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LIVE RADIO! Meryl Nass on testing mess & lack of reliable COVID data; pilot whistleblower Dan Hanley on 9/11 remote hijackings

Listen live Fridays 8 to 10 pm Eastern on Revolution.Radio First hour: MD and biowar expert Meryl Nass discusses her new article “The testing mess, lack of reliable data on Covid-19, and a hypothesis why.” She begins by debunking the false claim that COVID-19 has never been isolated: “Within the first 10 days of January a sequence for the Chinese SARS-CoV-2 virus had been published by Edward Holmes of Australia. (He coauthored the March Nature Medicine paper I have publicly criticized.) Holmes works closely with Chinese scientists who passed this to him, possibly without CCP authorization. “People were able to immediately start devising…


Trump to Pursue Herd Immunity Through COVID-Laced Breakfast Cereal

Dissociated Press President Donald Trump has announced his new “herd immunity” plan to defeat the pandemic: A breakfast cereal made of GMO corn, high-fructose corn syrup, COVID-19 virus, and glyphosate and other artificial flavors. “If every child in America ate a bowl of CoronaFlakes every morning,” the President tweeted yesterday, “we could achieve herd immunity in less than two weeks. Back to work, America! Just in time to re-elect me and save me from another bankruptcy and maybe prison.” The herd-immunity-through-cereal strategy was drafted by Trump’s new science advisor, self-taught virologist and defrocked gynecologist Dr. Buster Hymen, inventor of the…


FFWN: Ban “Conspiracy Theories that Justify Real-World Violence” – Like the 9/11 Official Conspiracy Theory?

  Broadcast live Fridays 11 to noon Eastern on PSAs  1) Defund the Department of COVIDland Security—Support FFWN Instead! CLICK ON:  2) Will the 2020 Election Be Stolen–Webinar Oct 25th Fix America? 3) Help Red-Pill JFK biographer Fredrik Logevall 4) Fix America by Undoing Decades of Privatization War Is Over if You Want It 5) John Lennon at 80: One Man Against the Deep State ‘Monster’ 6) As War Danger Mounts in the Arctic, Peace Hinges on a Revival of the Wallace Doctrine Conspiracy Theorist in Chief? 7) Trump Retweets “Obama Staged Fake Osama Killing”…


Trump administration pushes the US war on Iran into high gear

Interview by Kevin Barrett, Veterans Today Editor, for Press TV The Trump administration is pushing the US war on Iran into high gear with these new ramped-up sanctions that are more extreme than just about any sanctions anyone has ever applied anywhere. These sanctions are now stopping basic medical equipment from getting into Iran such as the Mepilex dressings from Sweden that are used to treat wounds, serious wounds. Apparently, Trump and his Zionist backers want Iranians to be wounded and not to heal. They want to inflict horrific pain on ordinary Iranian people. Why would they do that? Well,…


Donald Hank (Vince Dhimmos): Why I Left Christian Zionism

Listen HERE Donald Hank speaks eight languages and blogs as “Vince Dhimmos” at New Silk Strategies and elsewhere. Born into American Christian Zionism, Don’s intelligent curiosity led him to investigate and ultimately reject parochial worldviews in favor of the broader outlook featured in his posts on international relations. “My dad…became convinced that Jesus was coming any moment. In fact, he told us as kids ‘now that Israel is a nation again’— as of 1948, and this was in the 50s, so this had just happened—’you kids (there were me and two sisters) will never grow up.’ Well, some people might say…


Trump Campaign Activist Rolf Lindgren Debates “No Fan of Republicans” John Hankey

Listen HERE Wisconsin-based Trump campaign operative Rolf Lindgren, debates conspiracy filmmaker John Hankey on the 2020 presidential elections. Will Wisconsin “swing” to Trump and help keep the orange archfiend in the White House? It will if Rolf can help it! A former Libertarian activist, Rolf now works with the Wisconsin Republican Party on the Trump for President campaign. As for John Hankey, he has little use for Trump, having gone so far as to accuse our fearless leader of signing off on the COVID-19 strike on China and Iran and then getting vaccinated in November at Bethesda Naval Hospital. (That hypothesis…


NDAA Creates New Department of COVIDland Security (DCS)

Dissociated Press An obscure, totally-overlooked provision of the new National Defense Appropriation Act unanimously passed by both houses of Congress yesterday has surreptitiously merged the FBI, CIA, NSA, DIA, DHS, CDC, FAA, ICE, PTA, NBA, NFL, MLB, and USA into a new overarching bureaucracy called DCS: The Department of COVIDland Security. DCS is tasked with “seizing and administering total and complete control of COVIDland” which is defined as “every theater of land, sea, air, earth, and space, as well as any planets, comets asteroids, stars, galaxies, or extradimensional engagement areas (EDEAs) where documented, undocumented, hypothetical, or potential cases of COVID-19…


Homer Van Meter on “Living in Rome: A 9/11 Story”

Listen HERE Wisconsin lumberjack and author Homer Van Meter recently published Living in Rome: A 9/11 Story. Though thinly-disguised autobiography, it reads like a novel and packs a powerful punch. If Hemingway had been around to predict 9/11 a few days before it happened while on a moose hunting trip, then survive a near-lethal attack triggered by his truth-telling, he might have written something like this.


LIVE RADIO! Homer Van Meter on “Living in Rome: A 9/11 Story,” John Hankey vs. Rolf Lindgren Election Debate

Listen live 8 to 10 pm Eastern on Revolution.Radio First hour: Wisconsin lumberjack and author Homer Van Meter recently published Living in Rome: A 9/11 Story. Though thinly-disguised autobiography, it reads like a novel and packs a powerful punch. If Hemingway had been around to predict 9/11 a few days before it happened while on a moose hunting trip, then survive a near-lethal attack triggered by his truth-telling, he might have written something like this. Homer describes himself as “a longtime researcher, investigator, and sometime archaeologist seeking the objective truth about the past and how it relates to the present…


FFWN: Why Choose the Lesser Evil?

Watch live Saturdays 11 to noon Eastern on This episode features author and geopolitics analyst Eric Walberg PSAs 1) Help FFWN Show that the Lesser Evil is Still Evil! 2) Will the 2020 Election Be Stolen–Webinar Oct 25th Crimes of Ibn Saud 3) Palestinian Islamic Jihad slams Arab League 4) Shaikh Sudais Desecrates Masjid al Haram by Kowtowing to Zionists 5) Khashoggi “Murdered to Silence Him” Ahead of Meeting with 9/11 Families Crimes of Zion 6) Palestinians with Jewish Ancestry Welcome in Spain—But Not Occupied Palestine! 7) THE REAL CANCEL CULTURE: PRO-ISRAEL BLACKLISTS 7B) Zionist Puppet Trump Imposes Crushing New Iran…

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