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Zafar Bangash on Saudi Mismanagement of Pilgrimage, Eric Walberg on Post-US-Occupation Afghanistan

Listen HERE First 30 minutes: Zafar Bangash discusses his new article “Saudi Regime’s Arbitrary Restrictions on Hajj and Umrah“: “(The Saudis’) latest assault on pilgrims’ right to perform Umrah was announced by the Saudi Ministry of Hajj and Umrah Pilgrims last month. It set an arbitrary age limit of 18 – 50 years for Umrah pilgrims. The pandemic has become its standard excuse for such decisions…Earlier this year, the Hajj numbers were also restricted to 60,000 (it was an improvement on last year’s limit of 1,000) but only people residing in the kingdom could perform Hajj. Muslims from the rest…


LIVE RADIO! Alan Sabrosky Un-Retires from Radio; Zafar Bangash on Saudi Mismanagement of Pilgrimage, Eric Walberg on Post-US-Occupation Afghanistan

Listen live Fridays 8 to 10 Eastern on Revolution.Radio later archived at First hour: Dr. Alan Sabrosky USMC, “most censored man in America,” former head of Strategic Studies, US Army War College, announced his retirement from public speaking on my radio show October 8th. Fortunately he is coming out of retirement tonight. He recently posted on his Facebook page: “SEVERAL WEEKS AGO, before my most recent 3-day (FB) ban (!), I told my friend Kevin Barrett & posted here that I was going to take the occasion of my 80th birthday (10/10/2021) to put an end to public speaking and such.…


Eric Walberg on “America’s defeat in Afghanistan: Divine justice?”

Listen HERE Is America’s defeat in Afghanistan divine justice? I raised that question in today’s khutbah (Muslim sermon). And author and Middle East expert Eric Walberg has also raised it in his new article of that title. Eric cites the Book of Daniel about how “the handwriting was on the wall” for Belshazzar’s empire, applies it to the Soviet and American invasions of Afghanistan, and concludes: “So these latter-day Persians/ Pashtuns first defeated the Soviet anti-empire. But then went on to defeat the Empire itself, a much greater achievement. No farce here. The Soviets suffered from hubris, thinking they could make the world a better place.…


LIVE RADIO! Two Guys Named Eric Who Found God: Only One Shows Up

Listen live Fridays 8 to 10 Eastern on Revolution.Radio later archived at First hour: Author, journalist, and geopolitics expert Eric Walberg grew up as a Communist sympathizer in Cold War era Canada. Somewhere along the line he converted to Islam. So Eric got a chance to be demonized twice! His new article “Needed urgently! New US national myth” reviews Andrei Martyanov’s Disintegration: Indicators of the Coming American Collapse (and also cites the #1 Russian observer of American collapse, Dmitry Orlov) observing: “Empires rise and fall. And usually burn themselves out rather quickly. What else is new? ‘America decline’ is a Wikipedia page. You…


Eric Walberg Offers Islamic View of Solzhenitsyn

Listen HERE Canadian Muslim Eric Walberg, author of The Canada-Israel Nexus, Islamic Resistance to Imperialism, and other books, discusses his new article “Ramadan musings: Solzhenitsyn — everybody’s pain in the neck.” Eric writes: “Solzhenitsyn gave no thought to Islam, even though it was clear to all that a genuine theocracy, Solzhenitsyn’s implied ‘good society’, came about on the Soviet Union’s southern border, even as the faux communist utopias (both the Soviet Union and Afghanistan) were disintegrating. Shia Iran pretty much fills Solzhenitsyn’s checklist. Though persecuted, Iran was distant enough and with a strong enough culture to resist the capitalist trap, and…


LIVE RADIO! Zeshan Shahbaz vs. Khutbah-Vax, Gideon Polya on Quds Day, Rolf Lindgren on “Vaxxed for Trump,” Eric Walberg on Islamic View of Solzhenitsyn

Listen live Fridays 8 to 10 Eastern on Revolution.Radio later archived at First 15 minutes: Zeshan Shahbaz pushes back against the National Khutbah Campaign to Increase Vaccine Confidence, which is pressuring all Muslim imams across Canada to deliver pro-vax khutbahs (sermons). He writes: “This heretical organization CMCTF ought to be investigated and its money trail exposed for publicly promoting this haraam intervention….Can you please share the following to as many fellow Muslims and other Imams as possible: Declarations and public endorsements/acknowledgement of the Haraam nature of Vaccines by various Ulema organizations.”   Zeshan Shahbaz is a correspondent with The Ummah Times which…


FFWN: Why Choose the Lesser Evil?

Watch live Saturdays 11 to noon Eastern on This episode features author and geopolitics analyst Eric Walberg PSAs 1) Help FFWN Show that the Lesser Evil is Still Evil! 2) Will the 2020 Election Be Stolen–Webinar Oct 25th Crimes of Ibn Saud 3) Palestinian Islamic Jihad slams Arab League 4) Shaikh Sudais Desecrates Masjid al Haram by Kowtowing to Zionists 5) Khashoggi “Murdered to Silence Him” Ahead of Meeting with 9/11 Families Crimes of Zion 6) Palestinians with Jewish Ancestry Welcome in Spain—But Not Occupied Palestine! 7) THE REAL CANCEL CULTURE: PRO-ISRAEL BLACKLISTS 7B) Zionist Puppet Trump Imposes Crushing New Iran…


Eric Walberg on “Trump, Coronavirus, Neoliberalism”

Listen HERE “In a way I’m not really sorry that I’m persona non grata (in the USA) due to the US security state that doesn’t seem to like me. It was already very hard for me to travel…” – Eric Walberg Eric Walberg breaks the fast on the penultimate evening of Ramadan…and gives us the English version of his new Farsi interview “Trump, Coronavirus, Neoliberalism.” Eric, a habitual conspiracy theory naysayer, casts a skeptical eye on my argument that COVID-19 looks like a bankster bioweapon to accelerate war on China and the rest of the non-bankster-owned world (including Main Street USA).…


LIVE RADIO: Ellen Brown on “Another Bank Bailout Under Cover of a Virus”; Eric Walberg on “Trump, Coronavirus, Neoliberalism”

Listen live Fridays 8 to 10 pm Eastern on Revolution.Radio First hour: Public banking advocate Ellen Brown, author of Web of Debt, discusses her new article “Another Bank Bailout Under Cover of a Virus.” Second hour: Journalist and geopolitics analyst Eric Walberg breaks the fast on the penultimate evening of Ramadan…and gives us the English version of his new Farsi interview “Trump, Coronavirus, Neoliberalism.”  


Geopolitical Experts The Saker & Eric Walberg on the Shocking Murder of Gen. Soleimani—& Looming WW3?

Listen HERE First 25 minutes: The Saker is one of the alternative media’s leading geopolitical/strategic thinkers. He says he literally couldn’t believe the news that Trump murdered Gen. Soleimani, thinking it must be a mistranslation: “It’s beyond outrageous. They’re freaking out because they’re losing power, and they need to reassert themselves. There’s a vital need, both internal and external, to reimpose the image of the hegemon that you cannot defy with impunity. And I think that kind of primitive restatement, re-establishment, of hegemony is what’s behind (the assassination).” The Saker says Trump and Pompeo “are both arrogant, both narcissistic, and…

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