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Alan Sabrosky Discusses Internet Censorship—and Announces His Retirement (from Doing Interviews Like This)

Listen HERE Dr. Alan Sabrosky USMC, “most censored man in America,” former head of Strategic Studies, US Army War College, returns to Truth Jihad Radio with politically incorrect takes a long list of issues, starting with 9/11—the topic that brought him to my radio show in 2010 to debut his “Israel did it” interpretation of the mother of all false flags. Dr. Sabrosky is not happy about the current state of the Union. “It’s like being the navigator on the Titanic…(today’s America is) somewhere between a sewer and a train wreck. And the thing that’s bothered me most is that…


LIVE RADIO: Strategic Studies Analyst Alan Sabrosky, Philosopher Peter Simpson Discuss Internet Censorship and More

Listen live Fridays 8 to 10 Eastern on Revolution.Radio later archived at The internet censorship problem keeps getting worse. Is the mainstream media the chief culprit (and our #1 enemy) as I suggest in my new article “Legacy Media Desperate to Silence Its Competition“? Two independent-minded Ph.D.s speak their minds! First hour: Dr. Alan Sabrosky USMC, “most censored man in America,” former head of Strategic Studies, US Army War College, returns to Truth Jihad Radio with politically incorrect takes a long list of issues. How much longer will we be able talk about this stuff on the internet? Enjoy the show…


Rolf Lindgren & Alan Sabrosky on Boulder & “Blue Terror”

Listen HERE Republican activist Rolf Lindgren, later joined by Dr. Alan Sabrosky, discuss what Dr. Sabrosky calls the “blue terror“—and offer their respective views of the Boulder mass shooting and other issues. Will deplorable Republicans come roaring back in 2022 and 2024? Rolf Lindgren says “yes.” Alan Sabrosky says of people like Rolf: “They are wrong. ‘Politics as usual’ in America is dead. If the Democrats get their way, there may be some competitive elections in 2022 but not enough to matter, and before 2024 it will be a done deal – the U.S. for all intents and purposes will…


LIVE RADIO! Attorney Thomas Willcutts Says False Flag Plots Always Have Fallback “Plan B”; Rolf Lindgren & Alan Sabrosky on Boulder & “Blue Terror”

Listen live Fridays 8 to 10 Eastern on Revolution.Radio later archived at First hour: Thomas Willcutts, an attorney who specializes in going after banksters, says false flag plots often feature a fallback Plan B. He writes: “Listening to Geert Vanden Bossche, I was struck by his response to the question posed to him in the interview – ‘Did governments really have any choice but to deploy their experimental vaccines – where being seen to do nothing is not a practical alternative for a government?’  Vanden Bossche’s response to that question, invoking the hippocratic oath of ‘do no harm,’ completely ignored curative…


Alan Sabrosky: American Universities Have Gone Insane!

Listen to the audio HERE Alan “Doc” Sabrosky has been called “the most censored man in America.” I should know. I was the one who called him that. The former Director of Strategic Studies at the US Army War College (and NOT a “retired Marine officer” as Wikipedia still says after being corrected dozens of times) Dr. Sabrosky first gained severe notoriety by arguing that Israel did 9/11 — a story he was kind enough to break on my radio show. Now he’s back on my show causing more trouble. This time his target is politically-correct academia and its phony…


Alan Sabrosky on “Blue Terror”

Listen HERE Is half the country demonizing the other half as “insurrectionists” and “domestic terrorists”? Will the half that dominates the media succeed in silencing the other half through ever-escalating censorship? Will the blues eventually send the reds to re-education camps, where they can memorize hundreds of genders to rehabilitate themselves? Will the camps be on the beach in San Diego? If so, send me there ASAP! Can’t wait to learn those gender pronouns! But seriously…today’s guest, Alan Sabrosky, thinks we’re entering Democrat Dystopia: “A while back, I wrote about dystopias, but the viciousness and utter vindictiveness of the Democrats…


Alan Sabrosky on “Descending Dystopias: America Faces 2021”

Listen HERE Last July, Dr. Alan Sabrosky appeared on this show asking: “Is America headed for civil war?” In today’s interview—recorded on Tuesday, January 5, the eve of tomorrow’s big election battle in Congress—the “most censored man in America” brings us up to date on his dire predictions. In his new article Descending Dystopias: America Faces 2021, Doc Sabrosky opines that at this point all discernible futures look like paths to dystopia. If Biden takes the presidency and angry populists don’t rebel, the Democrats will impose “universal cancel culture” and erase most of America’s history and heritage. “And the enfranchisement…


Alan Sabrosky: Is America Headed for Civil War?

Listen HERE Dr. Alan “The Most Censored Man in America“ Sabrosky thinks we might not even make it to the election…and even if we do, Civil War II could break out shortly thereafter. “Looking at Biden vs Trump almost makes me long for the days of the 2016 election – almost. As I have written, Trump is out of his depth dealing with these crises, and the generals who could have helped him are long gone – and gone on bad terms, at that. Biden is so visibly senile the only question is whether he drops out as soon as…


Alan Sabrosky and Jeremy Rothe-Kushel on Madman Trump’s Attack on Iran, and More

Listen HERE Two legendary truth warriors, Dr. Alan Sabrosky (“The Most Censored Man in America“) and Jeremy Rothe-Kushel discuss Trump’s war on Iran…and the neocon-Zionist power behind it. Among other topics, we discuss Jeremy’s hypothesis that Iran’s accidental shootdown of Ukrainian airliner PS752 could have been the result of cyber-hacking of Iran’s Russian-supplied air defense equipment. Alan Sabrosky, Ph.D, spent ten years in Marine Corps. He is the former Director of Studies at the United States Army War College’s Strategic Studies Institute where he held the position of The Douglas MacArthur Chair of Research. Some view Dr. Sabrosky, the best known…


FFWN: NYC Fire Commissioners Expose 9/11 Controlled Demolition

PSAs 1) Help FFWN report on “conspiracy theories” that are true 2) Google’s New Chrome Makes It Easier to Bypass Newspaper Paywalls (and read MSM stories that FFWN critiques) 9/11 Anniversary (& Truth Breakout?) Approaching 3) FBI Document Warns Conspiracy Theories Are A New Domestic Terrorism Threat 4) New York Area Fire Commissioners Make History, Call for New 9/11 Investigation 5) New York Fire Commissioners Call for New 9/11 Investigation About “Pre-Planted Explosives” 6) Lawyers Press Case That 9/11 Confessions Given to F.B.I. Are Tainted 7) Khalid Sheikh Mohammed could help 9/11 families in Saudi Arabia lawsuit if death…

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