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Stephen Lendman guest hosts with Jim Fetzer

Tuesday, November 13th, 11 a.m. to noon Central (9-10 Pacific) on (then archived here a few hours after broadcast). Guest host & VT colleague Stephen Lendman had his show knocked off the air by Hurricane Sandy. So I offered him this slot. (His show is back up now.)  Like me, Steve does a lot of op-ed writing as well as talk-show hosting. He covers all the key “red pill” issues including 9/11 truth, and covers them well. Steve’s guest, Jim Fetzer, is a leading expert on the JFK assassination (49th anniversary coming up on 11/22) as well as 9/11,…


Paleocons on parade! Rev. Ted Pike, Martin Hill diversify Truth Jihad Radio

Mon.  11/12/12, 3-5 pm Central,  American Freedom Radio  (archived here.) Some people think I’m too left wing – I ran for Congress as the only Libertarian in favor of single-payer health insurance – while others think I’m too right wing. But I don’t see why we have to keep using a paradigm that was already getting stale 200 years ago! Anyway, I had a bunch of “left” guests last week, so I’m making up for it today by featuring two of my favorite paleocons. Rev. Ted Pike opposes Talmudic Judaism, thereby eliciting the Wrath of Foxman. (Me, I have always…


Now it’s payback time! Why Obama should bust Netanyahu for 9/11

by Kevin Barrett, for Press TV All observers admit it: Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu did everything in his power to destroy President Barack Obama’s political career. President Obama should return the favor. He should destroy Netanyahu’s career in the biggest, most spectacular way possible – by busting Netanyahu for 9/11.  Read the full article: * * * Eleven Questions for Veterans Day   How did The Simpsons know 9/11 was coming? 1) Veterans Day, 11/11, commemorates the end of World War I on the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month. What’s with all those…


“Zero percent BS” with Stephen Lendman & Gordon Duff sitting in for Eric Walberg

Fri.  11/9/12, 3-5 pm Central, American Freedom Radio  (archived here.) Since I’ve had a few complaints about Wednesday’s guest Gordon “40% BS” Duff (see the comments on Wednesday’s radio blog entry), I’ll appease the angry mob today by bringing on two of my favorite subdued, careful, fact-checking, palpably sincere author-journalists – Stephen Lendman and Eric Walberg.  [UPDATE: Eric Walberg couldn’t make it, so Gordon Duff joined us for the second hour to deny the “40% BS” story, reveal as much truth as he could about the Petraeus resignation without getting us all killed, and assert that the pro-Netanyahu forces, routed…


Why didn’t the Republicans steal the election?

Are the 2012 election results “the straight poop” –even though the voting machines are Republican? If so, why? A brief survey – best answers win valuable prizes! by Kevin Barrett, We know who “won.” But we don’t know why. Specifically, we don’t know why Republicans didn’t steal this presidential election, like they did in 2000 and 2004. After all, almost all of the “black box” voting machines that control American elections are owned by Republicans. All of the machines in Colorado, and many of those in Ohio, are actually owned by Mitt Romney! So has decided to sponsor…


Election wrap-up with Romney-slayer Gordon Duff, & more!

Wed.  11/7/12, 3-5 pm Central, American Freedom Radio  (archived here.) First segment: Libertarian Ron Paul supporter Rolf Lindgren, no Obama fan, gives his take on the election. Next three segments:  Gordon Duff of Veterans Today explains how he helped derail Mitt Romney’s presidential bid, discusses Why the Republicans didn’t steal the election,  and considers how to get 9/11 exposed during a second Obama term. Fifth segment: Qualified supporter of Obama Jim Fetzer of Scholars for 9/11 Truth comments on the election. Harrison Slater Sixth and final segment: Noted musician Harrison Slater reports live from his peace pilgrimage to Our Lady…


“Election” special with Bev Harris of BlackBoxVoting and journalist Ralph Forbes

Tuesday, November 6th, 11 a.m. to noon Central (9-10 Pacific) on (then archived here a few hours after broadcast). They call it an “election.” But former president Jimmy Carter, who monitors elections throughout the developing world, says American elections are so corrupt that there’s no point in even monitoring them. Perhaps the worst flaw in American elections is the widespread use of black box voting machines. These machines offer no transparent connection between the votes cast, and the results reported by the machine. In other words, these machines do not count votes; they fabricate outcomes. That’s why Karl Rove’s…


Barrie Zwicker, Craig McKee, & open phone lines!

Fri.  11/5/12, 3-5 pm Central, American Freedom Radio  (archived here.) Remember, remember the 5th of November!  First hour: Barrie Zwicker has a brand-new article out to celebrate Guy Fawkes Day, the 5th of November: Guy Fawkes, the Gunpowder Plot, and how false flag operations have shaped history. We’ll also discuss last week’s Egypt’s president a 9/11 truther: less America-centrism offers hope for Truth movement. Barrie, one of Canada’s leading journalists and media critics, is the author of Towers of Deception: The Media Cover-up of 9/11, which is currently selling more copies than ever. Second hour guest: Craig McKee of the…


Black Tuesday: Mourning the death of American democracy

This election day, whoever you vote for, dress in black to mourn the death of democracy. By Kevin Barrett, Bev Harris of suggests that you wear the color of the party you’re voting for on election day: blue for Democrat, red for Republican, green for Green, and so on. She says the black box voting machines, many owned by Mitt Romney, cannot be trusted to count your vote. So the only meaningful way to express your political preference is through the color of your clothing. But I say: Let’s dress in black for “black Tuesday” – to mourn…


Busting Larry Silverstein and the Likudniks!

Fri.  11/2/12, 3-5 pm Central, American Freedom Radio  (archived here.) Update: Former lead BBC Middle East correspondent and 9/11 truth supporter Alan Hart will join us during the last segment of the first hour to discuss his new article Remembering Abu Jihad and why, really, the Israelis killed him. * * * “Larry and the Likudniks” sounds like a zio-nazi skinhead punk rock band. Unfortunately, they’re not a punk band – they’re a band of 9/11 criminals and genocide perps. And just because these creeps call themselves Jewish, doesn’t mean that Jews in general support them. Polls show that Jews,…

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