 wars.


Trump should go back to Israel, where he comes from: Analyst

Press TV If US congresswomen from other descents need to go back to their countries as US President Donald Trump has suggested, then the American head of state himself should go to Israel where his allegiance lies, says an American scholar. Dr. Kevin Barrett, an academic and political scholar based in Wisconsin, made the remarks in the aftermath of racist tweets by Trump, who has called on several female lawmakers critical of his policies to return to their countries of origin. In a series of tweets on Monday, Trump said the congresswomen — three of them Muslims — were “spewing” “racist…


Linh Dinh: Ordinary folks everywhere just want to have lunch!

Listen HERE Linh Dinh, America’s greatest gonzo-journalist-in-exile, argues that “people just want to be left alone, so they can just eat simple food, drink cheap beer, and have conversations. But unfortunately life isn’t that unmolested. That’s been a constant theme in my writing and in my thinking.” I’m not so sure about the cheap beer—my life and conversations have been much better since I gave that stuff up—but other than that, Linh may be on to something. Linh says “I’ve always advocated boycotting the American elections. Americans need to make a stand, they have to declare to history that they’re…

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