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Germar Rudolf: “Free Speech in Russia Could Have Stopped the War”

Listen HERE Germar Rudolf, chemist, publisher, and free speech hero, recently published “Give Me Freedom of Speech or the World Will End.” It’s a preface to his book “The Day Amazon Murdered Free Speech.“ I emailed Germar to congratulate him: “As far as I can tell, you’re the first Ukraine supporter who’s written anything original or thoughtful on the war.” He pushes back against those of us who have been dissing the UkroNazis:: “Ever since the end of the Second World War, the term ‘Nazi’ has been used by every regime on the face of the earth to de-humanize individuals…


McDonalds Leaves Russia—Russians Gain Four Years of Life Expectancy

Dissociated Press The Russian Ministry of Health announced Tuesday that McDonalds’ decision to leave Russia is expected to add more than four years to the average Russian’s life expectancy. Studies undertaken by the University of Moscow School of Health Issues and Troubles (UMSHIT) show that when the drunken buffoon Boris Yeltsin took over Russia after the CIA coup of 1991, Russian men lost almost a decade of life expectancy. Originally it was thought that the looting of Russia by CIA-affiliated Zionist billionaire oligarchs had destroyed life-support systems for food, utilities, and other infrastructure, and that Russians were so depressed about…


Tom Luongo: Why Russia Will Win the Energy War

Listen HERE Tom Luongo of Gold Goats n’ Guns opens his new article: “This day has been a long time coming. From the moment, more than a decade ago, when it was finally admitted that Europe was destined to be an energy importer, we were going to see the climax of the showdown between the West and Russia. “Europe as energy importer always meant that time was on Russia’s side. All it had to do was draw the conflict out long enough, survive long enough, to force Europe into submission. Russia has the energy Europe needs, no one else can supply…


LIVE RADIO! Tom Luongo and Charlotte Dennett on Why Ukraine Is the Mother of All Energy Wars

Listen live Fridays 8 to 10 Eastern on Revolution.Radio later archived at First hour: Tom Luongo of Gold Goats n’ Guns opens his new article: “This day has been a long time coming. From the moment, more than a decade ago, when it was finally admitted that Europe was destined to be an energy importer, we were going to see the climax of the showdown between the West and Russia. “Europe as energy importer always meant that time was on Russia’s side. All it had to do was draw the conflict out long enough, survive long enough, to force Europe into submission.…


FFWN: Monstrous Provocations (with Helen Buyniski)

ALERT! Broadcasts live 10 to 11 pm Eastern this week THURSDAY (not Saturday) — watch the full uncensored version above live or archived PSA 1) Resist Idiocy, Support FFWN! This Week in False Flag History 2) OKC Bombing: Practice Run for 9/11 False Flag? 3) Ukraine plans ‘monstrous’ provocation this Sunday – Moscow  4) Kramatorsk Train Station Attack: Forensic Analysis by Scott Ritter  How the “Free World” Treats Journalists 5) UK Court Issues Order to Extradite Assange UkroNazi Atrocities 6) “One less traitor”: Zelensky oversees campaign of assassination, kidnapping and torture of political opposition…


James Perloff on Ukraine “Wall of Propaganda”

Listen HERE Bestselling author and New World Order expert James Perloff dicusses his article “Ukraine: Behind the Wall of Propaganda.”  He sums it up: “So we are fighting for freedom and to ‘protect our national security’ when we invade and bomb countries thousands of miles and oceans away, yet Russia is ‘the bad guy’ when they intervene in a country on their border.”


FFWN: Ukraine War Lies = Trillion$ for the Pentagon

Broadcasts live 11 to noon Eastern Saturdays — watch the full uncensored version above live or archived PSA 0) Fund FFWN not the Pentagon “There Will Be Profits” 1) Pentagon asks top 8 U.S. weapons makers to meet on Ukraine 2) American Generals and Military are directing the War in the Ukraine using Switchblade Drones  “There Will Be Consequences” 3) Russia warns of nuclear, hypersonic deployment if Sweden and Finland join NATO 4) Brookings (Empire’s #1 think tank) threatens Mexico: “Cancel Russia or else!”  5) Marine Le Pen Vows to Pull France Out of NATO’s…


Ex-CIA/State Dept./Special Forces Larry Johnson debunks “virulent” anti-Russia hysteria

Listen HERE Larry Johnson of The Son of the New American Revolution blog is a well-informed and eloquent critic of the official US government and media line on Ukraine. In this interview, Larry Johnson casts severe doubts on much of what we’re hearing from the media, including the claims that “Ukraine is winning”: “What you would expect to see if the Ukrainians functioned as an effective army: number one, in the east, they would have broken out. They would have actually launched a counterattack against the Russians and pushed the Russians back to the border. That hasn’t happened. In fact,…


Gideon Polya on Comparative Casualties; Henry Makow on “Russia vs. West = Men vs. Femmes”

Listen HERE Australian biochemist and avoidable mortality expert Gideon Polya, author of US-Imposed Post-9/11 Muslim Holocaust & Muslim Genocide, discussing “Epitaph For Madeleine Albright: Complicit In US Mass Murder Of Millions Of Non-European Children.” He notes that the West condemns the Russian war in Ukraine and bemoans the relatively small number of civilian casualties, “but only a tiny few humanitarians are also condemning Western hypocrisy in ignoring hundreds of millions of deaths from violence and imposed deprivation through US hegemony, subversion, sanctioning, robbing, bombing, invasion and devastation of non-European countries over the last 70 years. Black, brown and non-European lives matter.” Then…


LIVE RADIO! Ellen Brown on the Coming Global Financial Revolution; Gideon Polya on Comparative Casualties; Henry Makow on “Russia vs. West = Men vs. Femmes”

Listen live Fridays 8 to 10 Eastern on Revolution.Radio later archived at First hour: Monetary analyst Ellen Brown discusses her new article “The Coming Global Financial Revolution: Russia Is Following the American Playbook.” She offers a succinct summary of the rise of the petrodollar, then argues that Russia is demolishing dollar hegemony with its petroruble. Unlike Michael Hudson, she does not view the coming demise of the petrodollar as global reserve currency as a disaster for the US economy. Second hour begins with Australian biochemist and avoidable mortality expert Gideon Polya, author of US-Imposed Post-9/11 Muslim Holocaust & Muslim Genocide, discussing “Epitaph For…

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