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Ron Rattner: What Good Is Prayer?

Listen HERE Ron Rattner of writes: “Though I began this lifetime only praying rarely in organized religious programs, after years of evolutionary process I now instinctively pray constantly and spontaneously, with an unprecedented and all encompassing concept of ‘prayer’.” Ron Rattner was brought up as a secular Jew, and became a mystic after a midlife crisis and spiritual awakening. After spending half of the first decade of the 21st century deep in prayer and meditation, Ron woke up one day, turned on the television set, saw Hannity fighting with some crazy conspiracy professor, researched 9/11, and discovered that it was…


Charles Upton: Is Religion Under Attack?

Listen HERE First hour: Charles Upton, renowned Beat poet turned Sufi Muslim interfaith activist, writes in his new essay “Rebuilding Muhammad’s Interfaith Alliance Against the Global Attack on Religion“: “We are all aware of the growing number of attacks on churches, mosques and synagogues around the world, including North America. Whatever attacks are not carried out by (supposedly) lone individuals are usually attributed to, or claimed by, specific known groups: Islamicist terrorists, White Supremacists, etc. But a further question must be asked: are a percentage of these attacks actually false flags, carried out by entities with an agenda of creating conflict…


Welcome to the Judeo-Christian-Islamic weekend! Topics: Islam & economics, mystical significance of Passover and Easter

Broadcast live Fri. 3/30, 8 to 10 pm Eastern on Revolution.Radio then archived HERE. Today is Good Friday, a major Christian holiday. Many people in the Christian world take the day off. But why not make every Friday a holiday, just like Saturday (the Jewish Sabbath) and Sunday (the Christian “Lord’s Day”)? After all, Muslims have congregational prayers on Friday, and in many Muslim countries people take the day off, or at least the afternoon off, to make it easier for people to go to mosque. This proposal would give Muslims equal treatment—and benefit non-Muslims too. Did you know that the…


Ron Rattner on finding 9/11 truth, Einstein, synchronicity, and spirituality

Listen HERE Ron Rattner, a retired San Francisco attorney, is “a self-described ‘student of life’ matriculating on ‘the Earth branch of the Great Cosmic University.’ Although his formal education ended in 1958 (upon his graduation from the University of Chicago law school), he has since then enthusiastically pursued a course of informal continuing education, trying to learn about life from his experiences — both inner and outer.” In this interview Ron recounts how he discovered 9/11 truth after watching my interview with Sean Hannity; tells an amazing Einstein synchronicity story; and explains how his worldview changed after a mystical experience.


TJ Radio today: Peymon on Ron Paul, Kevin talks spirituality with Ron Rattner

Listen to this show Truth Jihad Radio Fri. 7/15/11, 1-3 pm Central, American Freedom Radio (archived here.) Call-in number: (402) 237-2525 or post your questions to my Facebook page. First hour: Guest host Peymon Mottahedeh is back from Alaska, and will be discussing the Ron Paul campaign with a guest expert. Second hour: I (Kevin) will discuss spirituality (and the importance of truth) with Ron Rattner of Silly Sutras. Ron is an ethnically-Jewish truth-seeker who has journeyed through Christianity and mysticism to end up…well, read him yourself! As a Muslim, I can’t disagree with his recent piece God Is One.…