Tuesday, September 3rd, 11 a.m. to noon Central (9-10 Pacific) on NoLiesRadio.org (archived here a few hours after broadcast). Gwenyth Todd on the lookout for false-flags! 90 minute special show with hunted US government whistleblower Gwenyth Todd! Gwenyth is the highest-level former US government operative I’ve yet interviewed. A White House Middle East policy adviser under Clinton, she was personally recruited by Richard “Prince of Darkness” Perle to become the Bush Administration’s geo-strategic adviser to the Admiral(s) running America’s crucial 5th Fleet in Bahrain. Unbeknownst to Perle – who thought she was a loyal neocon –Gwenyth agreed with the first…
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Zionists and anti-Zionists agree: Israel did 9/11! (Chamish vs. Bollyn “debate”)
Wed. 8/29/12, 3-5 pm Central, American Freedom Radio (archived here.) My recent VT article Finally: Barry Chamish Concedes Israel’s Involvement in 9/11 went viral. Now it’s time to bring on THE GREAT “DEBATE” ! Radical Zionist Barry Chamish, and hardcore anti-Zionist Christopher Bollyn agree that Zionists did 9/11. But they disagree about which Zionists did it, and whether it was essentially a “purely Zionist” operation. First hour: “Barry Chamish is an author and world-class investigative journalist. He first gained worldwide notoriety with his coverage of the Yitzhak Rabin assassination and the conspiracy he helped to later uncover. His book, the…
FULL ARTICLEGeo-engineering special: What the bleep are they doing to our planet?
Fri. 8/24/12, 3-5 pm Central, American Freedom Radio (archived here.) First hour: BREAKING NEWS! The brand-new documentary The Great Culling: Our Water is on the brink of release, and producer Chris Maple will join TJ Radio to celebrate. The film’s expected release date is around Aug 25. God willing both Infowars and G. Edward Griffin will be distributing this film. We are extremely excited and proud of this film. This film will be a effective tool for waking up the masses to this fraud that has been perpetrated on the American people. We uncover why “fluoride” is being added to…
FULL ARTICLEEric Sayward of We Are Change with Tim Watts, Sean Wright
Wed. 8/22/12, 3-5 pm Central, American Freedom Radio (archived here.) I’m traveling today, so Eric Sayward of We Are Change -Wisconsin will guest host. Eric is a former US Army demolitions specialist who knew controlled demolitions when he saw them on 9/11. He’s currently one of the Midwest’s most committed, fire-breathing activists. Guest host Eric Sayward First hour: Tim Watts joins Eric Sayward to discuss aviation aspects of the 9/11 attacks. Second hour: Sean Wright of We Are Change – Minnesota reports live from Tampa, Florida on the run-up to next week’s Republican National Convention, where a storm of protests…
FULL ARTICLEProfessor Lawrence Davidson on know-nothings, Don Meserlian on “Muslims didn’t do 9/11”
Mon. 8/20/12, 3-5 pm Central, American Freedom Radio (archived here.) Post your questions to my Facebook page. First hour: Lawrence Davidson argues that Mitt Romney is a contemporary avatar of the “know-nothings,” 19th century Americans whose hallmarks were ignorance, prejudice, and fear of what they didn’t understand (which was just about everything). We’ll also discuss Professor Davidson’s book Islamic Fundamentalism, which overall presents a reasonably balanced portrayal of some Islamist movements. Are some of the most “radical” wahhabi and takfiri groups really just a bunch of Muslim know-nothings endlessly manipulated by the Empire? Are there Islamic political activists out there…
FULL ARTICLEChemtrails conference, mind control, Disclosure Project on TJ Radio!
Wed. 8/15/12, 3-5 pm Central, American Freedom Radio (archived here.) Post your questions to my Facebook page. Today we’ll feature some seemingly “wild and crazy” topics that suggest truth may be stranger than fiction! Cynthia McKinney and Roseanne Barr will appear at the Consciousness Beyond Chemtrails event this weekend! First hour guest: John Whyte, organizer of this weekend’s Consciousness Beyond Chemtrails Conference in Los Angeles: “Are Geo-Engineers embarking on a dangerous path in an attempt to control the weather? Will the fears over global warming be used to develop a potentially devastating scenario? What will the implications of spraying the…
FULL ARTICLEHelen Caldicott on the KB Show today!
Tuesday, August 14th, 11 a.m. to noon Central (9-10 Pacific) on NoLiesRadio.org (archived here a few hours after broadcast). Legendary anti-nuclear activist Dr. Helen Caldicott returns to the Kevin Barrett Show to celebrate humanity’s surviving yet another Hiroshima Day, and another Nagasaki Day, without being blown to kingdom come by the psychopaths in power. But how long before our luck runs out? It seems likely that the Fukushima disaster will kill millions of people throughout the Northern Hemisphere – an ongoing nuclear holocaust affecting this and the next generation (if there is one) and the generations to come (if we…
FULL ARTICLEJim Fetzer on Paul Ryan, Christopher Key on big sports’ suppression of acu-patches
Mon. 8/13/12, 3-5 pm Central, American Freedom Radio (archived here.) Post your questions to my Facebook page.First hour: Jim Fetzer once again apologizes for voting for Obama and unloads on Romney and Paul Ryan, Kevin reads the top ten reasons to vote in American presidential elections, Jim discusses the run-up to the 50th anniversary of the JFK assassination, and a good time is had by all. Second hour: Christopher Key describes being hounded out of the NCAA and pro football for providing players with S.W.A.T.S. acu-patches that appear to work miracles! We’ll also hear from Michael Figa, who is helping…
FULL ARTICLEJonathan Mark of Flyby News, Dr. Anthony Hall and Kwitsel Tatel
Truth Jihad Radio Fri. 8/10/12, 3-5 pm Central, American Freedom Radio (archived here.) Post your questions to my Facebook page. Jonathan Mark 3-4 pm: Jonathan Mark, editor, Flyby News. Jonathan has been a leading 9/11 truth activist for many years, hosting a conference call bringing together key 9/11 truth leaders and generally exerting a positive influence on the movement. His latest project is the film Dark Legacy: Dark Legacy – JFK & 9-11 is a 2012 video production by Flyby News, which uses an array of films and music in a sequence that could help break the spell of mind…
FULL ARTICLENuclear crisis special with Helen Caldicott and others…
Wed. 8/8/12: Nuclear crisis special! Note: We were unable to broadcast the Helen Caldicott interview live, so it will be broadcast next Tuesday, 11 to noon Central, on NoLiesRadio (archived here shortly after the show). Legendary anti-nuclear activist Helen Caldicott Today’s show: 3-5 pm Central, American Freedom Radio (archived here.) Post your questions to my Facebook page. We’re in that no-man’s-land, smack in the middle of the dog days of August between Hiroshima Day and Nagasaki day, waiting for the next bomb to drop. During the first hour of the first show, Iranian journalist Kourosh Ziabari will correct some common…