‘MH370 call exposing 9/11 cover-up?’ The claim that Barbara Olson called her Bush administration husband from hijacked Flight 77 is not just false; it is preposterous. And while you’re catching up on my recent articles… Syria False Flags Exposed – War is Over I just did two Syria interviews on Press TV. Together, I think they sum up one of the biggest stories of this strange new century. Reports: Idiot Jew-hater kills two Methodists and a Catholic in KCOne perfect PR incident like this is more persuasive than a million rational arguments. And the Zionists know it. Secular Anti-Humanists take…
FULL ARTICLETag: false flag
Andre Vltchek on “Ukraine: Lies and Realities”
Broadcast Wednesday, April 16th, 10-11:00 a.m. Central (1500 GMT) on NoLiesRadio.org, archived here. Note: TruthJihad.com subscribers can listen to shows on-demand before they are broadcast – and also get free downloads! If you are a subscriber, just log in to the members area of TruthJihad.com and go to the “Private Blog” to get early access to the shows. Russia-Ukraine border: One armored Ukrainian vehicle, but no sign of any Russian buildup (photo by Andre Vltchek) Truth Jihad Radio’s roving foreign correspondent Andre Vltchek just got back to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, from Ukraine, the subject of his terrific new article: Ukraine:…
FULL ARTICLESyria false flag and sarin deception
America’s leading mainstream investigative journalist, Seymour Hersh, has just published a second article in the London Review of Books exposing last August’s al-Ghouta chemical weapons attack as a false flag provocation… But now that Seymour Hersh has confirmed the obvious – that Assad didn’t do it, his enemies did – not a single Western government or major Western mainstream media outlet has called for the real perpetrators to be brought to justice. Apparently it’s okay to sneak into someone else’s country, mass-murder innocent people with WMD, and try to blame it on the president of the country. Full article:…
FULL ARTICLEChristopher Bollyn: Malaysian Flight 370’s evil twin still lurks in Tel Aviv!
The Israeli “evil twin” of Flight 370. The Malaysian logo was painted over, but the colors remain. Broadcast Monday, April 7th, 10-11:00 a.m. Central (1500 GMT) on NoLiesRadio.org, archived here. Note: TruthJihad.com subscribers can listen to shows on-demand before they are broadcast – and also get free downloads! If you are a subscriber, just log in to the members area of TruthJihad.com and go to the “Private Blog” to get early access to the shows. Has Christopher Bollyn‘s article Are the Israelis Planning Another 9-11 Using the Missing Boeing 777? stopped a big false flag? At the very least, Bollyn…
FULL ARTICLEDDWN: False-flags exposed; Putin laughs; Supreme Court abolishes democracy
False Flag News 1) ‘MH370: 9/11-style false flag gone awry?’ http://www.presstv.ir/detail/2014/03/31/356688/mh370-911-false-flag-gone-awry/ 2) Was Malaysian airlines a hoax? http://nodisinfo.com/fake-girlfriend-malaysian-airlines-hoax/ 3) Turkey shuts off YouTube after “Syria invasion plan” leak http://rt.com/news/turkey-block-youtube-twitter-649/ 4) False flag scandal rocks Turkey http://www.presstv.com/detail/2014/03/30/356552/false-flag-scandal-rocks-turkey/ 5) Obama promised to declassify joint 9/11 inquiry http://articles.philly.com/2014-03-30/business/48708504_1_osama-president-obama-law-firm 6) Canadian host trashes Richard Gage and 9/11 Truth http://truthandshadows.wordpress.com/2014/03/31/complaint-filed-cable-host-michael-coren-goes-from-ridiculing-911-truth-to-calling-it-anti-semitic-hate-speech/ Ukraine: WWIII? 7) Stopping Putin–The Military Option http://www.newsweek.com/stopping-putin-military-option-238783# 8) Putin laughs at idea missile shield built against Iran http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=ZjmiyOgO66g 9) Russian Senator seeks to strip Obama of Nobel Peace Prize http://rt.com/politics/obama-nobel-double-standards-813/ 10) No sign of buildup on Ukraine Border http://www.nbcnews.com/storyline/ukraine-crisis/tour-ukraine-russia-border-finds-no-signs-military-buildup-n67336 11) Germany opposes economic sanctions…
FULL ARTICLEFlight 93 wreckage found!
April 1, 2014 In a stunning discovery, a Junior Ranger at the Flight 93 National Memorial found the wreckage of Flight 93 in a thick grove of trees near the crater where the aircraft impacted the ground. While initially believing that the Boeing 757 buried itself under the soft ground in Shanksville Pennsylvania, the FBI is now saying that the plane bounced out of the shallow hole and into the trees. Cass Sunstein, the former Administrator of the White House Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs in the Obama administration, said, “we can finally put to rest the false conspiracy…
FULL ARTICLENY Times references Silverstein’s WTC demolition scam
The New York Times promises “all the news that’s fit to print.” Until now, the Times apparently believed the controlled demolitions of three World Trade Center skyscrapers on 9/11 was news that was unfit to print. But today, on April 1st, 2014, the Times has finally published an apparent reference to World Trade Center owner Larry Silverstein’s mother-of-all-insurance-scams. And no, that is not an April Fool’s joke. Full article: http://www.veteranstoday.com/2014/04/01/nytimes-larry/
FULL ARTICLERich McCampbell on New World Order conspiracy
Broadcast Wednesday, April 2nd, 10-11:00 a.m. Central (1500 GMT) on NoLiesRadio.org, archived here. Note: TruthJihad.com subscribers can listen to shows on-demand before they are broadcast – and also get free downloads! If you are a subscriber, just log in to the members area of TruthJihad.com and go to the “Private Blog” to get early access to the shows. Guest: Rich McCampbell, long time 9/11 truth activist. Rich, a Catholic, has been active in 9/11 truth interfaith dialogue efforts including the Muslim-Jewish-Christian Alliance. His research has led him to believe that 9/11 is one of many crimes by a shadowy group…
FULL ARTICLE‘MH370: 9/11-style false flag gone awry?’
Read the corrected transcript of my debate with Congressional Defense Policy Advisor and anti-conspiracy flack Frederick Peterson on Press TV: http://www.veteranstoday.com/2014/03/31/mh370-2/ Watch the debate: http://www.presstv.ir/detail/2014/03/31/356688/mh370-911-false-flag-gone-awry/
FULL ARTICLERumy Hasan on “Islamism vs. Zionism”
Broadcast Tuesday, April 1st, 10-11:00 a.m. Central (1500 GMT) on NoLiesRadio.org, archived here. Note: TruthJihad.com subscribers can listen to shows on-demand before they are broadcast – and also get free downloads! If you are a subscriber, just log in to the members area of TruthJihad.com and go to the “Private Blog” to get early access to the shows. Guest: Rumy Hasan, author of the groundbreaking new book Dangerous Liasons: The Clash Between Islamism and Zionism. A Senior Lecturer at SPRU, University of Sussex (UK), Rumy Hasan argues that the Zionist colonization of Palestine has provoked an Islamist reaction that in…