Academic freedom hero Prof. Anthony Hall, who has published numerous articles on scamdemic related issues at Global Research, has put together a great slideshow video interview (watch it above) following the rough outlines of his article “Democracy, Authoritarianism, and the Canadian Truckers Movement.” That article begins: The US Ambassador to Canada, David Cohen, has characterized the members and supporters of the Canadian Truckers’ Freedom Convoy as “extremists” who are “subverting democratic processes and voices to further the cause of authoritarianism.” As reported by Canada’s Global News, Cohen elaborated, “China and Russia are among the actors involved in those attempts to…
FULL ARTICLETag: vaccines
FFWN: Quadruple-Vaccinated Dementia Patient Tests Positive (with E. Michael Jones)
Broadcasts live 11 to noon Eastern Saturdays — watch the full uncensored version above live or archived PSA 1) Help FFWN Keep Averting Disaster AND HERE ARE THE RECENT FUNDRAZRS THAT FELL SHORT OF $200 – PLEASE MAKE US WHOLE BEFORE I RETURN ON AUG. 13! Presidential or Demential? 2) Joe Biden, America’s Foremost Quadruple-Vaccinated Dementia Patient, Tests Positive For Corona — AP Spreads Medical Misinformation Fact check: 3) No, mRNA Covid vaccines do not offer long-term protection from serious illness 4) Joe Biden says he ‘has’ cancer thanks to oil industry — but…
FULL ARTICLEThaddeus Kozinski and Peter Simpson on “Antichrist Rising: The Plandemic and the Age of Unreality”
Listen HERE Catholic philosophers Thaddeus Kozinski and Peter Simpson discuss Thaddeus’s new article “What Matters Right Now Is Your Soul.” It begins: “If you are paying attention, you know that the plandemic narrative is on its last legs, although its final death throes seem like eternity and are manifesting as most furious and ruthless—poison injections for babies—as well as most ridiculous and pathetic—Sudden Adult Death Syndrome, Monkeypox, and Ninja. The injury and death toll from the death shots is rising all over the world, save in the few countries that somehow remained immune to the mass psychosis…” Thaddeus Kozinski is…
FULL ARTICLELIVE RADIO! Lori Price on “CLG in the Crosshairs of Totalitarian Censors”; Thaddeus Kozinski and Peter Simpson on “Antichrist Rising: The Plandemic and the Age of Unreality”
Listen live Fridays 8 to 10 Eastern on Revolution.Radio later archived at First hour: Lori Price of Citizens for Legitimate Government discusses CLG’s latest censorship problem, then in the last 15 minutes Rolf Lindgren discusses tomorrow’s Republican Party picnic in Verona, WI featuring a 40-minute speech by Sen. Ron Johnson. (Jim Fetzer and I plan to be there—don’t tell Antifa!) CLG’s June 22 newsletter was blocked by Yahoo email servers because it included a link to a Gateway Pundit article, “Pfizer Ordered by Uruguayan Judge to Report Composition of Covid-19 Vaccines Including Any Presence of ‘Graphene Oxide’ or ‘Nanotechnological Elements.” The article did not…
FULL ARTICLEPeter Koenig on Endless Wars, Food Shortages, Eugenics and the “Digitization of Everything”: The WEF Agenda 2030
Listen HERE for today’s 7/7/2022 interview; and/or watch our April video on Rumble. Former World Bank economist Peter Koenig discusses his new article A Chaotic Upside Down World: Endless Wars, Food Shortages, Eugenics and the “Digitization of Everything”: The WEF Agenda 2030. Among the questions considered: Has resistance to Agenda 2030 convinced the Davos crowd to push it forward to 2025? Who is really running the show, and does BlackRock’s leveraged ownership of much of the global economy provide a clue? Was the controlled demolition of the Georgia Guidestones a sign of growing resistance against the NWO agenda—or an inside…
FULL ARTICLERichard Cook on neocons & Ukraine; Francis Boyle on Resisting Medical Tyranny
Richard Cook, the Challenger disaster whistleblower, asks: “Who are the Neocons and what are they trying to do with respect to the Ukraine war? Why are they trying to use the US, UK, and NATO/EU to destroy Russia? How are Biden, Johnson, Scholz, van der Leyen etc. their instruments? Is Zionism part of it? These questions are not being addressed by most commentators. Btw, your essay on Leo Strauss, I thought, was spot-on. The hybrid war against Russia, and against both Christianity and Islam, was right out of that playbook.” Next 30 minutes: International Law professor Francis Boyle discusses his new…
FULL ARTICLEFFWN: E. Michael Jones: “It’s the End of the World as We Know It”
PSA 1) Join FFWN’s A$YMMETRICAL INFOWAR VS. THE OLIGARCH$ Breaking 1.5) BREAKING! Stocks Plunge, Air Travel Canceled, Gun Sales Soar “Safe and Effective” 2) Double-masking quadruple vaccinated Anthony Fauci tests positive for SARS-2 3) Vaccine injuries and deaths are causing inflation through supply shocks and reduced labor participation: ex-Blackrock manager 4) Mysterious Disease (SADS) Stopping Hearts of Healthy Young Adults 5) Fifth largest life insurance company in the US paid out 163% more for deaths of working people ages 18-64 in 2021 – Total claims/benefits up $6 BILLION 6) FDA Advisors Unanimously Endorse Pfizer,…
FULL ARTICLELinh Dinh on Globetrotting Through the Scamdemic
Listen HERE Expatriate American writer-photographer Linh Dinh fled Vietnam shortly before the first big lockdown and spent the rest of the scamdemic flitting from country to country, one step ahead of the brain police. Laos…Cairo…Alexandria…Aswan…Tirana…Cape Town…Klos….Swakopmund…Rehoboth…Windhoek…these are just some of the places Linh has immortalized in his “Postcards from the End of [the] America[n Empire]” (pictures here and articles here). Now that he’s back in a time zone compatible with my live radio show, it’s time for Linh to resume his duties as the Roving Global Correspondent for Truth Jihad Radio. In this interview we discuss some of the many…
FULL ARTICLEPeter McCullough and Jessica Rose on “Alarming, Catastrophic Vaccine Deaths”
Nothing to see here folks, move along, and don’t forget to hate Putin! Listen HERE Dr. Peter McCullough is a practicing internist and cardiologist in Dallas, Texas. Dr. Jessica Rose holds degrees in applied mathematics, immunology, computational biology, molecular biology and biochemistry. (Check out her Substack.) Both are leading figures in the popular resistance movement pushing back against bad COVID policies. Below is a rough transcript of our interview. _ Kevin Barrett: Welcome to Truth Jihad Radio. I’m Kevin Barrett talking with the folks who have the most to say from way outside the box of mainstream idiocy. And today…
FULL ARTICLESteve Kirsch on Why Vax Advocates Refuse to Debate
Listen HERE Steve Kirsch is a self-described “retired high-tech serial entrepreneur” with engineering and computer science degrees from MIT. He is also a leading critic of the COVID vaccines. He writes: “I used to believe that the FDA, NIH, and CDC were honest organizations. I trusted them. I’m doubly-vaxed with Moderna as of March 29, 2021. “A month later, I started hearing stories from my friends who reported relatives who died or they themselves became permanently disabled. So I looked into it and the more I looked, the more appalled I became…” Steve Kirsch has challenged vaccine advocates to debate…