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Josh Mitteldorf on COVID/Vaccine Controversies, Miracles & Quantum Theory, Atlantis, 6th Extinction, and More

Listen HERE Scientist Josh Mitteldorf, author (with Dorion Sagan) of the book Cracking the Aging Code , just published “5 Theories on the Origin of Omicron, the Variant That Might End the Pandemic.” Today, Josh returns to Truth Jihad Radio to tackle a long list of controversial issues—not just the usual COVID debates! As he wrote me ahead of the interview: “Kevin –    I’m delighted we’re going to have this conversation. You’re one of the few people who have read in areas diverse enough to make it possible. I don’t expect we’re going to figure anything out, but perhaps we’ll be able to broaden…


Joel Hirschhorn on Real COVID/Vaccine/Collateral Death Toll, “Praise the Lord and Pass the Ivermectin” and More

Listen HERE Joel Hirschhorn, author of Pandemic Blunder: Fauci and Public Health Blocked Early Home COVID Treatment, writes in his new article “Praise the Lord and Pass the Ivermectin”: “Hospitals have become killing machines, places where the kiss of death is a protocol following government guidelines. Despite the wide COVID vaccine use, deaths in hospitals because of late stage viral infection remain at a high level. Difficulty in getting COVID testing quickly and often probably contributes to the high death rate. Too many people do not get their COVID infection addressed early…” We also discuss the controversy about excess death…


Meryl Nass on Fake Science vs. Vax Death Count

Listen HERE Medical doctor and biowar expert Meryl Nass sorts through the inadequate data on adverse events following COVID vaccinations, and contradictory reports on whether the vaccines raise or lower life expectancy, and uncovers disturbing facts that appear to have been deliberately concealed. Is the big pharma funded pro-vax lobby placing lies and deceptions in major scientific journals? Dr. Nass writes: “This is some of the fake science that needs to be called out. (Super Cheat Klein is one of the authors.) And this.” We’ll also discuss this new study suggesting that the incidence of myopericarditis post-vaccination is “markedly higher” than…


Kabul Was Worse than Saigon—Baghdad Will Be Worse than Kabul

Press TV A senior commander of Iran’s Islamic Revolution Guards Corps says Americans will have to leave Iraq in a more humiliating manner than the way they left Afghanistan. Brig. Gen. Esmail Qaani, commander of the IRGC’s Quds Force, pointed out that every US ship in the region is now a sitting duck, as are the military bases built to threaten Iran on behalf of Israel—bases that are now, in essence, hostages.


LIVE RADIO! Meryl Nass on Fake Science vs. Vax Death Count; Joel Hirschhorn on “Praise the Lord and Pass the Ivermectin”

Listen live Fridays 8 to 10 Eastern on Revolution.Radio later archived at First hour: Medical doctor and biowar expert Meryl Nass sorts through the inadequate data on adverse events following COVID vaccinations, and contradictory reports on whether the vaccines raise or lower life expectancy, and uncovers disturbing facts that appear to have been deliberately concealed. Is the big pharma funded pro-vax lobby placing lies and deceptions in major scientific journals? Dr. Nass writes: “This is some of the fake science that needs to be called out. (Super Cheat Klein is one of the authors.) And this.” We’ll also discuss this new study…


FFWN: List of MSM Lies Is as Long as Pinocchio’s Nose

Broadcasts live 11 to noon Eastern Saturdays — watch the full uncensored version above.  We are NOT broadcasting on my YouTube channel  this week due to censorship. PSAs 1) Save FFWN from Having to Beg for Money from The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation! 2) Repeal Section 230 – It’s a No Brainer 3) Senator Rand Paul QUITS YouTube, Moves Permanently To Rumble (FFWN’s Also Moving and You Should Too) 3.5) Dr. Robert Malone on Joe Rogan Announces Defeat the Mandates – March on Washington: Jan. 23 “Insurrection” Anniversary 4) Meet the Capitol Insurrection Hoax—Just Like Charlottesville, It’s Another MSM…


General Qassem Soleimani: Role Model, Icon, Inspiration (E. Michael Jones & Kevin Barrett)

And other recent Press TV interviews Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei says Iran’s legendary anti-terror commander Lt. Gen. Qassem Soleimani represents the “secret of endurance and victory”, adding his danger to the enemies in his martyrdom is greater than in his life. (Read my written interview on Gen. Soleimani.) * Russia warns the United States that any further sanctions against Moscow would threaten their bilateral ties. Speaking on the phone, Russian President Vladimir Putin tells his American counterpart, Joe Biden, that introducing more bans would be a colossal mistake. Biden, for his part, warns Russia of…


Will Vaxx Wars “Go Nuclear” in 2022? (write-up based on this week’s FFWN)

Watch the full uncensored FFWN HERE By Kevin Barrett, Veterans Today Editor The top story of the last week of 2021: Putin and Biden spent almost an hour on the special “save the world from nuclear destruction hotline” doing a remake of President Merkin Muffley’s emergency call to Premier Kissoff in Kubrick’s Dr. Strangelove. Putin’s message: If Biden doesn’t call back the first strike weapons Gen. Jack D. Ripper is sending to Russia’s borders, get ready for…the Doomsday Machine. Speaking of Doomsday Machines….which is the real Doomsday Machine, the virus or the vaccine? The latter looks more and more likely,…


FFWN: Will Vaxx Wars “Go Nuclear” in 2022? (New Years Day special with Cat McGuire)

Broadcasts live 11 to noon Eastern Saturdays — watch the full uncensored version above.  We are NOT broadcasting on my YouTube channel  this week due to censorship. PSAs 0) Keep FFWN alive  in 2022 1) FFWN’s Top Stories of 2021! with Ron Unz, Cat McGuire, Alan Sabrosky, Mike Springmann, Matthew Ehret War on Freedom 2) Biden reveals condition for imposing domestic travel vaccine mandate  3) Twitter Suspends mRNA Inventor Dr. Robert Malone 4) The Cruel and Unusual Punishment Of Prof. Jason Kilborn by U. Illinois-Chicago John Marshall Law School 5) Linz, Austria Is Hiring People…


Daniel Estulin and Ellen Brown on Global Economic Implosion

Bestselling author Daniel Estulin argues that there has been no real US or global economic growth over the past 40 years, and that we are now entering a negative growth environment—for which the COVID crisis was conjured up as a scapegoat: “174 countries have shown negative growth over the past 12 months…Today’s systemic collapse has no solution, other than wash your hands and start again. And there’s no way to do this other than global force majeure. It could be global thermonuclear war, it could be an asteroid, it could be Godzilla…” Or it could be COVID! “That’s exactly it.” Ellen…

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