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Strip Club Owners Demand Apology From Tucker Carlson

They don’t appreciate Fox News host comparing them to Zelensky Dissociated Press The Strip Club Owners of America, the industry’s leading Washington lobby, has demanded that Fox host Tucker Carlson apologize for what they called his “vile” comparison of them to Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky. “I don’t care if he’s the president of war-torn Timbuktu, this guy is a sleazeball, even compared to us,” said Sam Skanksky, SCOA’s slimy-green-sweatsuit-wearing spokesscumbag. “I wouldn’t hire him to play piano at my club, even if he promised to wipe off the keys afterwards.” “I may be a small-time clubowning pimp who deals coke…


Ramin Mazaheri on France’s Yellow Vests

Listen HERE Ramin Mazaheri discusses his book France’s Yellow Vests: Western Repression of the West’s Best Values. The two-part volume begins with a plausible revisionist history of French socialism, then moves on to a sympathetic examination of the Yellow Vest (gilets jaunes) workers movement that nearly erupted into French Revolution 2.0. Ramin Mazaheri was on-site covering the Yellow Vests for Press TV during the movement’s heydey, and his coverage, more than anyone else’s, underlined the historical significance of those extraordinary events. We’ll also discuss the CIA regime change operation in Iran that is falsely portrayed in Western media as a…


Gordon Duff on Victor Bout & Tucker’s “CIA Killed JFK”

Listen HERE Gordon Duff of offers an insider’s view of the Victor Bout affair, Tucker Carlson’s “CIA killed JFK” episode, and more. Gordon told me before the interview that in his early days with the Company he met some of the key characters depicted in Oliver Stone’s JFK. Unlike Piper and Guyenot, Gordon Duff blames CIA Nazis (Allan Dulles and friends) more than Zionists. He also reminded me that our mutual acquaintance Dmitri Khalezov, whose 9/11 revelations range from plausible to ridiculous, was living with Victor Bout in Thailand when Bout was arrested.


LIVE RADIO! Gordon Duff on Victor Bout & Tucker’s “CIA Killed JFK”; Ramin Mazaheri on France’s Yellow Vests

Listen live Fridays 8 to 10 Eastern on Revolution.Radio later archived at First hour: Gordon Duff of offers an insider’s view of the Victor Bout affair, Tucker Carlson’s “CIA killed JFK” episode, and much more. Gordon told me before the interview that in his early days with the Company he met some of the key characters depicted in Oliver Stone’s JFK. Unlike Piper and Guyenot, Gordon Duff blames CIA Nazis (Allan Dulles and friends) more than Zionists. He also reminded me that our mutual acquaintance Dmitri Khalezov, whose 9/11 revelations range from plausible to ridiculous, was living with Victor Bout in Thailand…


FFWN: Elon Musk Says “Don’t Stalk My Small Plane”—Maybe He Should Just Stay Out of Them

Normally FFWN is posted here by 1 pm Eastern Saturdays. But today, due to co-host’s schedule, expect us by 4 pm Eastern Guest commentator: Tommy Carrigan PSA: Don’t Let Them De-Dollarize FFWN!  1) Help FFWN Fly High Like Elon 2) The Road to De-Dollarisation Will Run through Saudi Arabia   Prosecute/Fauci 3) Elon Musk: “My Pronouns Are Prosecute/Fauci” 4) Elon Musk’s Twitter bans CNN, NYT, WaPo journalists without explanation then reinstates them 5) Yoel Roth’s ‘Gay Data’ dissertation ‘mistakenly’ blocked from UPenn website after Elon Musk’s tweet 6) Elon Musk uses QAnon tactic in criticizing former…


Josh Mitteldorf on US Senate COVID Panel; Brian Ruhe Dumps Hitler and STOPS Going Death Con 3

Listen HERE Scientist Josh Mittledorf continues discussing his articles on Part  1 and Part 2 of Wednesday’s US Senate Hearings on COVID issues chaired by Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI). (I knocked on doors to help re-elect Ron Johnson so he could do this—and hopefully investigate the mega-scandal of COVID origins.) Final 30 minutes: This just in: My favorite (ex?)Buddhist Nazi, Brian Ruhe, has STOPPED “going Death Con 3 on the Jews.”  In his brand-new post Brian writes: “I promise I will stop bashing the Jews and stop promoting Adolf Hitler. I’m done. I’m moving in a gentler direction now. I’m taking…


Matthew Ehret on Anti-China Psy-Ops; Josh Mitteldorf on US Senate COVID Panel

Listen HERE First 40 minutes: Matthew Ehret of Canadian Patriot discusses his new 75-page report “Breaking Free of Anti-China Psyops: How the Cold War is Being Revived and What You Can Do About It.” Also on the agenda: Matt’s new Cradlearticle “Xi Jinping’s Visit to Saudi Arabia and the overthrow of Atlanticism: The historic China-Arab Summit currently underway in Riyadh symbolizes the emerging Eurasianism in the Persian Gulf.” Final 15 minutes Scientist Josh Mittledorf discusses his new articles on Part  1 and Part 2of Wednesday’s US Senate Hearings on COVID issues chaired by Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI). (I knocked on…


LIVE RADIO! Matthew Ehret on Anti-China Psy-Ops; Josh Mitteldorf on US Senate COVID Panel; Brian Ruhe Dumps Hitler and STOPS Going Death Con 3

Listen live Fridays 8 to 10 Eastern on Revolution.Radio later archived at First 40 minutes: Matthew Ehret of Canadian Patriot discusses his new 75-page report “Breaking Free of Anti-China Psyops: How the Cold War is Being Revived and What You Can Do About It.” Also on the agenda: Matt’s new Cradle article “Xi Jinping’s Visit to Saudi Arabia and the overthrow of Atlanticism: The historic China-Arab Summit currently underway in Riyadh symbolizes the emerging Eurasianism in the Persian Gulf.” Next 40 minutes: Scientist Josh Mittledorf discusses his articles on Part  1 and Part 2 of Wednesday’s US Senate Hearings on COVID…


Plantation Owner Greenblatt Defends Torturing Uppity Slave: “Look, If We Don’t Get Him, the Slave Revolt Spreads”

Dissociated Press Plantation owner Jonathan Greenblatt has defended the ongoing torture of Ye, the uppity slave who has been nailed to a cross and abused nonstop for two months and counting. Below is an excerpt from Greenblatt’s interview on The Breakfast Club: Greenblatt: If we don’t get him, the slave revolt spreads and takes root. Interviewer: But doesn’t that just prove that Ye is right and that you guys are slaveowners who abuse your power? Greenblatt: (silence)  


FFWN: Get Vaxxed Before Your Assisted Suicide OR ELSE!

Normally FFWN is posted by 1 pm Eastern Saturdays. We were two hours late this week due to (1) having to watch Morocco defeat Portugal in the World Cup, and (2) a weird software glitch that required an hour of troubleshooting. PSA 1) Help FFWN Expose Predictive Programming JFK Smoking Guns 2) Reporter claims to have uncovered ‘smoking-gun proof’ linking Oswald to the CIA 3) RIP David Lifton, Legendary JFK Assassination Researcher Truth Pandemic Infects US Senate 4) Senate Roundtable: An all-star panel describes the opposition’s view of the pandemic Censorship 5) Musk Admits ‘Quite…

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