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LIVE RADIO! Alan Sabrosky on D-Day & USS Liberty; Glenn Diesen on THE UKRAINE WAR & the EURASIAN WORLD ORDER

Listen live Fridays noon to 2pm Eastern on Revolution.Radio later archived at First hour: Dr. Alan Sabrosky continues his “first Friday of the month” slot with a timely discussion of two naval anniversaries: the D-Day invasion and Israel’s attack on the USS Liberty. We also consider: What might Russia do in response to US & West expanding long-range attacks and taking out Russia’s early warning radar? Possible Russian responses are discussed these two stories: Should Vladimir Putin Call His Shot on a NATO Brushback Pitch? by Ron Unz  Putin warns that Russia could provide long-range weapons to others to strike Western targets  Dr.…


Ron Unz on “American Pravda: Remembering the Liberty”

Listen HERE Ron Unz is America’s most accomplished figure in alternative journalism. If you doubt that, read his American Pravda series, look at his webzine, and let me know if you find anything comparable. Ron’s latest American Pravda entry, “Remembering the Liberty,” admirably summarizes the best available information on Israel’s June 8, 1967 attack on the unarmed spy ship USS Liberty. Ron apparently agrees with me that the single most important book on the incident is Peter Hounam’s Operation Cyanide, which offers strong evidence that then-US-president Lyndon Johnson conspired with Israeli leaders to stage a false flag attack on the…


Joan Mellen on JFK Coup & USS Liberty

Listen HERE Temple University professor Joan Mellen has published twenty-four books; her overriding theme is “the history of the Central Intelligence Agency and its role in the planning and cover-up of the Kennedy assassination.” In this interview we discuss the JFK assassination, the anniversary of which is one week from tonight, with reference to Joan Mellen’s books: *Faustian Bargains (about LBJ’s personal hit man Mac Wallace); * A Farewell to Justice (about New Orleans District Attorney Jim Garrison’s attempt to prosecute JFK’s killers); *Blood in the Water (on suspected Kennedy-killer LBJ’s conspiring with Israel to murder hundreds of American sailors to…


UAE, Norway, Saudi Arabia say state actor was behind Fujairah attacks

Press TV interview with Kevin Barrett, Veterans Today Editor “The United Arab Emirates has told the United Nations Security Council that last month’s attacks on four tankers off its coast were likely carried out by a state actor.” But which state actor? Bolton/Pompeo/Netanyahu/BinSalman say Iran. But what would Iran gain? Isn’t it more likely a false flag provocation? And which “state actor” specializes in false flag provocations?


Brett Favre endorses Goyim Defense League: “Don’t ever forget the USS Liberty!”

By Kevin Barrett, Veterans Today Editor Brett Favre was the ultimate indestructible quarterback —the guy who could take a licking and keep on ticking. Even after he got old and became a Minnesota Viking, we outraged and betrayed Packer fans had to admire the way he could finish a game against a gang of cheating killers who’d put a bounty on his head. Now we’re hoping the JDL (Jewish Defense League) doesn’t put a bounty on his head. Favre appears to have endorsed the JDL’s arch-rival and nemesis, the GDL (Goyim Defense League): “Brett Favre here with a shout out…


False Flag Weekly News Friday, June 8th

Please support False Flag Weekly News! And don’t miss the  Deep Truth Conference this weekend! Watch it live: 1) PSA Never forget why we need FFWN! USS  Liberty 51st anniversary 2) ‘But Sir, It’s an American Ship.’ ‘Never Mind, Hit Her!’ When Israel Attacked USS Liberty 3) Who Started the Six Day War of June 1967? Bilderberg meeting in Turin 4) Bilderberg 2018: Who is in the secretive group? Are members plotting New World Order? 5) Bilderberg “sparks protests by conspiracy theorists” 6) Ex-BBC journalist Tony Gosling breaks down Bilderberg 2018 War on Freedom: Witch Hunting…


50th anniversary of USS Liberty attack, Manchester false flag

This show broadcasts LIVE 8 to 10 pm Eastern Friday, May 26th at – click on Studio B – then gets archived about 24 hours later.  For only $4 a month you can listen to shows on-demand before they are broadcast – and also get free downloads. Help Kevin keep these shows on the air – Click HERE! Or if you prefer, PAYPAL a one time donation, or a regular payment, to truthjihad(at)gmail[dot]com. Phil Tourney (official Navy photo) First hour: Dave Gahary and Phil Tourney discuss their new book Erasing the Liberty, published in commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the vicious Israeli attack on the unarmed American spy ship.…


New York’s new 9/11 investigation could stop global holocaust

“Passivity in the face of impending armageddon is immoral – if not clinically insane. “Fortunately many people are sacrificing their time, energy and money to try to stop that runaway train, the Armageddon Express. Perhaps the most important group working to change history for the better, at this moment, is” Full story: 


Will Putin blow 9/11 wide open?

False flag  news 1) Putin threatens to release 9/11 info proving “inside job” 2) Las Vegas shooter “conspiracy theorist” (two slides) 3) Two birds with one stone: gun nuts AND revolutionaries 4) Woodward and Bernstein were conspiracy theorists 5) Pakistan airport attack, school shootings in Portland, Seattle, Santa Barbara: Social symptom or synthetic terror? 6) California mass shooting spurs new gun control legislation 7) Fetzer talks false flags on Revolution Radio 8) Will 22 June 2014 be “a date that will live in infamy”? Zionist debacles 9) Leaving the USS Liberty crew…

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