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Senate declares US bestial military dictatorship

2012 is shaping up to be a heck of a year for the military. On December 31, 2011, Obama signed the NDAA, codifying into law for the first time in American history that the military can imprison citizens or non-citizens indefinitely, inside or outside the United States, without charges or trial.    (Source: American Civil Liberties Union) This obscene bill was the work of the US Senate. Every Senator who voted for it needs to be tried for treason, convicted, and hanged by the neck until dead. The President who signed it, with reservations, should get off with a lighter sentence.…


In which I turn myself in for Indefinite Military Detention

Sent to:  Dear DHS, As someone who could be said to “substantially support al-Qaeda, the Taliban, or associated forces,” I am writing to turn myself in under the new NDAA law. Please send a US military brigade, preferably the Marines (semper fi, guys!) to indefinitely detain me. (I’d prefer the Marines because I’m a big fan of Gen. Smedley Butler – and I LOVE Kubrick’s Full Metal Jacket. I mean, let’s face it, compared to the other services, the Marines are seriously cool.) I suppose you want me to explain what “substantially support” means. Well, I’m wondering about that…