Broadcast live 8 to 10 pm Eastern, http://Revolution.Radio then archived HERE First hour: DC Dave Martin‘s new essay The Hot Potato of Thomas Merton’s Death suggests that one of the greatest religious thinkers of the 20th century was assassinated by…well, the term “usual suspects” is getting overused. David Martin is the co-author, along with Hugh Turley, of the new book The Martyrdom of Thomas Merton: An Investigation. The most influential Catholic of the 20th century, Thomas Merton was becoming one of the world’s most powerful voices opposing nuclear weapons, and the Vietnam war (indeed all war), when he suddenly died in 1968…
FULL ARTICLECategory: Radio Show
5th Annual 9/11 Physics Debate: And the winner is….David Chandler!
Watch the video HERE‘s Fifth Annual 9/11 Physics Debate, held every year on March 14 (Einstein’s birthday), once again was won by the contestant representing the pro-9/11-truth position: science teacher David Chandler of and coordinator of Scientists for 9/11 Truth. As always, the victory was by default. (During the five year history of the 9/11 Physics Debate, not one qualified scientist has stepped forward to defend the official story of what happened to the three World Trade Center skyscrapers.) In this “debate” David Chandler explains in clear, straightforward language why we know that World Trade Center Building 7 and the Twin…
FULL ARTICLESami al-Arian on Tariq Ramadan; Rabia’s song for Gaza
Listen HERE. First half hour: Dr. Sami al-Arian joins us to discuss the persecution of Tariq Ramadan, who has been imprisoned in France under circumstances that suggest a political witch hunt. For details, and how you can help, see the Free Tariq Ramadan website and FaceBook page. Dr. Sami al-Arian was America’s most effective Muslim organizer-activist from the early 1990s until 9/11— after which he was brought up on absurdly bogus charges by more or less the same people who had attacked the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. (The story of how Dr. al-Arian put George Bush in the…
FULL ARTICLEPaul Craig Roberts on Trump-Russia
Paul Craig Roberts, former Assistant Secretary of the Treasury and Wall St. Journal Editor, has published an interesting analysis of what he calls “Mueller’s Comic Book Indictment.”… According to Dr. Roberts, the Trump-Russia scandal was “trumped up” by Deep State militarists to pre-empt rapprochement with Russia and preserve military-industrial complex profits. But their efforts, he says, are failing; the Mueller indictments against a Russian clickbait factory are absurdly anticlimactic and feature nothing whatsoever indicating election meddling by the Russian government, nor Trump administration complicity in any malfeasance. Though I think Dr. Roberts may harbor an overly optimistic view of…
FULL ARTICLEJohn Morrow on “Islam and the People of the Book”; Mike Harris explains VT-TV, the cure for internet censorship and spying
Broadcast live Friday March 9, 8 to 10 pm Eastern at Revolution.Radio then archived HERE First hour: John Morrow discusses Cambridge Scholars’ new publication Islam and the People of the Book, which he edited and to which I contributed. In this conversation John and I discuss the relatively few issues that divide Christians from Muslims, and the much larger number of issues that unite us. We also discuss other topical issues including the emails to Portland’s KBOO radio headlined “Stop Kevin Barrett from polluting the airwaves with anti-semitism” that led to the cancellation of a scheduled show today. Dr. John…
FULL ARTICLEPeter Koenig says Venezuelan Petro could change the world; Jim Fetzer responds to YouTube censorship
Mainstream media tell us that the Venezuelan Petro, a new crypto-currency backed by the world’s biggest oil reserves, can’t possibly work. Likewise, the MSM tell us that people asking questions about the Parkland shooting (and before that Charlottesville, Las Vegas, Orlando, Sandy Hook, San Bernardino, Boston, etc. etc. all the way back to 9/11) are “conspiracy theorists” who should be ignored or censored. Is the MSM right? We can’t judge unless we hear both sides of the story. But the self-appointed censors and doyens of the dominant discourse don’t want you to even hear the perspectives aired on today’s show!…
FULL ARTICLEAuthor and journalist Geraldine Perry: Mainstream “climate change” theories are wrong—and usury is killing the planet
Is carbon from fossil fuel emissions really the biggest environmental threat? Geraldine Perry says no. She argues that harmful climate change, as well as other forms of environmental degradation, are being driven mainly by bad land use policies—beginning with big agriculture strip-mining the soil. And those polices, indeed most harmful human impacts on the environment, are the product of our usury-based economy, in which every dollar is created by being lent into existence, at interest, by a privately-owned banking cartel. The destructive extraction that is killing the planet stems from the endless mad, futile scramble to try to pay back exponentially…
FULL ARTICLEJoel Skousen on prepping for the New World Order; Mujahid Kamran on “Terrorism and the United States of America”
Broadcast live Friday March 2, 8 to 10 pm Eastern at Revolution.Radio then archived HERE First hour: Joel Skousen of World Affairs Brief is a noted current events commentator and New World Order analyst, as well as an expert on strategic relocation and prepping. (His uncle, Professor Cleon Skousen, was a pioneer of NWO studies, and is cited in Mujahid Kamran’s new article “Terrorism and the United States of America.”) Second hour: Speaking of which, let’s bring on Dr. Kamran himself to comment on that brilliant article—and on the pressures brought to bear on academicians who study and discuss such taboo…
FULL ARTICLEBarbara Honegger and Cathleen McGuire continue the conversation on (eco)feminism
Listen HERE Two weeks ago Cathleen McGuire came on my show to discuss #MeToo and advocate ecofeminism—a critique of patriarchy that sees the subjugation and exploitation of women and nature as closely linked, and proposes to treat the disease by balancing female and male, nature and culture, and right and left brain hemisphere consciousness. (On the latter point, check out Leonard Schlain’s The Alphabet vs. the Goddess.) Today, Cat rejoins us alongside Barbara Honegger, who continues the conversation by recounting her efforts to re-frame the abortion issue for Ronald Reagan when Barbara was serving as Presidential Policy Advisor from 1981…
FULL ARTICLEKen Meyercord on “Digital Book-Burning”
Archived HERE Ken Meyercord questions Amazon’s bizarre ban on 68 history books. The books in question are factually-oriented, often highly technical, offering little or nothing that could conceivably be described as “hate” or “bigotry.” But the sober scientific and archeological facts in these books, according to Amazon, must be far more dangerous than Hitler’s Mein Kampf and the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, both of which Amazon happily sells and profits from. Jeff Bezos, please come on my show and explain! Ken Meyercord lives in the Washington, DC area, where he haunts think-tank events to raise iconoclastic questions…