Listen HERE First hour: Publisher John Leonard and translator Andrew Schlademan just brought out the late Dr. Udo Ulfkotte’s whistleblowing instant-classic Presstitutes Embedded in the Pay of the CIA: A Confession from the Profession: “Would you be surprised to learn that spies sit and write articles in newspaper editorial offices? Which are then published on op-ed pages under the names of well-known journalists? Or which journalists receive bribes for their reporting? Have you heard how prestigious ‘journalism prizes’ are a reward system for cooperation? Much as ‘Heroes of Labor’ were honored for writing the best communist propaganda in the former East bloc.…
FULL ARTICLECategory: Radio Show
Rolf Lindgren: Trump Is My President and Will Win in 2020
Listen HERE Rolf Lindgren, a former Libertarian activist, managed the 2008 Barrett for Congress campaign. Now he is a Trump-lovin’ Republican. Rolf joins us with the latest on the “NWO conspiracy to reverse the results of the 2016 election.” Does Rolf really believe Trump’s ludicrous account of al-Baghdadi “dying like a dog”?! Yes he does: “Trump would never lie about something like that…it’s a lot different from the Bin Laden raid, which was a joke.” Rolf opines: “Trump is taking on the military-industrial complex. He’s taking on the endless wars. He’s talking about the trillions of dollars cost. He’s talking…
FULL ARTICLEPeter Myers: Has the Pope Turned Pagan?
Listen HERE Broadcast live Fridays 8 to 10 pm Eastern on Revolution.Radio, later archived at Australian New World Order researcher Peter Myers has just published “Pope Francis blesses Pachamama – a slide into paganism?” The article is reprinted below. Pope Francis blesses Pachamama – a slide into paganism? – by Peter Myers, Oct 27, 2019 Pope Francis has blessed Pachamama, an Inca goddess. Orthodox Jews and Evangelical Christians would see it as a slide into paganism, but the Catholic Church has practised religious syncretism for two thousand years. It has copied or borrowed themes from Ancient Egypt (the Madonna and…
FULL ARTICLEWilliam Pepper on RFK Assassination Coverup; Richie Allen Interview on Sandy Hook Fetzer Lawsuit
Listen HERE First 25 minutes: William Pepper may be America’s leading expert on domestic political assassinations. He is best known for winning a civil suit proving that high-level personnel of the US Army, CIA, and FBI conspired to murder Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.. (Listen to my interview William Pepper Solves the Murder of Martin Luther King, Jr. – the Government Did It, the Media’s Covering It Up.”) In this interview we discuss William Pepper’s role as counsel for Sirhan Sirhan, the innocent Palestinian-American who was under hypnotic control at the scene of Robert Kennedy’s assassination, and who was falsely convicted…
FULL ARTICLECynthia McKinney on Zionist Power—and the “Jewish Question”
Listen HERE Dr. Cynthia McKinney got elected to Congress six times—and soon found herself under attack by the Israel lobby when she refused to sign the “pledge of allegiance to Israel” demanded of all representatives! The Lobby was able to eject Rep. McKinney from Congress twice, once in 2002 and again in 2006, by fabricating a primary opponent backed by the vast fortunes of the Zionist oligarchs and the tireless energy of the 500,000-footsoldier “Zionist Power Configuration” or ZPC. (For information about the ZPC, read Dr. James Petras’s The Power of Israel in the United States alongside Walt and Mearsheimer,…
FULL ARTICLEJaved Sikander on Indo-Pak Kashmir Standoff
Listen HERE Seattle human rights activist Javed Sikander discusses the continuing crisis over Kashmir, where Modi’s attempted annexation could set off World War III. In the second half hour we discuss economic issues, including the possibility that the Indian economy will continue to underperform due to Modi-induced chaos, which could signal the end of the reign of the BJP Hindufascist party that has led the world frighteningly close to nuclear war over Kashmir.
FULL ARTICLEArt Olivier on “Apocalypse Soon”
Listen HERE Former Libertarian Party VP Candidate and mayor of Bellflower, California Art Olivier discusses apocalyptic expectations and predictions. When will the world end, and how? Tune in and find out. Spoiler: Art espouses a version of the Niburu/Planet X theory, according to which an eccentric planet or black hole weighing in at about 10 times the mass of the earth periodically swings by our neck of the cosmic woods and wreaks mega-destruction. Art says Saturn-worshiping secret societies know about this and are planning for the next round of cataclysmic catastrophe. It all kicks off next May 9, 2020, the beginning of…
FULL ARTICLEDave Lindorff on Why US Military Spending Should Be Cut 50%; Prof. Anthony Hall on the Meaninglessness of (Canadian) Elections
Listen HERE First half hour: Donald Trump says the purpose of the US military is to defend our borders—not police the world. If he really believes that, he should slash military spending at least 50%! Guest Dave Lindorff writes in his new article “Military Spending’s Out of Control While Slashing It Could Easily Fund Medicare for All”: “Something very unusual happened on Thursday, Oct. 17. The New York Times suddenly ran an article on its opinion page explaining how to cut $300 billion from the $1-trillion military budget. The article, written by Lindsay Koshgarian, director of the Institute for Policy Studies’…
FULL ARTICLEDane Wiggington on Geoengineered Climate Catastrophe
Listen HERE I recently emailed Dane Wiggington of Geoengineering Watch to ask his take on weird weather patterns etc. Dane wrote back: “Hello, Kevin, hope you are well in spite of it all. Biosphere collapse continues to unfold and accelerate, the climate engineering assault is further fueling the process (and contaminating every breath we take).” Dane claims the climate change alarmists are actually downplaying the real scale of the climate catastrophe, especially the part driven by geoengineering. He says the planet is in meltdown mode and recommends the film Chasing Ice. Dane also says the destruction of the ozone layer continues…
FULL ARTICLEDave Gahary on Free Speech, Sandy Hook, & Trump’s Syria Withdrawa
Listen HERE First hour: Radio host, journalist and publisher Dave Gahary was featured today in a CBS News Good Morning report on the Wisconsin court decision ordering Jim Fetzer to pay Lenny Pozner $450,000 in libel damages. (I was in the courtroom Tuesday and published this report.) Dave, the publisher of Nobody Died at Sandy Hook, decided to pull the book after he spent time with Lenny Pozner and came to believe that Pozner is telling the truth about losing his son Noah in the Sandy Hook school massacre. Though he now sympathizes with Lenny Pozner as a bereaved father, Dave…