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Welcome to the Judeo-Christian-Islamic weekend! Topics: Islam & economics, mystical significance of Passover and Easter

Broadcast live Fri. 3/30, 8 to 10 pm Eastern on Revolution.Radio then archived HERE. Today is Good Friday, a major Christian holiday. Many people in the Christian world take the day off. But why not make every Friday a holiday, just like Saturday (the Jewish Sabbath) and Sunday (the Christian “Lord’s Day”)? After all, Muslims have congregational prayers on Friday, and in many Muslim countries people take the day off, or at least the afternoon off, to make it easier for people to go to mosque. This proposal would give Muslims equal treatment—and benefit non-Muslims too. Did you know that the…


Who’s afraid of an Islamic caliphate?

Harun Yahya’s version of the coming caliphate I recently debated Osman Bakkash of the Hizb-ut-Tahrir Party, which is working peacefully to restore an Islamic caliphate. It was a relatively friendly discussion for the most part. Watch the debate at Press TV But I’m not in favor of creating just any-old-caliphate by any-old-means. Take ISIS – please! Anjum Chaudry and his ISIS friends are idiots. But there’s nothing wrong, in principle, with the idea of restoring a pan-Islamic caliphate. About two-thirds of the world’s Muslims support this concept. So if you support democracy in Muslim-majority nations, you are supporting a pan-Islamic…