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New York’s new 9/11 investigation could stop global holocaust

“Passivity in the face of impending armageddon is immoral – if not clinically insane. “Fortunately many people are sacrificing their time, energy and money to try to stop that runaway train, the Armageddon Express. Perhaps the most important group working to change history for the better, at this moment, is” Full story: 


Zio-Nazis run wild in Palestine

“Yesterday we learned that three Israeli suspects have confessed to burning to death Palestinian teenager Mohammed Abu Khdair. The killers even re-enacted their grisly deed for police. “The Western media is treating this incident as an isolated outrage. It is not. During the past 14 years, Israelis have murdered one Palestinian child every four days, on average…” Full story:   ISIL funded by US to break up region “The US has been used by the Zionists to create these divisions – sectarian divisions, ethnic divisions – in Middle Eastern countries in order to break them up.” Full story and…


Latest Snowden leak: Obama’s UNEDITED remarks to Netanyahu!

Note: Edward Snowden, using KGB supercomputers, has managed to hack in to the White House. On Wednesday Snowden leaked to VT a marked-up copy of President Obama’s remarks before Monday’s meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu. It is believed that the original text was written by Obama himself, who is known to loathe Netanyahu, after which it was edited by Obama’s Zionist handlers. The handlers crossed out much of Obama’s original text, and substituted their own words in boldface. “I’ve said before and I will repeat, we do not have a nastier and more vicious, devious, and downright odious closer…


Eva Bartlett on genocide in Gaza

  Broadcast Tuesday, Feb. 25th 10-11 a.m. Central (1500 GMT) on, archived here. Note: subscribers can listen to shows on-demand before they are broadcast – and also get free downloads! If you are a subscriber, just log in to the members area of and go to the “Private Blog” to get early access to the shows.  Eva Bartlett arrived in Gaza with the Freedom Flotilla in fall, 2008…just in time to experience Israel’s Operation Cast Lead with its white phosphorous downpours, bombings of schools, ambulances, food factories, mosques, water and electrical infrastructure, sewage and pumping stations…everything on…


Today’s Dynamic Duo News, featuring one-finger salute to the NSA

Iran has invited inspectors from the International Atomic energy agency to its Arak heavy water nuclear plant – the facility that Netanyahu and his Zionist agents in the US have been whining about the most. Next stop Dimona? The Israeli nuclear weapons facility at Dimona has never been inspected.  And this was a major issue between JFK and David Ben-Gurion, the first PM of Israel, because JFK opposed the development of nuclear weapons by Israel.  And the exchange between them can be found in “The JFK War: The disturbing case of Jim DiEugeio, LBJ and Israel” on Veterans Today Yet…


Did I just get a death threat live on Press TV?

Does Israel flack Kenneth Katzman’s demand that I be “taken off the air entirely, from every show, everywhere in the world” sound like a death threat? (How else could I possibly be removed from all of the hundreds of shows I guest on, as well as those I host?) I guess some people just can’t handle the truth. Read the article: A real Jew, a Zionist, and a truth jihadi walk into a bar Watch the video: Press TV video Israel Zionist state violates Jewish morality: Expert


Israel seeks expansion of Zionism in Middle East: Analyst

Watch the video – click here.   A political analyst says the main objective of the Israeli regime in attacking the besieged Gaza Strip is to destabilize the Middle East and ultimately prepare it for more Zionist expansion and domination. Full story:


Lyin’ for Zion: Pro-Israel media incites genocide British pro-Israel extremist Charlie Wolf thinks it’s “anti-Semitic” to ask any questions about 9/11.   Who’s afraid of the big bad Zionist, Charlie Wolf? Not me. I got into a little verbal tiff with Charlie on yesterday’s Press TV interview – watch the fireworks here. I’m a fair-minded, polite person. So normally I let people have their say, as my radio show fans know. But if the person I’m talking to is being a real asshole – like Sean Hannity, Juan Cole,  or Charlie Wolf – I’ll occasionally throw the rules out the window and fight no-holds-barred.Even though Charlie started…

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