Mon. 10/31/12, 3-5 pm Central, American Freedom Radio (archived here.) How Jews appear to Muslims How Muslims appear to Jews It’s almost like we’re seeing each other in monster masks. Muslims, horrified by the Zionist genocide in Palestine, imagine that all Jews regard the goyim in general, and Arabs and Muslims in particular, as sub-human. Jews, terrorized by Holocaust memories and the “pre-traumatic stress disorder” of envisioning what might some day develop from the growing anti-Zionist backlash, imagine that Arabs and Muslims are the new Nazis. But rip off the masks, and Jews and Muslims both turn out to be…
FULL ARTICLECategory: Radio Show
Sander Hicks reports live from hurricane-battered NYC!
Live broadcast! Monday, October 29th, 6 to 7 pm Central; repeated Tuesday, 11 a.m. to noon Central (9-10 Pacific) on (then archived here a few hours after broadcast). Sander Hicks reports from New York City, where he gave a talk this Saturday on The Art of Social Enterprise Creation. Earlier today, Sander narrowly escaped with his car and his life from the rising waters of the Hutchinson River in the Bronx. He describes huge oak trees crashing down on buildings, power lines coming down just a few feet from him, and other fearsome hurricane sights… Sander writes: “It was…
FULL ARTICLELondon calling! Gilad Atzmon, Ian Henshall on TJ radio
Mon. 10/29/12, 3-5 pm Central, American Freedom Radio (archived here.)First hour: Gilad Atzmon, the acclaimed Israeli-born British saxophonist, is one of the world’s notable jazz musicians. His new book The Wandering Who? has provoked a mega-storm of praise and outrage, and become an underground best-seller. BG (before Gilad), anyone who suggested that the genocidal excesses of Zionism – and I would include 9/11 in that category – were inexorably linked to certain aspects of Jewish culture, was automatically assumed to be a benighted anti-Semite. Then Gilad Atzmon thoughtfully and passionately opened the door to reasoned discussion of this issue…and the…
FULL ARTICLEWere the Twin Towers NUKED?
Fri. 10/26/12, 3-5 pm Central, American Freedom Radio (archived here.) Guests: Ed Ward and Donald Fox, proponents of the hypothesis that miniature nuclear weapons were used in the demolition of the Twin Towers. [See Donald Fox’s blog post for today’s radio show and Ed Ward’s article Mini-Nukes Were Used on 9/11] On September 11th, 2001, the three most challenging controlled demolitions in history – removing the three tallest skyscrapers ever taken down – were conducted in New York City. But the condemned, asbestos-riddled Twin Towers were not taken down in conventional controlled demolitions. Instead, they were blasted to smithereens. (Anyone who…
FULL ARTICLEDaniel Ellsberg, Isa Hodge on TJ Radio today!
Wed. 10/24/12, 3-5 pm Central, American Freedom Radio (archived here.) Daniel Ellsberg “busted” the Vietnam perps by leaking the Pentagon Papers First hour guest: The wold’s most famous whistleblower, Daniel Ellsberg! I interviewed him a few years ago… (He’s a 9/11 truth-seeker from way back…) His latest article, Defeat Romney without illusions about Obama, is getting wide circulation. 2nd hour, I’ll be talking about Islam with Isa Hodge, who has been doing dawa (Muslim outreach to non-Muslims) for two decades.
FULL ARTICLETarpley: Romney’s “Just Too Weird”
Tuesday, October 17th, 11 a.m. to noon Central (9-10 Pacific) on (archived here a few hours after broadcast). Webster Tarpley has just published a brand-new book Just Too Weird: Bishop Romney and the Mormon Takeover of America: Polygamy, Theocracy and Subversion, “a study of Mormonism and the danger of a permanent austerity dictatorship under Romney and the CIA-FBI Mormon Mafia.” Tarpley is one of America’s most important historians and commentators. On most of the core issues of our time – the almost unimaginable corruption of the Bush crime family, the 9/11 inside job, the CIA-sponsored campaign of Barack Obama,…
FULL ARTICLEDid a Boeing 757 hit the Pentagon on 9/11?
Mon. 10/22/12, 3-5 pm Central, American Freedom Radio (archived here.) Shelton Lankford, USMC Guests: Ex-Marine officer Shelton Lankford, #1 9/11 blogger Craig McGee, and YOU! Call-in lines are OPEN! 218-339-8525 Did a Boeing 757 hit the Pentagon on 9/11? The official story says yes – but abundant evidence shows that this is, shall we say, highly unlikely. At the beginning of 2002, just a few months after 9/11, the original 9/11 truth mega-force, Thierry Meyssan, wrote the biggest blockbuster in French publishing history, L’Effrayeuse imposture, proving the Pentagon wasn’t hit by a big plane. Meyssan convinced the whole Muslim world…
FULL ARTICLEU. of Michigan prof David Skrbina, renowned scientist AK Dewdney
Fri. 10/19/12, 3-5 pm Central, American Freedom Radio (archived here.) First hour: University of Michigan philosophy professor David Skrbina came out for 9/11 truth on my radio show last year. He also teaches the subject honestly and directly in his classes (in which I have guest lectured). I have a personal interest in this topic, since I was forced out of the University of Wisconsin due to Rupert Murdoch & co’s charges that I was “teaching conspiracy theories” to my students. On this show, David Skrbina will restore some of the University of Michigan’s honor, which was besmirched by 9/11…
FULL ARTICLE“Romney Exposed”: Fetzer, Duff, & filmmaker John Hankey
Will Jim Fetzer actually vote for Obama, the “drone serial killer” ?Maybe so, considering the alternative. Wed. 10/17/12, 3-5 pm Central, American Freedom Radio (archived here.) Jesse Ventura says, “Don’t vote for Democrats or Republicans – the lesser evil is still evil!” Paul Craig Roberts agrees – check out his essay “Don’t Vote For Evil. A Case for Abstention in the US Presidential Election.” My three guests today aren’t so sure about that. They say Mitt Romney is a 100%-owned-and-operated subsidiary of the 9/11 perpetrators: The Israeli-extremist neocons and the Bush crime family. If Romney wins, those factions will squash…
FULL ARTICLETalking “peace economics” with Dr. Peace, a.k.a. Bob Reuschlein
Tuesday, October 17th, 11 a.m. to noon Central (9-10 Pacific) on (archived here a few hours after broadcast). Guest: Dr. Bob Reuschlein of goes by the moniker “Dr. Peace.” Dr. Bob was a presenter at the recent Economic Democracy Conference in Madison, Wisconsin. He’s an expert on the many ways that excessive military spending kills economies, debases whole societies, and brings down empires. His research indicates that of all the ways the government can spend money, military spending is by far the most economically destructive. My take: A handful of special interests are getting rich on gargantuan military…