Wed. 1/23/13, 3-5 pm Central, American Freedom Radio (archived here.) Dr. Mazin Qumsiyeh is not an ivory tower theorist –he backs up his words with actions. Today’s Israeli-election-day special features two leading advocates of peace and reconciliation between Palestinians and Israeli Jews. First hour: Mazin Qumsiyeh is a Professor at Bethlehem and Birzeit Universities and a well-known Palestinian human rights advocate. He previously served on the faculties of the University of Tennessee, Duke and Yale Universities. He is chairman of the Palestinian Center for Rapprochement Between People and serves on the board of Al-Rowwad Children’s Theater Center in Aida Refugee…
FULL ARTICLETag: palestine
Gordon Duff: Israel’s anti-free-speech witch hunt accelerates!
Wed. 1/16/13, 3-5 pm Central, American Freedom Radio (archived here.) We’ll be taking calls today! 218-339-8525 First hour: Gordon Duff, Senior Editor of Veterans Today, charges that the Likud regime in Occupied Palestine is frantically trying to choke free speech worldwide in order to preserve its immunity from prosecution at the ICC, and hide its responsibility for various war crimes, false flag attacks, and massacres, including Sandy Hook: Israeli ‘witch hunt’ cripples freedom of speech and ICC He takes an optimistic view of Chuck Hagel’s nomination as Secretary of Defense: Chuck Hagel: “Palestine in Chains” US national security set for…
FULL ARTICLEDean Henderson sticks it to the Matrix, Alan Hart sticks it to the Zionist lobby
Mon. 1/14/13, 3-5 pm Central, American Freedom Radio (archived here.) First hour: Dean Henderson is a national treasure. A journalist who got more and more “alternative” as he pursued truth wherever it led, Dean is currently one of the most eloquent freedom-fighters resisting the illuminati matrix and its backers in big banking and big oil. Dean has been able to lead a very rich life, and travel like a jet-setter only better, without selling out, and without being enslaved by the money machine. His book Sticking It to the Matrix explains how. Second hour: Alan Hart is the author of…
FULL ARTICLEWill the War on Islam end in 2013?
Public opinion polls show that the vast majority of the world’s Muslims know that the “War on Terror” is a barely-disguised War on Islam. And it isn’t just Muslims who understand this. So do all serious Western strategic thinkers. One of the few who is willing to say it openly is James Schall, Professor of Government at Georgetown University and Hoover Institute strategist: “I always thought it was a mistake not to say what Iraq really was, that is, a war against an expanding Islam.” But today – eleven and one-half years after the controlled demolition of the World…
FULL ARTICLESeth Farber says “we need Messiahs,” Ethan Indigo Smith blasts Gwynne Dyer’s nuclear madness
Fri. 1/4//13, 3-5 pm Central, American Freedom Radio (archived here.) Seth Farber says we need shamanic healers and messiahs – so stop poisoning “crazy” people! First hour: Seth Farber, Ph.D. is a dissident psychologist and social critic. His book The Spiritual Gift of Madness blasts the psychiatric-industrial complex for pumping disturbed people full of toxic, useless pharmaceuticals, instead of helping them figure out why they’re disturbed and how to deal with it. Dr. Farber points out that there are lots of good reasons for being disturbed, given what is happening in the world today. He argues that one of the healthiest…
FULL ARTICLEEric Walberg on power struggle in Egypt; Joel Kovel on Zionists in general and Kenneth Katzman in particular ; – )
Mon. 12/3/12, 3-5 pm Central, American Freedom Radio (archived here.) First hour: What’s really going on in Egypt? Author-journalist and geopolitics expert Eric Walberg, who has lived mostly in Egypt during recent years, says Egypt’s 9/11 truther president Mohammed Morsi is “biting the bullet” and completing what I have called Egypt’s Islamic revolution – which is what the vast majority of Egyptians want. Takbir! I can just hear Henry Kissinger muttering under his breath: “I don’t see why we need to stand by and watch a country go Islamic because of the irresponsibility of its own people! The issues are…
FULL ARTICLEInterfaith dialogue with Pastor Eli James; Gordon Duff on “decapitation” coup plot
Wed. 11/28/12, 3-5 pm Central, American Freedom Radio (archived here.) First hour: Pastor Eli James of has some ideas that strike me as…well…downright bizarre. He’s “dedicated to the awakening of the Anglo-Saxon, Celtic and Caucasian peoples as the true and only descendants of the Twelve Tribes of Israel.” From where I sit, that sounds almost as crazy as sending Jews halfway around the world to commit genocide in Palestine. In both cases, it sounds like somebody’s crazy enough to imagine that God is a racist. In fact, God has repeatedly assured us that the only meaningful distinction between people…
FULL ARTICLEDid I just get a death threat live on Press TV?
Does Israel flack Kenneth Katzman’s demand that I be “taken off the air entirely, from every show, everywhere in the world” sound like a death threat? (How else could I possibly be removed from all of the hundreds of shows I guest on, as well as those I host?) I guess some people just can’t handle the truth. Read the article: A real Jew, a Zionist, and a truth jihadi walk into a bar Watch the video: Press TV video Israel Zionist state violates Jewish morality: Expert
FULL ARTICLEBusting Larry Silverstein and the Likudniks!
Fri. 11/2/12, 3-5 pm Central, American Freedom Radio (archived here.) Update: Former lead BBC Middle East correspondent and 9/11 truth supporter Alan Hart will join us during the last segment of the first hour to discuss his new article Remembering Abu Jihad and why, really, the Israelis killed him. * * * “Larry and the Likudniks” sounds like a zio-nazi skinhead punk rock band. Unfortunately, they’re not a punk band – they’re a band of 9/11 criminals and genocide perps. And just because these creeps call themselves Jewish, doesn’t mean that Jews in general support them. Polls show that Jews,…
FULL ARTICLEBulldozing Islam: Israelis and Saudis plot destruction of holy sites, while Burma’s Buddhists annihilate Muslim towns
“The Israelis are always whispering threats about nuking Mecca if the Muslims get out of hand. But the way things are going, the Saudis may beat them to it. By the time the Israelis get there with their bombs, there won’t be anything left to destroy.” Read the whole article at Press TV