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Interviews with Radio 786 (South Africa), LHV News, and Press TV

Three new interviews today: Muwajahaat – Is Palestine still the central cause? – Part 1 Muwajahaat – Is Palestine still the central cause? – Part 2 LHV News: Kevin Barrett: American culture has a long history of scapegoating black people   Press TV: US using terror alert to keep war on terror going: Barrett


Psychology professor demonstrates: “Conspiracy theorists” OK; government dupes clueless, humorless

Coast to Coast Radio just canceled its plans to broadcast a show tonight on my widely-read Press TV article on research suggesting that “conspiracy theorists” are saner than government dupes. They replaced it with “whales and dolphins in captivity.” Full story:


My interview with Siasat Rooz (Iranian newspaper)

Persian speakers can find the published version of V.Alvandiour’s interview with me at Below is the English version. 1. First of all, would you please tell me what your overall view about Iran is? I want to know how Iran is pictured in your mind. What is its role in current international politics? Iran is not just a remarkable modern nation-state. It is also one of the world’s oldest and most impressive civilizations. I think Iran’s greatest contribution to world history is the way it accepted, democratized and enriched Islamic civilization. By “democratized” I mean that Iran was in…


My latest Press TV debate with a loudmouth Zionist

My latest Press TV debate with a loudmouth Zionist: Obnoxious Zionist hack: Israel treats nasty Palestinian children with kindness and affection (watch the debate here) Also, I just posted Joseph Massad’s terrific new piece on Egypt at VT. And don’t miss: Malala is another Illuminati Psy Op


David Ray Griffin, Gilad Atzmon take the United Nations!

Hillel Neuer: Unwitting publicist for twoof the most important authors of our time When Israeli propagandist Sayan Hillel Neuer stood up on the floor of the United Nations and started waving around David Ray Griffin’s The New Pearl Harbor and Gilad Atzmon’s The Wandering Who?, he probably didn’t realize that he was giving priceless PR to two of the most important books of our time. And yes, “priceless” is the word. Get a load of Neuer hawking Griffin’s and Atzmon’s books: Neuer’s unintentional book-promotion stunt was meant to be part of his witch-hunt against Special UN Human Rights Rapporteur Richard…


Al-CIA-duh aims to wreck Muslims, West in clash of civilizations

By Dr. Kevin Barrett,  The al-Nusra front in Syria has officially announced that it is part of al-Qaeda. Even before the announcement, everyone knew it was al-Qaeda. So why is it being armed to the teeth with US-supplied weapons, and given training and strategic and diplomatic support by the US government? The US, after all, is officially at war with al-Qaeda, which the American government blames for the still-unsolved crimes of September 11th, 2001… Read the complete article at


Israel, US arm al-Qaeda to break Syria into pieces: Dr. Kevin Barrett

Watch the Press TV video  An analyst says the United States and its Zionist masters are using al-Qaeda and other militant groups as a tool to break up Syria into pieces. In the background of this the al-Nusra rebel Group in Syria, financed and supported with equipment and training by certain Western and Arab countries, has confessed to being a part of al-Qaeda. Syria is now urging the United Nations to classify the al-Nusra Front as an al-Qaeda-linked group. Syria has always maintained that the bulk of fighting and atrocities in Syria are being conducted by these extremist foreign entities…


My latest Press TV slug-fest with a Zionist idiot (re: Philip Marshall assassination)

CIA killed Marshall for leaking 9/11 secrets: Dr. Kevin Barrett debates Lee Kaplan     – Press TV “Well this is pretty hilarious. I don’t know where you got this guy, but this is about the lamest excuse for an attempt to debunk a conspiracy story that I’ve ever heard and I’ve heard a lot of them.”  Watch the video and read the transcript:


Daniel Pipes gets an earful of truth

Daniel Pipes, America’s #1 islamophobe, tells Obama: “Bomb Iran for Israel or I’ll send my friend Andrew Adler after you!” Unregistered Israeli agent Daniel Pipes, founder of the snitch-on-your-professor website Campus Watch, is the number one enemy of academic freedom in America. He was a major player in the witch-hunt that forced me out of the University of Wisconsin system in 2006, for the crime of researching and discussing the taboo issue of what really happened on 9/11.So when I found myself on a panel with Pipes discussing why Israel and its global assets are trying so hard to shut…

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