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Breaking news! Gordon Duff on Afghan back-channel peace plan

  Wed. 9/19/12, 3-5 pm Central,American Freedom Radio (archived here.) First hour:  Well-connected ex-Marine global affairs whiz Gordon Duff, and his Russian friend Col. Krushchev, know just about all the major players in Afghanistan and Pakistan. Today, in a Truth Jihad Radio exclusive, Gordon reveals a new back-channel peace effort bringing together high-level American, Russian, Afghan/Taliban, and Pakistani officials. Under the plan, all parties would enter into a ceasefire, and work together in an opium eradication effort. (The Taliban are the world’s leading experts on opium eradication; they led the most successful anti-drug effort in world history during their final…


Geo-engineering special: What the bleep are they doing to our planet?

Fri. 8/24/12, 3-5 pm Central, American Freedom Radio (archived here.) First hour: BREAKING NEWS! The brand-new documentary The Great Culling: Our Water is on the brink of release, and producer Chris Maple will join TJ Radio to celebrate. The film’s expected release date is around Aug 25.  God willing both Infowars and G. Edward Griffin will be distributing this film. We are extremely excited and proud of this film. This film will be a effective tool for waking up the masses to this fraud that has been perpetrated on the American people.  We uncover why “fluoride” is being added to…