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Maisoon Rice: Telling truths that even George Galloway can’t handle!

Broadcast August 15th, 10-11:00 a.m. Central (1500 GMT) on, archived here. Note: subscribers can listen to shows on-demand before they are broadcast – and also get free downloads! If you are a subscriber, just log in to the members area of and go to the “Private Blog” to get early access to the shows.  

Displaced Palestinian Maisoon Rice sends out the best available email digest of Palestine-related articles. She’s an outspoken truth-seeker – so outspoken that even George Galloway is afraid to let her call in to his show! Banned from George’s show, she’s a natural for Truth Jihad Radio. In this interview we discuss Zionist media domination and its talking points (“rockets, hamas, tunnels”); the hidden history of the New World Order satanists and pedophiles; Galloway’s 9/11 truth deficit; the use of the sacred holocaust narrative to legitimize genocide in Palestine; and much more.

2 Thoughts to “Maisoon Rice: Telling truths that even George Galloway can’t handle!”

  1. Maisoon Rice sends out the best available email digest of Palestine-related articles. Put me on the list please

  2. well I explained to Galloway during the 7/7 bmbings that these 'radicals' were manufactured in israel by his gov and the mi5/6 in afpak, and that we had foreknowledge of these attacks and were warning in paris and london, he shut the door… 9/11 for him is the work of …saudis… laugh people i m santa claus!

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