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“I Pimped the Children”

I Pimped the Children by “The Epsteins”   I pimped the children But I didn’t commit suicide I pimped the children But I surely didn’t kill myself All around in my home town They were trying to track my clients down Now they say they want me to plead guilty To the killing of yours truly To the crime of strangling me, but I say I pimped the children But you know I didn’t kill myself I pimped the children But I surely didn’t strangle myself Sheriff Bill he always loved me And why that was we all know He…


FFWN: How to keep sheeple from ruining your Thanksgiving: Watch False Flag Weekly News!

Broadcasts live Thursday, November 28, 11 to noon Eastern on Kevin’s YouTube Channel…more family fun than the Macy’s parade! Happy Red Pill Thanksgiving! 1) Be Thankful You’ve Still Got FFWN—We Are Thankful for Your Support! 2) How to keep conspiracy theories from ruining your Thanksgiving (PBS) War on Iran for Israel? 3) Netanyahu’s Get-out-of-Jail Card… War With Iran 4) Kevin Barrett and Gilad Atzmon on Netanyahu’s Indictment-Press TV, the Debate 5) Iran Celebrates Victory over Zio-American-Incited Color Revolution Riots   for info on Basij force and why it makes Iran invulnerable to war & regime change see: 6) Iran Guard…


Andre Vltchek on US Empire’s Destabilization Efforts vs. Authentic Revolutions

Listen HERE “All over the world people are rising up!” That’s the superficial view of protesting crowds  in the streets in Hong Kong, Lebanon, Iraq, Iran, Bolivia, Spain, Chile, Brazil, Argentina, Venezuela, Ecuador, France, and elsewhere. But are all these situations identical? Is it always the same story: People angered by economic issues, protesting against governmental corruption? Are the people always good, and the governments always bad? And why do some protests get vastly more mainstream media coverage than others? Today’s guest, globetrotting gadfly Andre Vltchek (check out his new book) has seen many of these situations firsthand. He is…


I Just Made the ADL Short List!

By Kevin Barrett, Veterans Today Editor A few hours ago, when my wife got home from the store, I greeted her joyfully: “Good news! I just won an amazing award from one of the world’s wealthiest and most powerful organizations!” She gave me a “yeah, right” look. “Really! They issued a ‘short list’ of the most notable people in the field, and I’m on it!” She didn’t exactly look impressed. “Can you guess which organization, and which field?” I gave her a hint: “I’m on the ‘short list’ alongside some of your favorite YouTube stars: Gilad Atzmon, E. Michael Jones…”…


Larry Rivera Explains What Really Happened in Dealey Plaza

Listen HERE JFK assassination researcher Larry Rivera is the author of The JFK Horsemen: “Using unprecedented modern-day digital computer technology, Larry Rivera presents irrefutable evidence which in any court of law would exonerate Lee of the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. Rivera meticulously takes the reader through the intricacies of forensic digital overlays which prove that Lee (Oswald) was standing in the TSBD doorway while the assassination was taking place, that the backyard photos were cleverly manufactured to frame him, and how the 3D program Blender can re-create Dealey Plaza as it was originally on 22 November 1963, so that…


27 million Muslims killed due to US war on terror

Some twenty seven million Muslims have been killed due to US wars following the September 11, 2001 false flag attacks in the United States, says Dr. Kevin Barrett, an American academic who has been studying the events of 9/11 since late 2003. Dr. Barrett, a founding member of the Scientific Panel for the Investigation of 9/11, made the remarks in an interview with Press TV on Thursday following the release of a study conducted by  Watson Institute of International Public Affairs at the United States’ Brown University. The US war on terror has led to over 800,000 direct war deaths…


Science Prof. A.K. Dewdney on “Gog & Magog Killed JFK”

Listen HERE First hour: Professor A.K. Dewdney is one of the world’s scientific notables. He took over Martin Gardner’s column in Scientific American when Gardner retired, and has done important work in several fields. Dewdney founded Scientific Professionals Investigating 9/11 (SPINE), the first scholarly 9/11 truth research group. His Project Achilles experiments proved that the alleged cell phone calls from hijacked passengers on 9/11 were bogus. Prof. Dewdney is currently working on an article entitled “Gog & Magog: A Deep History of the Deep State.” He writes: “The Gog and Magog people were perfectly real. They spoke a proto-Turkic language…


FFWN: “Oswald Acted Alone, Epstein Killed Himself, and the Earth Is Flat!”

Broadcasts live Fridays 11 to noon Eastern on PSA 0) Fight Fraud & Force, Support FFWN! JFK Assassination 56th Anniversary 1) Unspeakable Memories: The Day John Kennedy Died (and Wilcott Affidavit) 2) Thirteen People Who Had Foreknowledge of JFK’s Assassination 3) Roger Craig: When They Kill a President 4) William Pepper on RFK Assassination (Follow-Up to JFK Hit) 5) Temple U. Prof. Joan Mellen on JFK Coup & USS Liberty 6) The New Orleans connection to JFK’s assassination 7) JFK Expert Larry Rivera on Kevin’s Live Show Tonight, 8 to 9 pm Eastern https://Revolution.Radio 8) JFK Expert Dr.…


Pompeo seeks chaos, anarchy and destruction throughout Middle East: Scholar

Press TV interview with Kevin Barrett, Veterans Today Editor US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo “favors chaos, anarchy and destruction” throughout the Middle East region, according to American academic and political commentator Dr. Kevin Barrett. On Saturday, gasoline price hikes and rationing in Iran sparked protests. Peaceful rallies were held in several Iranian cities with people urging the government to reverse its decision. The demonstrations, however, turned violent in some cities, and clashes with security forces were reported. Pompeo, the former CIA chief, expressed his support for protesters in Iran on Sunday. “As I said to the people of Iran almost…

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