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Libertarian VP candidate & 9/11 truth filmmaker Art Olivier, David Ray Griffin assistant Elizabeth Woodworth

Truth Jihad Radio Wed. 12/14/11, 3-5 pm Central, American Freedom Radio (archived here.) Call-in: (402) 237-2525 or post your questions to my Facebook page. First hour: Art Olivier ran against Dick Cheney in 2000 (Art was the Libertarian). If he’d known what was coming, he could have promised not to blow up the World Trade Center, and taken away all of Cheney’s votes. He also ran against Schwarzenegger in 2006. Now he’s involved with a brand-new 9/11 truth feature film, Operation Terror (watch the trailer). Second hour: David Ray Griffin’s assistant Elizabeth Woodworth is a key player in, which…


In which I turn myself in for Indefinite Military Detention

Sent to:  Dear DHS, As someone who could be said to “substantially support al-Qaeda, the Taliban, or associated forces,” I am writing to turn myself in under the new NDAA law. Please send a US military brigade, preferably the Marines (semper fi, guys!) to indefinitely detain me. (I’d prefer the Marines because I’m a big fan of Gen. Smedley Butler – and I LOVE Kubrick’s Full Metal Jacket. I mean, let’s face it, compared to the other services, the Marines are seriously cool.) I suppose you want me to explain what “substantially support” means. Well, I’m wondering about that…


“Indefinite Military Detention”?! Ask Susan Lindauer!

Tuesday, December 6th, 11 a.m. to noon Central (9-10 Pacific) on (archived here a few hours after broadcast). Guest: Ex-CIA asset & imprisoned 9/11 whistleblower Susan Lindauer, author of Extreme Prejudice. The new Senate Military Appropriations bill places the US under martial law by allowing the military to indefinitely detain people without charges. Who better to discuss this topic than Susan Lindauer, the CIA asset who was indefinitely detained at Carswell Air Force Base because she knew too much about 9/11, Iraq, and other Bush Administration crimes? As a U.S. Intelligence Asset, Susan Lindauer covered anti-terrorism at the…


My open letter to “Canada’s foremost philosopher of war”

Joshua Blakeney’s Open Letter to Dr. Viminitz inspired mine It never ceases to amaze me: The academy, whose job is to speak truth to power, has effectively banned serious questioning of what happened on 9/11/2001. If you’re a professor, you can say just about anything. You can even defend the mass slaughter of non-combatants on 9/11 and cheer the perpetrators – as long as you toe the party line that it was al-Qaeda that did it. Take Paul Viminitz – please. Viminitz, a pro-Zionist Jew who poses as a big al-Qaeda supporter, is regularly invited to lecture at universities around…


Senator Mike Gravel: Israel lies; US is a war-hungry drunk

Tuesday, November 29th, 11 a.m. to noon Central (9-10 Pacific) on (archived here a few hours after broadcast). Senator Mike Gravel of the 9/11 Citizens’ Commission campaign has always been one of the few truth-tellers in American politics. But recently he’s been ratcheting it up a couple of notches. See: US Senator Condemns Israel’s Lies about Iran And:


Singer Johnny Punish; Webster Tarpley just back from Syria!

Truth Jihad Radio Mon. 11/28/11, 3-5 pm Central, American Freedom Radio (archived here.) Call-in: (402) 237-2525 or post your questions to my Facebook page. First hour: Veteran punk rock singer-guitarist Johnny Punish writes for Veterans Today, runs a global media company, and has just come out with a great 9/11 truth song. Second hour: Author-journalist Webster Tarpley, one of the most erudite and articulate political analysts of our time, has just returned from Syria. He says what’s happening there is completely unlike what’s being reported in the mainstream media, including al-Jazeera. Note: Senator Mike Gravel, just back from Iran, will…


Lynn Margulis, truth seeker, 1938-2011

One of the nice things about getting drummed out of academia for speaking the truth about 9/11 – the nicest thing, in fact – is the wonderful people you meet. I just learned that one of the most wonderful, Lynn Margulis, passed away yesterday. Lynn was one of the greatest scientists of the 20th and early 21st centuries. Her work in the life sciences, which she did not like to call “evolutionary biology,” set the stage for a paradigm shift away from neo-Darwinian reductionism, and towards an appreciation of the irreducible complexity of the life processes, the importance of microbial…


Gordon Duff: Netanyahu’s a liar, the Pope is Catholic, and we know what bears do in the woods

Truth Jihad Radio Wed. 11/9/11, 1-3 pm Central, American Freedom Radio (archived here.) Call-in: (402) 237-2525 or post your questions to my Facebook page. Guest: Gordon Duff, Editor of Veterans Today (we’re trying to get the likely next President of Pakistan, Imran Khan, to join us! See: Massive Rally in Lahore: Imran Khan Leads Calls for Pakistan to End US Alliance and VT Contributor, Imran Khan Blasts US for War Stance.) If one liar tells another liar that an even worse liar is a liar, and the second liar agrees with the first liar, are the first two liars telling…


Hannity and me: A case of neuro-linguistic programming?

Tom Valentine thinks this video should go viral, and asks whether I am holding it back. The answer is no, I’m not holding anything back! I like this video, but I think it exaggerates the efficacy of Hannity’s attempt to neuro-linguistically program the audience. The important segment of the audience – people who watched this interview without strong preconceptions – probably thought Hannity was coming on too strong, and enjoyed my talking back to him. The local polls, at least, suggested that the Fox-led witch-hunt against me didn’t really succeed in swaying public opinion.


Cheney’s 1% Doctrine Revisited, or: Why Pat Buchanan Should Choose His Friends More Carefully

According to Ron Suskind, Dick Cheney launched the Global War on Terror via “the one percent doctrine”: “If there’s a 1% chance that Pakistani scientists are helping al-Qaeda build or develop a nuclear weapon, we have to treat it as a certainty in terms of our response. It’s not about our analysis … It’s about our response.” Slapping an arbitrary 1% probability on a nonexistent but scary-sounding threat – why not space aliens, hare krishna terrorists, or giant mutant insects – and spending the rest of our lifetimes throwing trillions of dollars at it, is not a wise use of…

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