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RFK Jr. Launches Health Campaign Against “Antisemitism Plague”

Dissociated Press Calling antisemitism a “deadly and virulent pestilence” that is “comparable to history’s most deadly plagues“, Health and Human Services chief Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has declared a public health emergency and announced a “warp speed rollout” of mRNA vaccines. “Antisemitism is worse than bubonic plague, leprosy, anthrax, botulism, and chicken pox all rolled into one,” Kennedy announced at this morning’s press conference. “Actually, it’s vastly worse than chicken pox. Have you ever had chicken pox? I have. I was six years old, and I got to skip school for a week. It was great! Kids these days don’t know…


LIVE RADIO! Alan Sabrosky on Biden Meltdown & Candace’s 9/11 Awakening; Peter McCullough on Vax-Alzheimers Link vs. “Safe & Effective”

Listen live Fridays noon to 2pm Eastern on Revolution.Radio later archived at Rumble link   Bitchute link First hour: Dr. Alan Sabrosky returns for another “first Friday of the month” appearance. Today’s topic menu, borrowed from this week’s False Flag Weekly News stories: (1) DNC campaign to oust Biden has failed. (2) Candace Owens questions 9/11 official story—and points finger at Israel. (3) Panicking MSM says RFK Jr. groped dog and ate babysitter (or was it the other way around?) . We’ll also discuss “Doc” Sabrosky’s latest article: “Deadly Delusions: When the Plans Work All Too Well.” Dr. Alan Sabrosky is the former Head…


LIVE RADIO! Alan Sabrosky on US Collapse, Zionism, Gaza, and the Uniparty; AJ Smuskiewicz on “Why I’m Still for Kennedy”

Listen live Fridays noon to 2pm Eastern on Revolution.Radio later archived at First hour: Alan Sabrosky returns to his “first Friday of the month” slot to discuss the collapse of the Francis Scott Key bridge as a metaphor for the collapse of America; will the Zionists start World War 3, and/or finish the genocide of Gaza, with no interference from the US; where did these crazy Zionists come from originally; is the two-party system just a “faction fight” with the Jewish-dominated uniparty; and “what do we do when we realize the Left has won?” Dr. Alan Sabrosky is the former Head of…


“Ethnically Targeted” (FFWN with E. Michael Jones)

Full uncensored FFWN posted above by noon Central time Saturdays PSA 1) Help FFWN survive being “ethnically targeted” Election 2024 2) Trump’s Legal Woes Mount as Trial Dates and Campaign Calendar Collide NY Magazine dossier of cases against Trump 3) White House praises cocaine probe after case goes unsolved 4) Don’t Call Him #SnifferJoe !   5) Marjorie Taylor Greene Inflicts Hunter Biden Nudes on Congress 6) Do Democrats still support paper ballots? 7) Biden’s ‘Final’ Order on Kennedy Files Leaves Some Still Wanting More “Ethnically Targeted” 8) RFK Jr.…


FFWN: COVID Origins and “Absurd Allegations”

Full uncensored FFWN posted above by noon Central time Saturdays PSA 0) Help FFWN Keep Chipping Away at the COVID Cover-Up 1) Help FFWN Relocate and Become Sustainable COVID Origins 2) GOP probes covid origin paper as authors protest ‘absurd’ allegations   3) RFK Jr.: CIA Funded Wuhan Lab (Un)Dead Kennedys 4) RFK Jr.: Vaccines Were a Military Operation, NOT “Public Health” 5) Roger Stone Says Trump Told Him the Remaining Classified JFK Assassination Documents Were “So Horrible” War on Free Speech 6) Ron Paul: Federal Court Makes This July 4th A True…


Jim Kavanagh on RFK Jr.’s Prospects

And 50/50 Chance of Ukraine becoming nuclear WW3 Listen HERE Jim Kavanagh of The Polemicist considers “RFK Jr.’s Chances,” and aptly remarks: “If RFK, Jr. has boldly gone where other U.S. politicians dare not tread, into the forbidden territory of critiquing the sacred object, vaccines, he has not felt the need of trespassing on the aura of sacrality around that other exceptional object: Israel/Zionism.” We also consider recent developments in the Russia-Ukraine war, including the Prigozhin affair. Let’s see whether Jim has revised last year’s estimate that the chances of it going nuclear are 50-50.


FFWN: Bobby Kennedy Is Winning? (with E. Michael Jones)

PSAs 0) Help FFWN Provoke Debate 1) Help FFWN Relocate and Become Sustainable Breaking News 2) Mercenary boss Prigozhin seizes southern city in Russia’s first insurrection for decades — Putin addresses nation RFK Jr. 3) Tucker Carlson: Bobby Kennedy Is Winning 4) Vax-Pushing Debate Dodger Linked To ‘Chimeric’ Coronavirus Creation In Wuhan 5) Why Is RFK Jr. Shilling for the People Who Killed His Father? 6) Why Robert Kennedy Jr.’s 2024 Bid Is a Headache for Biden 7) YouTube says it removed Jordan Peterson interview of RFK Jr. for violating vaccine…


Trump, Kennedy Struck Down by “Magic Bullet”

Experts say improbable trajectory was purely coincidental Dissociated Press The simultaneous assassinations of leading 2024 presidential contenders Donald J. Trump and Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has stunned the nation. Perhaps inevitably, conspiracy theories have been circulating on social media almost as fast as they can be removed by trust-and-safety experts. All scientists and fact-checkers agree that those conspiracy theories are baseless and unsubstantiated. According to ballistics experts, the bullet that traversed Trump’s skull at Mar-a-Lago, turned 180 degrees, and traveled over 2500 miles to Malibu, California, shattering RFK Jr.’s kitchen window and penetrating his chest, has been recovered from a…


Cat McGuire: RFK Jr. Is Fantastic, But…

Listen HERE NYC-based activist and False Flag Weekly News commentator Cat McGuire agrees with AJ Smuskiewicz that RFK Jr. is an exciting candidate who is saying amazing things. But she is concerned that if he loses the nomination to Biden, a not-unlikely prospect, he will be required (by virtue of a pledge exacted from all Democratic candidates) to support the party’s nominee. Another concern: If he really wants to win, why isn’t he pulling out all the stops to convince people to register as Democrats so they can support him in the primaries? Will RFK Jr. wind up playing the…


AJ Smuskiewicz on “Why I’m for Kennedy”

Listen HERE Chicago-based writer AJ Smuskiewicz makes his debut on Truth Jihad Radio. The topic: His excellent new appreciation of RFK Jr. “Why I’m for Kennedy.” He notes that even if we give Trump the benefit of the doubt on good intentions, Kennedy is a far more serious threat to the powers-that-shouldn’t-be: “Depth of understanding is important to have for a president, because that will provide the backbone he needs to prevent himself from getting rolled by the Deep State bastards. Trump lacks the depth and intellectualism of Kennedy. That’s why I have no confidence that he would be able…

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