Some people say “9/11 truth ends war.” Others, the impolite ones, say “9/11 truth ends Israel.” But what 9/11 truth really ends – and what really needs to be put out of its misery – is stale, conventional thinking. War, as Gwynn Dyer put it, is just a “lethal custom.” We do it because it’s customary, not because it is a particularly good idea to train young men to be mass murderers, dress them up in uniforms and turn them loose to use ever-more-lethal weapons on their fellow human beings and our shared environment. To end war, we need to…
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Our Ideals vs. Your Realities
Happy Christian New Year, dear readers, from your favorite recovering angry Muslim! I must admit that my recovery has been dealt a setback after I just re-read the best history of the Zio-Palestinian conflict — Alan Hart’s magisterial three-volume Zionism: The Real Enemy of the Jews — and re-experienced a painful internal confrontation with the unending vomit-stream of murderous lies that passes for Zionism. It brought back all the feelings I went through two years ago while watching three weeks of live coverage of the Zionist atrocities in Gaza. So my wishes for a blessed, joyful and prosperous New Year…
FULL ARTICLEWhere will it end?
WHERE WILL IT END? How will we know when the “war on terror” is over? How could the folks who storyboarded 9/11 and the “war on terror” possibly storyboard their way out of it? How can you end a war against an abstract noun? Here’s how some previous wars ended. Can you imagine a “war is over” scenario for the so-called “war on terror”? If not, it will go on forever, so better start imagining! As John and Yoko said, “war is over if you want it.” Al Qaeda Surrenders“We’re Giving Up On Humanity” Obama: Long National “War On…
FULL ARTICLEPoker Face: The sound of the New World Order going up in flames
Pokerface will join me for a special two-hour interview Saturday, January 8th, 2011, 5-7 pm Central, on Keep an eye on my radio schedule for more details. I grew up listening to revolutionary rock n’ roll. As I came of age in the late 70s, I still thought the MC5’s Kick Out the Jams had enough power to bring down the Trilateralists, who were busy putting an end to the “excess of democracy” that made the 1960s so interesting. Somewhere along the way the music stopped believing it could change anything. And I stopped listening. Well, not completely. But…
FULL ARTICLERemembering Janette MacKinlay and Mark Wolfert – Two American Heroes
Beyond their wholehearted support for 9/11 truth, Janette MacKinlay and Mark Wolfert did not have a whole lot in common. Janette, a sensitive and somewhat shy woman, was an artist who kept to the big city. Her haunts were downtown Manhattan and the San Francisco Bay Area. As for Mark, sensitive and shy would be just about the last words you’d ever hear about him. He was a hard drinker (till a stroke slowed him down), a bar brawler (till getting older and wiser slowed him down), and a legendary loudmouth ham radio operator (the FCC never did manage to…
FULL ARTICLEDear Helen Thomas, Thank You for Your Courage!
In case you missed it, Helen Thomas has apparently taken my advice and stopped apologizing for telling the truth. The Detroit Free Press recently reported her words at a workshop against anti-Arab bigotry: “I can call a president of the United States anything in the book but I can’t touch Israel, which has Jewish-only roads in the West Bank. No American would tolerate that – white-only roads… We are owned by the propagandists against the Arabs. There’s no question about that. Congress, the White House and Hollywood, Wall Street are owned by the Zionists. No question in my opinion. They…
FULL ARTICLEPearl Harbor Treason? Special Two-Hour Debate on the KB Show!
Special Two-Hour Episode of the Kevin Barrett Show: A Debate on Pearl Harbor featuring Thomas Kimmel and Webster Tarpley Did President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Lt. Commander Arthur McCollum, and other U.S. actors commit de facto high treason by implementing an eight-point plan to provoke a Japanese attack on the US, then hiding intelligence on the approaching Japanese fleet from Gen. Short and Admiral Kimmel? Did they welcome the slaughter of 2,403 Americans as “a pretty cheap price to pay for the unification of the country” as explained by Lt. Commander J.J. Rochefort, commander of Naval Intelligence Station HYPO, Pearl…
FULL ARTICLEOperation Infinite Patience
Once upon a time, some Zionist neocons seized the US government and decided to occupy the Islamic world – forever. The neocons behind the plan realized it would require a long-term effort. So they code-named the plan “Operation Infinite Patience.” (They also knew it would require infinite funds, but they didn’t worry about that, because their friends owned the Federal Reserve, which can print money out of thin air.) Things were going splendidly – until one day someone leaked the plan’s code name. “Operation Infinite Patience! This is blasphemy! Only God has infinite patience!” the Muslims fumed. “Infinite patience my…
FULL ARTICLEMichael Shermer debunks the “19 hijackers” conspiracy theory!
As Anthony Hall says, Michael Shermer isn’t a real economics professor – he just plays one on TV. But that doesn’t mean he’s always wrong. In a recent Scientific American article, Shermer gives us many reasons to think that the Official Conspiracy Theory of 9/11 is “likely to be untrue.” Below is Shermer’s list of the characteristics of probably-untrue conspiracy theories. My comments are in italics. Shermer writes: Nevertheless, we cannot just dismiss all such theories out of hand, because real conspiracies do sometimes happen. Instead we should look for signs that indicate a conspiracy theory is likely to be…
FULL ARTICLEHigh School Student Interviews Me on the WTC-7 Mosque
A high school student recently interviewed me on the WTC-7 Mosque: Here are my questions:1. What is the current situation of the mosque? Is it still under construction? I don’t know whether any construction work is going on right now, but as I understand it the space has been used for Friday prayers for several years at least. So it has been a mosque for many years, since long before the controversy arose. According to recent news reports, they are planning construction work, and applying for government funds to help pay for it. So in that sense it is definitely…