Martin Hill just sent me an email entitled: “Oy Vey, Officer! Happy Hanukkah from LAPD: Menorah lighting ceremony at LAPD Headquarters.” It seems that all that Israeli “training” (using American taxpayer money) is turning American police officers into Zionists. Is this really a good idea? Do we really need Israeli-militarized American cops driving star-of-David-decorated tanks down our streets, setting up ethnic-ID checkpoints and dropping white phosphorus and cluster bombs on our neighborhoods?Here are the top ten reasons why Israel shouldn’t be brainwashing (I mean, “training”) American cops. 10. Our cops will switch to coffee and bagels, so all the donut…
FFWN: False flag 9/11 torture, Ebola, ISIS, and more!
The hardest-hitting news show on the planet! Today’s stories in order: False Flag Torture 1) CIA tortured innocents to hide 9/11 false flag 2) Most stunning findings of CIA torture report 3) CIA whistleblower imprisoned, torturers go free 4) Renowned surgeon calls out doctors who “made torture possible” False Flag 9/11 5) “Ash Carter Predicted 9/11″: ESP or foreknowledge? 6) 9/11 Petition introduced in Canadian Parliament 7) A&E911 board member calls for new investigation 8) US legitimacy waning in light of 9/11 hoax False Flag ISIS 9) UN Reports–Israel supporting Syrian rebels 10) Putin Aide Says Israel is Training…
FULL ARTICLE‘US legitimacy waning over 9/11 hoax’
“The participation of high-level Americans in the 9/11 deception explains the US government’s reluctance to release the explosive 28 pages and risk igniting the greatest scandal in world history.” Full article with links and videos:
FULL ARTICLEIran nuclear deal a win-win….so the Zionists are trying to kill it
Michael Brenner, a Professor of International Affairs at the University of Pittsburgh, writes in Moment of Truth: Iran and Obama: “The nuclear negotiations with Iran are in their eleventh hour. By Monday we’ll know whether a resolution has been reached or a new crisis of the first order added to the conflagrations in the Middle East – indeed, one that will exacerbate all the others.” CIA vet and Georgetown professor Paul Pillar asks “Will the Iran Deal-Wreckers Prevail?” And I think we all know who those deal-wreckers are. Below is the English version of my remarks quoted in yesterday’s Fars News…
FULL ARTICLEMartin Hill on “anti-Semitism” & thought police; Larry Pinkney on Pondo, academic freedom & more!
Friday 11/14 – Listen live – 8 to 10 pm Eastern on Revolution Radio: – click on the “Studio B” button. To be rebroadcast Sunday 11 a.m. to 12:45 p.m. Eastern on and then archived at the usual spot. First hour: Paleo-Catholic freedom activist Martin Hill on HR707, of which he says: “Congressional House Resolution 707, which has 172 cosponsors of both parties, was amended unanimously by the Committee on Foreign Affairs in late September. Perusing this document shows how literally crazy and compromised our so-called “elected representatives” are. HR707 prefaces the litany of Zionist directives with an absurd platitude, claiming “Congress supports…
FULL ARTICLEWill Zionist ISIS bomb al-Aqsa? and other stories
Recent stuff you may have missed: Will Zionist ISIS bomb al-Aqsa? Powerful right-wing leaders inside Israel conspired to bomb Masjid al-Aqsa in 1980. If they try again, it’s World War III. Other stories I neglected to post here: Canadian Defence Minister exposes NWO, UFOs Ashura-JFK-9/11 and the beauty of Shia Islam
FULL ARTICLEFFWN: Israel attacking al-Aqsa to start a religious war?
This week’s stories with links are at:
FULL ARTICLENo complete breakdown between US and Israel yet: Kevin Barrett
“And there’s really no political faction [that can oppose them], with the possible exception of if people in the US military and intelligence community ever got completely fed up with the Zionists and perhaps felt that there was an existential threat to the US…and their (the Zionists’) assets were going to blow up more buildings in America, like they did on 9/11, or they were going to nuke the American cities, God forbid…then we might see an anti-Zionist pro-Constitution coup d’etat in which the Zionist agents once and for all would be weeded out of positions of power here in…
FULL ARTICLERalph Schoenman on blocking Israeli shipping, Jim Fetzer on Sean Dix & JFK
Friday 11/7 – Listen live – 8 to 10 pm Eastern on Revolution Radio: – click on the “Studio B” button. To be rebroadcast Sunday 11 a.m. to 12:45 p.m. Eastern on and then archived at the usual spot. First hour: Alternative radio legend and 9/11 truth supporter Ralph Schoenman discusses the successful “block the boat” campaign against Israeli-government-owned Zim Shipping Lines. A Zim cargo ship was recently forced to turn back after numerous unsuccessful attempts to dock at the Port of Oakland – thanks to the Longshoreman’s Union rank and file, who defied their own leadership as well as the…
FULL ARTICLESeven Israeli false flag stories in one week!
Links to this week’s stories: