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Talking Impeachment Trial, Islamic Revolution, & COVID/Spirituality with Radio Islam, YJC, and Rabia

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Radio Islam International (South Africa) called today to discuss the Trump impeachment trial. Then the YJC Iranian news agency called to ask about the  future of the Islamic Revolution. Finally, Rabia of Instrument of Love Healing Services got on the line to dispense some unconventional wisdom on the COVID situation.

One Thought to “Talking Impeachment Trial, Islamic Revolution, & COVID/Spirituality with Radio Islam, YJC, and Rabia”

  1. maisoon

    ‘A Psyop on peoples’ Souls and existence – wake up.’- SPOT ON sister Rabia.
    I have been trying to wake people up for many years but sadly too many remain Sheeple, in their own self inflicted coma, allowing their minds to be incarcerated in the big deception we have been forced to live in in God’s world.
    WAKE UP PEOPLE- Safety in numbers, the more who wake up, the better our chances of defeating the Evil that has encompassed and permeated our world, saturating our souls and imprisoning our conscience with their darkness.

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