Watch above Saturdays after 1 pm Eastern (posted early this week to accommodate Dr. Jones’ schedule). Or watch on Bitchute. PSA 1) Help FFWN “UnReframe the Knife Attack” IDF Finally Heading Into Tunnels of Doom? 2) Under Shroud of Secrecy, Israel Invasion of Gaza Has Begun 3) Israel achieved nothing in attempted ground invasion of Gaza, only struck open areas: Islamic Jihad Israeli troops standing on civilian-corpse-filled rubble hit by Hamas drone–israel-war-hamas-drone-strike-on-idf-forces-in-gaza-rcf.html Genocide 4) Netanyahu invokes Amalek genocide: “You must remember what Amalek has done to you” 5) Israel compiled ‘ethnic cleansing’ plan for Gaza…
FULL ARTICLELIVE RADIO! “Anti-Semitism” Debate with John Kaminski; Eric Walberg (and ?) on Peter Turchin’s Cliodynamics & Looming WW3
Listen live Fridays noon to 2pm Eastern on Revolution.Radio later archived at First hour guest: John Kaminski, author of the brand-new article “The New Nakba”. As the mass-murder of Palestinian women and children accelerates, MSM genocide propagandists are protected. But truth-tellers whose only crime is being a bit too excitable, like today’s Truth Jihad Radio guest John Kaminski, face career destruction and sometimes legal jeopardy. Kaminski, a former mainstream journalist exiled from the field for “anti-Semitism,” was my first-ever Truth Jihad Radio guest almost exactly 17 years ago. I kicked him off the show because what he was saying about “the Jews”…
FULL ARTICLEFFWN: Zionist Propaganda Implodes, MSM Covers Up Genocide
Watch above Saturdays after 1 pm Eastern. Or watch on Bitchute PSAs 1) Help FFWN Tell the Other Side of the Story Breaking: Ground Invasion? 2) Israel’s Army Is Ready to Invade Gaza. Its Divided Government May Not Be. (NYT) Genocide 3) 800 Children’s Bodies Currently Under Gaza Debris as Palestinian parents put ID bracelets on soon-to-be-murdered children 4) Israeli think tank lays out a blueprint for the complete ethnic cleansing of Gaza 5) It’s not just Gaza – Israel is also killing scores in the West Bank 6) Israel, in two weeks,…
FULL ARTICLEAnthropology Prof. Virginia Abernethy on “Born Abroad”; Int. Affairs Prof. Michael Brenner on “America Declares War”;
Listen HERE First half-hour: Anthropology professor Virginia Abernethy is the author of the new book Born Abroad. From her publisher: “Dr. Abernethy, who was born in Cuba in the 1930s to American parents and who is bilingual in English and Spanish, is a Harvard-trained scientist and an activist. She has been a leading voice in issues spanning fertility in the United States and the effects of unbridled immigration, including its economic damage to working Americans. Because of her long years of experience, her academic achievement at elite American universities, and her role as an outspoken woman, she is a threat to…
FULL ARTICLEAnthony Blinken Offers SHOCKING Admission in “Holocaust Survivor” Speech
US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken touched down this morning in Doha, Qatar, to negotiate the release of Americans held by Hamas. Shortly before Blinken’s speech, it seems that the Emir of Qatar, Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani, dosed the US Secretary of State’s coffee with scopolamine, colloquially known as “truth serum.” Below is a text of Blinken’s speech. Speech by Anthony Blinken in Doha, Qatar October 20, 2023 Good morning. My name is Anthony Blinken. Today is my 996th day as U.S. Secretary of State. And this is the 839th time I’ve flown to a foreign country and…
FULL ARTICLELIVE RADIO! Anthropology Prof. Virginia Abernethy on “Born Abroad”; Int. Affairs Prof. Michael Brenner on “America Declares War”; Psychology prof. Kevin MacDonald on “Pro-Israel Financial Muscle” and more
Listen live Fridays noon to 2pm Eastern on Revolution.Radio later archived at Today’s show features three American professors who have been attacked and/or marginalized due to their political views. I don’t fully agree with these three academic colleagues, but I respect their courage and independence of mind, and urge you to listen carefully to what they have to say. First half-hour: Anthropology professor Virginia Abernethy is the author of the new book Born Abroad. From her publisher: “Dr. Abernethy, who was born in Cuba in the 1930s to American parents and who is bilingual in English and Spanish, is a Harvard-trained scientist…
FULL ARTICLEBREAKING! Four (4) Carrier Strike Groups Deployed! WW3 Imminent? NOT! (with E. Michael Jones)
Full uncensored FFWN normally posted above by 1 pm Eastern time Saturdays. This week we’ll post early—Thursday by 1 pm Eastern—to accommodate Dr. Jones’ schedule. PSAs 0) Help FFWN “shoot” MSM sitting ducks 1) Free Reiner Fuellmich and Craig Murray, Arrested for Supporting Hamas and Hezbollah Breaking 2) BREAKING! Four (4) Carrier Strike Groups Deployed! WW3 Imminent! 3) U.S. Deploys Large Force – Eyes On Syria 4) Even MSM Scoffs at Israel’s Hospital Bombing Story but Biden pretends to buy it as furious millions protest worldwide including hundreds arrested at US Capitol 4.5) Chris Hedges, Caitlin…
FULL ARTICLE‘Israel faces hopeless situation in Gaza’: Scholar
Press TV The Israeli regime faces a “hopeless” situation in its war of aggression against the Palestinians in Gaza, an American scholar and commentator has said. Dr. Kevin Barrett, an Islamic scholar and former American academic made the remarks in an exclusive interview with the Press TV website on Friday. Gaza has been a target of Israel’s continuous bombardment since Saturday when it was caught flat-footed by a multi-pronged operation by resistance groups that involved massive missile strikes and ground incursions into settlements near the blockaded territory. The Health Ministry in Gaza announced on Friday that at least 1,799 Palestinians,…
FULL ARTICLEGazans Break Out of World’s Biggest Concentration Camp
Kevin Barrett and Robert Fontina join Press TV’s rolling coverage of the 10/7/2023 mass concentration camp breakout in Gaza, Occupied Palestine. For more information see Gazans Break Out of World’s Biggest Concentration Camp Nonviolence didn’t work, so they had to shoot their way out My preparations for this weekend’s False Flag Weekly News, with its tongue-in-cheek lead story suggesting that Wednesday’s emergency alert’s hidden message was “killer tranny Sarah Ashton-Cirillo is on the loose,” were shockingly interrupted by the Gaza concentration camp breakout. Suddenly, the emergency alert was real—and being sounded all over Israel. As usual, Western morons blamed…
FULL ARTICLELIVE RADIO! Robert Fantina and Sam Husseini on Western Media’s Incitement to Genocide
Listen live Fridays noon to 2pm Eastern on Revolution.Radio later archived at First hour: I have spoken with author, journalist, and human rights activist Robert Fantina often on Press TV—most recently last week. Today he joins my radio show for the first time. We’ll discuss his new article “Gaza and the Israeli War.” Excerpt: “Major news outlets are treating this as a ‘terrorist’ act, Israel’s ‘9-11’, and not the response of a people who have suffered greatly under the brutal hand of an occupying nation for decades. They decry Palestinian violence, as they ignore that of Israel. Few, if any, journalists…