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Tribute to Nitehawk (RIP); Ken Jenkins on Common Fallacies & 9/11 Truth

Listen HERE Mr. Rho of Revolution.Radio, joins us to talk about Nitehawk, the founder of our network, who passed away Wednesday September 25. Then activist/filmmaker Ken Jenkins comes on to discuss logical fallacies that creep into discussions of 9/11 including:  The ad-hominem fallacy, including blaming/demonizing/scapegoating; anchoring; confirmation bias; and more. (For a broader discussion of psychological issues impeding rational consideration of 9/11, see Fran Shure’s “Why Do Good People Become Silent—or Worse—About 9/11?“)  


Gordon Duff on Trump Impeachment

  Listen HERE Gordon Duff, Senior Editor of Veterans Today, discusses the looming impeachment of President Donald Trump. His articles on the topic include Blocked by Google on orders from Attorney General Barr: “NEO, The End of the Trump Presidency is Here”; “Informed Speculation: How the Right Took Down Trump, Now a “Dead Man Walking”; “So Far Beyond Watergate Read VT’s Hosted Whistleblower Complaint“; and “America’s Secret “First Couple.” Quotes from this interview: “The issue isn’t so much impeachment, as that someone absolutely pushed Donald Trump—and I think they were spiking his smurf dust—they pushed him towards a Constitutional crisis…there was…


FFWN: $10,000 WTC-7 Challenge and other blacklisted 9/11 news

Broadcast live Fridays 11 to noon Eastern at PSAs 1) Help FFWN Spread the Word About WTC-7—and Other Smoking Guns 2) Ph.D. Structural Engineer Ibrahim Soudy offers $10,000 to Anyone Who Can Refute New U. of Alaska WTC-7 Study 3) International New Horizon Conference kicks off in Lebanon 4) Tony Hall Reports from New Horizon Conference in Beirut 5) Why Kevin Is Not In Beirut – FBI Threatened to Arrest US Attendees Children of 9/11 6) Children of Firefighters Murdered on 9/11 by Neocons Join NYPD 7) Fifth-graders combine history and engineering in 9/11 lesson 8) CNBC Anchor Ron Insana:…


Ph.D. Structural Engineer Ibrahim Soudy: “$10,000 to Anyone Who Can Refute New U. of Alaska WTC-7 Study”

Listen HERE Structural engineer Dr. Ibrahim Soudy says the new University of Alaska study of the 9/11 “collapse” of WTC-7 proves beyond any doubt that the official story is a pack of lies, and that Building 7 was destroyed  by controlled demolition.  (Americans who watch WTC-7’s “collapse” agree.) During this interview Dr. Soudy announces a $10,000 reward for any qualified professional (structural engineer, physicist, physical science engineer) who’s willing to put his or her reputation on the line to rebut the U. of Alaska study. He also announces a $25,000 reward for anyone who writes a technical paper rebutting the study,…


Rouhani: “Peace Through Resistance”

Press TV interview with Kevin Barrett, Veterans Today Editor, and Ian Williams of Foreign Policy in Focus When Iran’s President Rouhani brings a “message of peace” from “a nation of resistance,” is that a contradiction? Not really. Iran anchors the Axis of Resistance—specializing in resistance against aggressors, invaders, ethnic cleansers, colonizers, economic terrorists, and genocide perpetrators. If potential aggressors see that they will face determined resistance, they won’t aggress. Determined resistance against aggression is the path to peace.


Anthony Hall Reports from New Horizon Conference in Beirut; Jim Fetzer on CNN’s Marianne Williamson 9/11 Smear

Listen HERE First half: University of Lethbridge Professor Emeritus Anthony Hall joins us from Beirut, Lebanon, where he is attending the New Horizon Conference—from which prospective American attendees have been banned, under threat of imprisonment, by Israeli operative Sigal Mandelker‘s wing of the US Treasury Department. Second half: University of Minnesota Professor Emeritus Jim Fetzer invites Kevin on his radio show to discuss CNN’s hit piece on Presidential candidate, Course in Miracles teacher, and 9/11 truther Marianne Williamson. The conversation takes a metaphysical turn when “Activist Angel,” a former Williamson associate and Course in Miracles teacher, says he left Williamson’s…


Rex Tillerson is Right, Bibi Netanyahu Is a Liar—Like the Other Zionists

Press TV interview with Veterans Today Editor Kevin Barrett Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and other current and former officials in the regime have spread lies about Palestine for decades in order to carry out their Zionist project of creating Israel, an American scholar says. Netanyahu “is an extreme psychopath and one of the most over-the-top liars and manipulators that we’ve ever seen in world politics,” said Kevin Barrett, an author, journalist and radio host with a Ph.D.  in Islamic and Arabic Studies. Netanyahu’s dishonest trait “is characteristic of Zionist and Israeli leadership over the past century,” Barrett told Press TV…


Dr. Omar Ramahi: The Muslim Community Needs More Critical Thinking!

Listen HERE Omar Ramahi, a Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Waterloo, is the author of Muslims’ Greatest Challenge: Choosing Between Tradition and Islam. In this interview Dr. Ramahi builds on our earlier conversation. He argues that many Muslims have mistaken their cultural traditions for Islam, creating friction between people of various Islamic cultures, as well as confusion and backwardness.  


FFWN: SAUDI ARAMCO UP IN FLAMES! with guest commentator Barrie Zwicker

PSAs Broadcast live every Friday 11 to noon Eastern on Kevin’s YouTube Channel 1) Be patriotic, support FFWN! 2) Barrie Zwicker on 18th Anniversary of 9/11 in Historical Perspective 2A) More 9/11 Historical Perspective: CNN Attacks Marianne Williamson for Discussing 9/11 Truth on Kevin Barrett’s Radio Show  Kevin responds: Saudi Aramco Up in Flames 3) Saudi Arabia oil production reduced by drone strikes 4) US Officials Claim Yemen Not Behind Saudi Aramco Attack, Houthis Reveal ‘Intel Operation’ – Reports—reports/ 5) The Strange Case of the Burning Saudi Refineries 6) Saudi oil fire is a winner for the US and its…

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