Judge Alvin Hellerstein has ruled that Larry Silverstein cannot keep double-dipping for billions of extra dollars in World Trade Center insurance money. Silverstein, who bought the condemned-for-asbestos World Trade Center two months before it was struck by “Zionist lightning”* in 2001, was asking for an extra 11 billion dollars, on top of the roughly five billion dollars he has already extorted from insurers, despite his public confession to demolishing WTC-7 himself. Judge Hellerstein, who had already reduced the 11 billion dollar second claim to three billion dollars, finally got fed up with Silverstein’s outlandish chutzpah and dismissed the case. Publicly,…
FULL ARTICLEAuthor: Kevin Barrett
Colorado “open season on drones” law should be expanded
Deer Trail, Colorado is about to declare open season on drones: “According to the proposed ordinance, which will be considered by the town council at its next meeting on Aug. 6, prospective bounty hunters can get a one-year drone-hunting license for $25. Proposed bounties will be $25 for those turning in the wings or fuselage of downed aircraft and $100 for mostly intact vehicles. To collect the bounty, the wreckage must have ‘markings, and configuration … consistent with those used by the United States federal government.’” It’s a great idea. But why stop with drones? Why not declare open season…
FULL ARTICLEUS News covers planned 9/11 truth march!
US News – one of the three top US newsmagazines – just published as story about the upcoming Million American March Against Fear, scheduled for September 11th, 2013 in Washington, DC. ! I plan to be there – and will stay over in DC for the DC Conference over the weekend. See you there! -Kevin Barrett Washington Whispers ‘Million Muslim March’ Scheduled for Sept. 11 Reorients to Seek 9/11 ‘Truth’ By Steven Nelson, US NEWS The American Muslim Political Action Committee is hosting what it hopes will be a gathering of one million people in Washington, D.C., on the 12th…
FULL ARTICLE9/11 insurance fraud? Silverstein trial in NYC runs Monday through Wednesday
Is this the world’s worst case of insurance fraud…ever? That’s what many are saying, as the world’s biggest real-estate swindler and the world’s most corrupt judge meet in a Manhattan courtroom on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. At issue: billions of dollars in loot from the demolition of the World Trade Center complex on September 11th, 2001. World Trade Center owner Larry Silverstein – who confessed on national television to “pulling” World Trade Center Building 7 – will appear in the courtroom of Judge Alvin Hellerstein at 500 Pearl St. in New York City. Full article: http://www.presstv.ir/detail/2013/07/15/313839/911-incident-insurance-fraud/
FULL ARTICLEMy latest Press TV debate with a loudmouth Zionist
My latest Press TV debate with a loudmouth Zionist: Obnoxious Zionist hack: Israel treats nasty Palestinian children with kindness and affection (watch the debate here) Also, I just posted Joseph Massad’s terrific new piece on Egypt at VT. And don’t miss: Malala is another Illuminati Psy Op
FULL ARTICLENew studies: ‘Conspiracy theorists’ sane; government dupes crazy, hostile
Is this building collapsing…or exploding? “The new study by Wood and Douglas suggests that the negative stereotype of the conspiracy theorist – a hostile fanatic wedded to the truth of his own fringe theory – accurately describes the people who defend the official account of 9/11, not those who dispute it.” Read the full article: http://presstv.com/detail/2013/07/12/313399/conspiracy-theorists-vs-govt-dupes/
FULL ARTICLERichard Gage and Pam Senzee on “Re-think 9/11” campaign!
Note: From Friday afternoon until Tuesday, this show will be exclusively available to subscribers to TruthJihad.com ! It will be publicly broadcast Tuesday, July 16th, 11 to noon Central, NoLiesRadio.org (archived here). Guest: Richard Gage, A.E.A., founder of Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth; and Pam Senzee of JourneyForTruth.org. “The Rethink911 global ad and grassroots action campaign is set to raise a 54′ high billboard in Times Square for the entire month of September! Nearly a million people a day are expected to see this sign about World Trade Center 7 – that’s nearly 30 million views by months end!…
FULL ARTICLEProject Camelot event tonight @ 9 pm Central
FULL ARTICLEWhat’s really happening in Egypt, part 3
Ramadan mubarak! I just weighed in with another piece on what’s really happening in Egypt:New World Order kills Egypt democracy You can look at it as part three of my series on Egypt. (Read part 1, Egypt needs real Islamic revolution, and part 2, Egypt’s deniable coup: Another anti-Islam psy-op) Also posted Eric Margolis’s terrific piece on Egypt, with an introduction: So Much For Mideast Democracy
FULL ARTICLEWhat’s REALLY going on in Egypt and Syria?
I just published two new pieces with 9/11 references:Egypt’s deniable coup: Another anti-Islam psy-op (Press TV)Who is the tyrant in Syria? (into to article by Dr. Javid Jamil, published at Veterans Today)