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Ron Rattner: What Good Is Prayer?

Listen HERE Ron Rattner of writes: “Though I began this lifetime only praying rarely in organized religious programs, after years of evolutionary process I now instinctively pray constantly and spontaneously, with an unprecedented and all encompassing concept of ‘prayer’.” Ron Rattner was brought up as a secular Jew, and became a mystic after a midlife crisis and spiritual awakening. After spending half of the first decade of the 21st century deep in prayer and meditation, Ron woke up one day, turned on the television set, saw Hannity fighting with some crazy conspiracy professor, researched 9/11, and discovered that it was…


Charles Upton: Is Religion Under Attack?

Listen HERE First hour: Charles Upton, renowned Beat poet turned Sufi Muslim interfaith activist, writes in his new essay “Rebuilding Muhammad’s Interfaith Alliance Against the Global Attack on Religion“: “We are all aware of the growing number of attacks on churches, mosques and synagogues around the world, including North America. Whatever attacks are not carried out by (supposedly) lone individuals are usually attributed to, or claimed by, specific known groups: Islamicist terrorists, White Supremacists, etc. But a further question must be asked: are a percentage of these attacks actually false flags, carried out by entities with an agenda of creating conflict…


FFWN: “The World’s a Mess—But Don’t Blame the Khazarian Mafia!” – Ian Greenhalgh

Broadcast live Fridays 11 to noon Eastern on Is the “Khazarian mafia” to blame for the world’s ills? Not according to this week’s FFWN guest commentator Ian Greenhalgh! Ian will also discuss Trump’s shocking admission of US war crimes; Turkey’s invasion of Syria; rumors of an upcoming Seattle false flag; suspicious “terror” shootings in France and Germany; and ongoing debates over 9/11 and “conspiracy theories.” Don’t miss this, the only news show worth watching! PSA 1) End the Fed, Spread the Truth, Support FFWN “Conspiracy Theories” 2) Why conspiracy theories are deeply dangerous 3) The Implosion Of Building 7 Remains The…


Shaik Ubaid on Kashmir Crisis

Listen HERE Shaik Ubaid joins us to discuss what may be the biggest global threat of all: the nuclear faceoff in Kashmir. Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan recently visited the United Nations and delivered a passionate, eloquent plea for the people of Kashmir—and for the people of the world to step up and stop a looming war that could easily turn into a nuclear holocaust. Dr. Shaik Ubaid is a practicing neurologist in New York and a former director of intraoperative neurophysiologic monitoring at the New York Presbyterian Hospital of Cornell.  He is a human rights activist who launched Indian…


Steve Penfield Discusses Unz Review Article on Student Debt Cancellation

Listen HERE Steve Penfield is the author of Student Debt Cancellation: A Good Idea and a Political Hoax. In it he argues against standard left vs. right, Democrat vs. Republican arguments—and offers this key insight: “An inescapable consequence to any responsible Debt Forgiveness plan is that someone will have to pay. As Michael Hudson says: ‘You can’t bail out the banks, leave the debts in place, and rescue the economy. It’s a zero-sum game. Somebody has to lose.’” So who should lose? Steve argues that Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren should abandon their plan to foist the cost of student debt…


FFWN: Icke’s “Who Did 9/11 and Why” Banned?!

Broadcast live on Fridays 11 to noon Eastern PSA 1) Bust MSM Censorship & Hypocrisy, Support FFWN! Trump Lunacy 2) President Trump quotes message predicting ‘Civil war like fracture’ if impeachment goes through 3) Trump Warns of Treason, Civil War; GOP Congressman Outraged 4) Trump suggested shooting migrants in the legs: NYT (just like Israel does to Palestinians) 9/11 Truth vs. Big Media 5) 9/11 Drinking Game: Every Time the Government or Media Lies Take Another Shot 6) You Weren’t Stupid, Mr. Brown: CNN’s Brief Shining Moment on 9/11 by Graeme MacQueen 7) WaPo Book Maven Gets David…


Treasury Dept. Sanctions Diva Sigal Mandelker, Exposed as Israeli Mole, Resigns in Disgrace

By Kevin Barrett, Veterans Today Editor When the FBI called me up to request an in-person interview—and to warn me I would be arrested if I attended a scholarly conference in Beirut—I told them the person they should be investigating was Sigal Mandelker, the suspected Israeli agent running the US Treasury Department’s sanctions program. Israeli-born dual citizen Mandelker was using her perch at Treasury to persecute loyal, patriotic Americans and deprive them of their rights of free speech and free association. Specifically, she had engineered a witch hunt against Iran-based NGO New Horizon, leading to that organization being spuriously designated…


David Icke Part 2: “We’re Moving Toward the End Game”

Listen HERE This, the second half of my two-hour interview with David Icke, moves beyond “who really did 9/11” to look at the Death Cult’s long-term game plan…and the metaphysical and spiritual issues in play. (Listen to Part 1, “Who Really Did 9/11 and Why”) David Icke seems unperturbed by the tidal wave of censorship washing over the internet, and over him personally: “We’re moving toward the end game. And as we do, some things are going to become more and more blatant—and left to the free flow of information would be widely exposed.” The discussion turns to spiritual matters:…


Lindsey Graham: Trump’s Sexually-Blackmailed Israeli Handler?

Press TV interview with Kevin Barrett, Veterans Today Editor Lindsey Graham sure acts like a sexually blackmailed Israeli agent. To understand this we need to unpack the Jeffrey Epstein scandal. Ghislaine (whose name means “filth” in Arabic) Maxwell, daughter of Mossad superspy Robert Maxwell, was Epstein’s Mossad handler…or one of them. Ehud Barak was another. Epstein’s job was to pimp young girls to powerful people and get compromising photos and videos, which Israel uses to control the United States. Despite Epstein’s “suicide” there are still plenty of Epstein-types out there, many pushing underage males as well as females. Lindsey Graham…


David Icke: Who Did 9/11 and Why? Part One of a Two-Part Interview

Listen HERE David Icke’s new book The Trigger really triggers some people…like The Washington Post‘s passive-aggressive book reviewer Ron Charles, who brags, shedding crocodile tears all the while:  “I banned a book. Or at least I helped get it banned, which makes Banned Books Week a little awkward for me this year.”  When Charles saw that Barnes and Noble was displaying The Trigger he went ballistic:  “The Trigger, Icke’s new self-published book, is 900 pages of harebrained word vomit. It claims that the official explanation of the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks is a lie to cover up the ‘massive and central involvement…

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