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Alan Sabrosky Un-Retires from Radio

And continues to worry about “blue terror” Listen HERE Dr. Alan Sabrosky USMC, “most censored man in America,” former head of Strategic Studies, US Army War College, announced his retirement from public speaking on my radio show October 8th. Fortunately he is coming out of retirement tonight. He recently posted on his Facebook page: “SEVERAL WEEKS AGO, before my most recent 3-day (FB) ban (!), I told my friend Kevin Barrett & posted here that I was going to take the occasion of my 80th birthday (10/10/2021) to put an end to public speaking and such. I seemed to be…


Rolf Lindgren & Alan Sabrosky on Boulder & “Blue Terror”

Listen HERE Republican activist Rolf Lindgren, later joined by Dr. Alan Sabrosky, discuss what Dr. Sabrosky calls the “blue terror“—and offer their respective views of the Boulder mass shooting and other issues. Will deplorable Republicans come roaring back in 2022 and 2024? Rolf Lindgren says “yes.” Alan Sabrosky says of people like Rolf: “They are wrong. ‘Politics as usual’ in America is dead. If the Democrats get their way, there may be some competitive elections in 2022 but not enough to matter, and before 2024 it will be a done deal – the U.S. for all intents and purposes will…