Israeli PM Benyamin “Bibi” Netanyahu is suddenly embroiled in controversy – over the two biggest unsolved murder cases in American history. First, a cartoon in Haaretz, Israel’s liberal flagship newspaper, depicts Netanyahu as a kamikaze pilot flying a jetliner into the World Trade Center. Then Netanyahu, angered at being called a “chickenshit,” snarls out a threat to Obama referencing the famous Grassy Knoll from whence JFK’s brains were blown out. What’s up with that? Full article:
False Flag Weekly News: Truthers are the new terrorists!
Links to stories at:
FULL ARTICLEMy Fars News interview on cops killing black Americans
Farsi version: 1/As a 2nd black teenage in recent months is killed by a white police, what do you think of the respect for all colors in the US? Do you agree that a systematic racism still exists in the United States? While there is undoubtedly widespread systematic racism in the US today, there is also an economic factor behind the recent protests of police shootings in Missouri. The US economy no longer provides good jobs for working-class people, because elite decision-makers chose to outsource manufacturing to nations with cheaper labor. In America today, the rich are getting richer,…
FULL ARTICLEIran and the USA: A history of deceit
A review of Iran and the United States: An Insider’s View on the Failed Past and the Road to Peace by Seyed Hossein Mousavian “The most interesting aspect of Mousavian’s book is his suggestion that most if not all of the “Iranian terrorist attacks” that have wrecked US-Iran relations at critical junctures have been false flag operations…” Full article:
FULL ARTICLEKevin steals Vinnie Eastwood’s stuff!
Broadcast October 20th, 10-11:00 a.m. Central (1500 GMT) on, archived here. Note: subscribers can listen to shows on-demand before they are broadcast – and also get free downloads! If you are a subscriber, just log in to the members area of and go to the “Private Blog” to get early access to the shows. NZ radio legend Vinnie Eastwood‘s unique blend of conspiracy and comedy is so cool I decided to steal some of it for my own show. Recorded a couple of days ago, this segment features very special guests me and Jim Fetzer discussing Israel…
FULL ARTICLE28 pages that could change the Middle East
[Listen to my interview with Les Jamieson on the push to declassify the 28 pages] In 2002, George W. Bush’s Zionist speechwriter David Frum coined the term “axis of evil” – and applied it to Iraq, Iran, and North Korea. But today, if we were to nominate two Middle Eastern countries and one non-Middle Eastern country as the real axis of evil, it would be Israel, Saudi Arabia, and the USA. Those three countries have been spreading violence and destabilization throughout the Middle East and beyond. Unlike Frum’s trio, the Zio-Saudi-American axis really is an axis. And unlike Frum’s trio, it…
FULL ARTICLEFFWN: Ebola – what’s the REAL story?
Archive with story links:
FULL ARTICLE“Khorasan”: False Flag Terror Group or Muslim Liberation Army?
My first Fars News Agency op-ed. (I wonder how this quote reads in Persian?) “To appreciate the absurdity of the War on Terror in general, and such tragicomic episodes as the bombing of ‘Khorasan’ in particular, one needs an encyclopedic knowledge not only of Islamic history and eschatology, but also a certain familiarity with the strategic thought of such intellectual heavyweights as Sun Tzu, Machievelli, Père Ubu, Henry Kissinger, and Bugs Bunny.” Full article:
FULL ARTICLETehran truthfest panics Zionist thought police
The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) called it a “hatefest.” They were referring to the second annual New Horizon Conference in Tehran, which brought together dozens of the world’s most notable activists, scholars, pundits, filmmakers and writers – all of whom have contributed to dismantling or questioning hegemonic narratives peddled in mainstream Western institutions. Read the full article:
FULL ARTICLEFFWN: 9/11 perp Harari reported dead; US arms & trains ISIS to fight ISIS
US False Flags 1) 9/11 perp Mike Harari reported dead at 87 Former CIA: Sandy Hook and Boston bombing obvious false flags 3) Wolf and Fetz do Sandy Hook on “The Power Hour” Election Fraud in Scotland? 4) Proof Scottish vote was manipulated 5) No exit polls for Scottish referendum False Flag War on Iraq & Syria 6) US carrying out vast majority of air strikes in Syria 7) Weeks of U.S. Strikes Fail to Dislodge ISIS in Iraq 8) Israel shoots down Syrian jet over the Golan Heights 9) Syrian rebels…