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Richard Gage AIA, Roland Angle, and Wayne Coste on WTC-7 Study & New 9/11 Demolition Theory

Listen HERE First half hour: Richard Gage, AIA, and civil engineer Roland Angle discuss the newly-issued University of Alaska report showing that the only possible explanation for the observed collapse of WTC-7 on 9/11 is the simultaneous failure of every column in the building—in other words, a controlled demolition. Just like your lying eyes already told you, and your government strenuously and guiltily denied. Please take five minutes and email this announcement to your members of Congress and to share it widely via email and social media.  The full announcement for you to read and share is here.  Information for your…


Ph.D. Structural Engineer Ibrahim Soudy: “$10,000 to Anyone Who Can Refute New U. of Alaska WTC-7 Study”

Listen HERE Structural engineer Dr. Ibrahim Soudy says the new University of Alaska study of the 9/11 “collapse” of WTC-7 proves beyond any doubt that the official story is a pack of lies, and that Building 7 was destroyed  by controlled demolition.  (Americans who watch WTC-7’s “collapse” agree.) During this interview Dr. Soudy announces a $10,000 reward for any qualified professional (structural engineer, physicist, physical science engineer) who’s willing to put his or her reputation on the line to rebut the U. of Alaska study. He also announces a $25,000 reward for anyone who writes a technical paper rebutting the study,…