Listen HERE Pastor and human rights activist Dr. Randy Short recently shared a petition that begins: “Over the last decade, five known suspicious hangings and multiple accidental drownings of African Americans have gripped Delaware’s Kent County’s black community. Despite compelling evidence of foul play and the work of a few committed activists and local politicians, incidents were played down and swiftly filed away.” Do Joe Biden’s alleged Dixie Mafia connections have anything to do with this? We’ll also discuss other Black views of the upcoming election including “Jailbirds for Biden,” “Just 36 Percent of Black Men Think Biden’s Nominating a…
Coronavirus Urged to Wash Hands and Self-Quarantine After Trump-Bolsinaro Handshake
Dissociated Press The World Health Organization issued a directive this morning urging an unfortunate coronavirus caught between the sweaty palms of the US and Brazilian presidents to wash its hands and quarantine itself. “We don’t know what this coronavirus may have picked up from its intimate contact with two of the world’s most virulently toxic organisms,” explained WHO spokeperson Dr. Pew Triddley Stan-Jiang. “But whatever it is, it can’t be good. The coronavirus needs to vigorously scrub its hands, or more accurately its spike proteins, with pure bleach for a minimum of twenty minutes. Then it must locomote itself to…
FULL ARTICLEKevin on Press TV: “Deal of the Century” Debate, and more
Listen HERE Since my last two Press TV interviews have been disrupted by “Abnormal Interference” I thought I’d better archive some Press TV material in case the whole network gets disabled. (I understand the US Deep State is working on a plan to tangle up Press TV’s transmitters in John Bolton’s mustache.) The first segment is my Tuesday May 28 Debate with Geoffrey Alderman on the Bibi/Kushner “Deal of the Century.” Then come interviews on migrant children dying in US custody, Trump’s nonsensical attempt to hand Israel the “stolen Golan,” Trump’s impending impeachment, Trump’s threats to attack Iran, and the…
FULL ARTICLETrump getting misinformation about Iran from fanatical Zionists
Press TV US President Donald Trump is receiving misinformation about Iran from fanatical Zionists, who want a new military conflict in the Middle East, says a commentator. President Trump told reporters at the White House on Thursday that he would not rule out the possibility of a military action against Iran. Author and Middle East expert Kevin Barrett told Press TV on Friday that the US president listens to anti-Iran claims made by some pro-Zionist elements. “Trump is owned by” some elements like Jared Kushner, his senior adviser and son-in-law, and “they have his ear,” Barrett said. There is “the extremist…
FULL ARTICLEZionist lobby pushing US under Trump into war with Iran
Press TV A commentator says the Zionist lobby — which fabricated pretexts for previous US wars in Asia — is now attempting to push Washington into a major conflict with Iran, and that Foreign Minister Zarif is right to believe that US President Donald Trump does not favor war with Iran, but may be “lured” into one by pro-Israel hawks. Kevin Barrett, author and Middle East expert, told Press TV that Washington’s previous wars – such as the invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan – turned into “complete debacles” for the US, warning that a war with Iran would even be “vastly…
FULL ARTICLETrump confesses to shooting James Comey! -Al Jazeera
There are lies, damn lies…and the mainstream media. But sometimes “fake news” is just bad translation. In a recent tweet, Trump used the phrase “after I fired James Comey.” Al-Jazeera’s Arabic translation was: “After I opened fire on James Comey.” Wow! Trump just confessed to unleashing a hail of bullets at the former FBI Director! If they don’t impeach him now, I guess they never will.
FULL ARTICLEWhat is Behind “Russiagate”? by Mujahid Kamran
I have been traveling in Spain and Morocco, so I am a couple of weeks late posting this new piece by NWO researcher and physics professor Mujahid Kamran. His brand new book The World Order: How It Works, which develops his VT article of the same name, should be available soon. –Kevin Barrett, Veterans Today Editor What is Behind “Russiagate”? by Mujahid Kamran We will know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false. -Former CIA Director William Casey…
FULL ARTICLEIbrahim Soudy on Supreme Court upholds Trump’s Muslim ban; Scott Bennett on Iran’s plans to take the real 9/11 criminals to court
Listen HERE First half hour: Trump’s Muslim ban has only one cause: the Islamophobia intentionally created by the 9/11 false flag operation. Yet most Americans, including American Muslims, are sleepwalking into an ever-worsening nightmare. Ibrahim Soudy, a Ph.D. structural engineer and member of Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, says that science is now a dead letter in America…and American culture is a disease, with no cure on the horizon. Second half hour: Scott Bennett, the whistleblowing former US Army psy-ops officer and one-time assistant to 9/11 suspect Dov Zakheim, discusses how he, along with former Wolfowitz colleague Michael Maloof…
FULL ARTICLEGreg Felton: American politics is a living joke
Listen HERE In his latest satirical article, ex-mainstream journalist Greg Felton asks: “What do you get when you mash together The Beverly Hillbillies, House of Cards and The Godfather?” I’ll tell you what you get: A Living Joke!, the first political satire that is also a reality TV show!” Is Greg referring to the Trump presidency, its Democratic deep state opponents, or all of the above? Tune in and find out! Final 20 minutes: Kevin reads his prescient 2013 article “Will Israel Merge With Saudi Arabia?”
FULL ARTICLEIbrahim Soudy on Trump regime’s “Islamic Reformation”; Pastor Don Grahn interviews Kevin Barrett
Listen HERE First half hour: Ibrahim Soudy, Ph.D. Structural Engineering is one of the most highly qualified members of Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth…and one of America’s most eloquent Muslim voices. In this interview we discuss the recent Intercept article LEAKED STATE DEPARTMENT MEMO ADVISED TRUMP ADMINISTRATION TO PUSH FOR “ISLAMIC REFORMATION.” Second half hour: Pastor Don Grahn’s youtube channel has been repeatedly censored. But that hasn’t stopped him from inviting controversial guests on his Truth v New$ show. In this edition we discuss the New Horizons conference in Iran; Pompeo’s absurd ultimatum to Iran (written by the terrorist group MEK);…