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Alan Sabrosky on “Blue Terror”

Listen HERE Is half the country demonizing the other half as “insurrectionists” and “domestic terrorists”? Will the half that dominates the media succeed in silencing the other half through ever-escalating censorship? Will the blues eventually send the reds to re-education camps, where they can memorize hundreds of genders to rehabilitate themselves? Will the camps be on the beach in San Diego? If so, send me there ASAP! Can’t wait to learn those gender pronouns! But seriously…today’s guest, Alan Sabrosky, thinks we’re entering Democrat Dystopia: “A while back, I wrote about dystopias, but the viciousness and utter vindictiveness of the Democrats…


Talking Impeachment Trial, Islamic Revolution, & COVID/Spirituality with Radio Islam, YJC, and Rabia

Listen HERE Radio Islam International (South Africa) called today to discuss the Trump impeachment trial. Then the YJC Iranian news agency called to ask about the  future of the Islamic Revolution. Finally, Rabia of Instrument of Love Healing Services got on the line to dispense some unconventional wisdom on the COVID situation.


Jeremy Rothe-Kushel and Greg McCarron on Trump as Russian/Israeli Psy-Op

Listen HERE Greg McCarron and Jeremy Rothe-Kushel co-host The Antedote podcast. They argue that the Trump-Russia scandal was very real; that the Russian mafiya worked with Putin, Chabad, and Likud Zionists to impose the Trump disaster on America; and that Trump was indeed a dangerous and destructive foreign agent: “It appears to us that the Trump administration had a primary goal of lessening American influence in the Middle East as well as globally, and that this would result in a shift of global power from the west to countries such as China and Russia, with Israel at the center.” So…


Joel Hirschhorn on Fauci’s “Pandemic Blunder”

Listen HERE Dr. Joel Hirschhorn  just published a new book: PANDEMIC BLUNDER – FAUCI AND PUBLIC HEALTH BLOCKED EARLY HOME COVID TREATMENT Dr. Joel Hirschhorn is also the author of “The 9/11 Truth Manifesto.” I respect his integrity, and have a good reason for that. In 2007 I first interviewed him on my radio show about his work for an Article V convention. I told him about Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, and challenged him to investigate the evidence for the controlled demolitions of the three World Trade Center towers. (Joel Hirschhorn is a Ph.D. metallurgical engineer, so he…


Joel Hirschhorn on Fauci’s “Pandemic Blunder”; Jeremy Rothe-Kushel and Greg McCarron on Trump as Russian/Israeli Psy-Op

Broadcasts live Fridays 8 to 10 pm Eastern on Revolution.Radio later archived at Patreon. First hour: Dr. Joel Hirschhorn, author of “The 9/11 Truth Manifesto,”is a Ph.D. metallurgical engineer who has studied the evidence around the controlled demolitions of the three World Trade Center towers. He just published a new book: PANDEMIC BLUNDER – FAUCI AND PUBLIC HEALTH BLOCKED EARLY HOME COVID TREATMENT Synopsis: Pandemic blunder is defined as the failure of the United States public health system and federal agencies to support and promote early home/outpatient treatment for the COVID-19 pandemic disease.  Considerable medical information and data convincingly show that when…


David Rovics on Cancel Culture, Deplatforming, Social Media Dystopia…and Solutions

Audio HERE, video version above Activist singer-songwriter David Rovics recently got hounded by a Twitter mob for supposedly “Platforming Fascists.”  His crime? Talking to ex-white-nationalist Matthew Heimbach on his YouTube channel. But wait! What’s wrong with having conversations with people whose views we don’t entirely agree with—or maybe even strongly oppose? How can we even oppose them if we don’t listen to them first, so we know what we’re opposing?  This video may trigger the same mob of narrow-minded folks who want to censor and silence other viewpoints. (Imagine their chagrin listening to me explaining to David why I have become…


Discussing COVID, Zionism, Islam w/Richie Allen – plus khutbah “Islam Answers the Big Questions”

Listen HERE First half hour: My 2/1/2021 appearance on the Richie Allen Show. Richie Allen, Europe’s leading alternative talk show host, asks whether we should blame the Israelis or the treasonous Euro-American politicians who sell out to them; what I think about Muslims in Indonesia flogging homosexuals; whether COVID is overblown, a bioweapon, an excuse for the Great Reset, or all of the above; and more. No topic is too controversial to discuss on the Richie Allen Show! Final 20 minutes: My khutbah (Muslim sermon) Islam Answers the Big Questions: Thoughts on Some Ayat from Surat-al-Jathiyah. If you want more…


Elias Davidsson: I Sued a Zionist Wikipedia Editor for Slander—and Won!

Listen HERE Researcher and author Elias Davidsson has shown that there is no evidence any Muslims hijacked planes on 9/11. (See his book Hijacking America’s Mind on 9/11, reviewed here, as well as the new America’s Betrayal Confirmed.) He also exposed “India’s 9/11” – the 26/11/2008 attacks on Mumbai—in his book The Betrayal of India: Revisiting the 26/11 Evidence. Such efforts apparently ruffled certain people’s feathers. Elias Davidsson wrote me: “The district court at the German city of Koblenz ruled on Thursday, 14 January 2021 in the case Davidsson vs. Gruenewald, that Gruenewald, a convert to Judaism who acted within…


Randy Short’s Eyewitness Account of “Stop the Steal/Insurrection” & Why Blacks Hate Biden

Listen HERE Dr. Randy Short joins us with an eyewitness account of “the Insurrection” at the Capitol January 6th. He thinks much of the violence was incited by agent provocateurs. We’ll also talk about his new book Slavery’s Mastery and why he thinks far more African-Americans (including Dr. Short himself) voted for Trump than official sources indicate. We’ll also discuss the history of depopulation/eugenics targeting black people in the context of COVID and the Great Reset, and speculate on what’s coming in 2021. Min. Dr. Randy Lancaster-Short, M.Div. is a Washington, D.C. native and a scholar, historian, human rights defender,…


Tessa Lena on Great Reset/Corporate Coup

Listen HERE Moscow-born musician  Tessa Lena‘s “The Great Reset for Dummies” is one of the best available essays on the subject. She recently compared 2021 America to the collapsed ex-USSR: “It is with great frustration that I say this—but 2021 in America is a lot less fun than the 1990s in the post-Soviet space. Both are the times of societal restructuring and unprecedented, shameless robbery of everything by everyone who can. However, back then it felt like freedom, and right now it feels like a return to the Soviet Union—but without its security and its general communal warmth.” When Tessa…

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